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Remo Chemo in DWC


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PH drop is normal in flower, EC dropping just means they are drinking the nutrients.:yep:

Do you have an air stone in the top off res? Just thinking your nutrients might have been settling at the bottom of the res giving you a lower reading. 

I usually stop feeding silicone after the stretch has stopped in flower:yes:

Usually as your water levels drop so does your ph because the nutrient solution becomes more concentrated and acidic but I don't think you would have this problem with a top off res. 


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This is my header pot.....I only have the spray bar in this at the moment.....the four totes inside have a medo L45 running 2.5 meters of leaky pipe each.

Also (only in the pots) I have a Hailea V10 running a 20mm x 150mm airstone in each.


I only use neat water(little H2O2) in the top up res (float valve controlled) but this has a powerhead in it to keep the water moving.


The undercurrent is provided by 2400 litre pump that has been restricted a fraction by the filter/tap combo but still creates a lovely flume effect between pots.



The pipe you see goes to the chiller and returns through the spray bar.

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I have dropped the silicon right back to a splash (20ml in 120litres)




The most sneaky water change I have done to date......was even talking to the neighbour whilst doing it.....radio was so loud he didnt even notice (and believe me he would have said something had he noticed).


We had the 'conversation' when i first got back from prison.....I misunderstood him and thought he was threatening me with po po cause the cheese I was smoking at the time was hanging with a capital H :toot:


I had to inform said neighbour I had just been released for ABH not weed and threatening me whilst on tag is not your best idea.


Whilst I respect his right to not have to smell honking skunk in his house...he didnt make that bit clear and seamed intent on threatening me.


We have cleared the air now and I dont blaze stinking weed in the back garden and keep it on the down low (out of mutual respect)......He is now sound as pound and gently reminds me if its getting a bit much.....which I respect and blaze in me space instead. (we all gotta live together)


He chilled right out about it once I was diagnosed with potentially terminal cancer. 


Im just doing the EC and PH hourly dance......until I hit 1.4 and 5.8 and then Im going to terrorise some fish :fish: 



Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship - Buddha



Much love to you and yours







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The new mix is much more like it.....come in at 1.3 and 6.9.


Thank Jah Jah....Just to add to my joy my neighbour has started some woodwork project and is filling the air with lovely cover noises.


Meant I could open every window without worrying about the noise of the system....got the temps right back down under 30.....bless him :thumsup: love you unknowing neighbour.


Just get that PH down and Im out for a mackerel bash........TIGHT LINES :thumsup::fish::thumsup:

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4 hours ago, zen-ken said:

Meant I could open every window without worrying about the noise of the system....got the temps right back down under 30.....bless him :thumsup: love you unknowing neighbour.



Ah the benefited of having a good neighbour lol


It's allowed you to get those windows open, fresh air in which should help maintain those temps  ;)


So glad you've got the e.c back in range, your ph is still a little high let's try to get this down a few points  ;)


Thanks for the update on this lovely sunny day ;)


All the best 



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19 hours ago, Crentz said:

Sounds like you have the system spot on mate:yep:


He dies sound to have it running well just need to get that ph down slightly  ;)


Thanks for dropping in brother @Crentz;)


All the best 



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Holding nicely at 1.4EC and 5.8 PH since yesterday.....so leaving it alone today


Res seems to be dropping nicely 



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I definitely have three different phenos ........A bubba kush, two crosses the same and a stretchy old girl that I still think will come good



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I cant get me head round this.....never used silicon as PH up before......its confusing the fuck out of me.


They must be eating it.....the EC dropped a touch (1.3) and the PH dropped to 5 !!!!


The silicon is the PH up variable so must be being removed from the mix to produce the PH fall ??????


Normally (for me) if EC goes up the PH goes down...they come hand in hand (I flush a little)


If EC goes down the PH has risen JOY.....and I increase the EC accordingly and reset the PH.


I am now convinced that this PM DWC has not got the right NPK levels for my stage of growth and is stripping the Potassium from the silicon. 

(i probably unbalanced this with my fuck ups and problems) 


Hence ec and ph drops..... @Crentz i know you say this is normal in flower (you know your craft) but in my decades of doing this I have never had it happen this way round before.

(using PM for the first time may account for this ?)

I had a look round the space as Im sure I had leak....no...the bitches drank 1/4 of the res yesterday (25 litres nearly :thumsup:)


Im going to ignore the PH drops and keep putting the silicon in to bring it back to 5.8....either this or the next time I pass the grow shop I will get some normal PH up and see if they can move that lol lol (the silicon increases the EC too much for my liking for how much it raises the PH at this most crucial stage)


Peace and love guys 






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Gonna treat all you guys to another pic.....so you can see what your advice is achieving :thumsup::thumsup: 


Its helping me a LOT......since the chemo my brain just aint as quick as it was and I get confused easily now with the meds they give me.


Peace and much love to you and yours 





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 You don't want to keep adding silicone to up the ph mate, that's not gonna help. Adding too much will cause further issues. 

I would not be using silicone at all at this stage to be honest, but I know some people  do. I would not be using cal mag either at this point, unless they show some deficiency.

How are your roots looking?

are they still healthy looking mate. 

If so, I would drop the feed to 1.2ec and see if the ph stabilises. If its dropping that much its usually due to over feed in my experience.


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gonna try and get you some shots @badbillybob but they will be under the HPS.......


not brave enough to remove the HPS at the moment after what I did last time lol you can see where I fell now as my 'bowl' is decidedly one sided lollol


The bluelab mistake would have meant I was running a stupid high EC so you must be on the right track billybob. (will get 'normal' PH up asap)


Give me a few minutes......I will return.


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Silicon is normally only used for the growth phase mate @zen-ken, just because it sits at around 7 PH doesn't mean it has a good buffer tolerance:yes:

It's like comparing RO water to city water to well water, well water can take up to 3 times more ph up/down than RO water because it has a higher buffering tolerance. :yep:

Also the order in which you add the silicon can have a big effect on what happens in your res, adding it in the wrong order can cause your nutrients to precipitate and cause order problems. 

I only use Regular RO water as a ph up if I can. 

If you get your system really dialled in with regards to nutrients then you can get the EC to level off while the water level drops or the EC to slightly decrease as the water level drops;)

A rise in EC with water levels dropping means the plants are taking up more water than nutrients so the EC is too high to start with. 

With PH I have always gotten a drop in flower, some grows the ph drop is worse than others for some unknown reason:mellow:

If your getting serious amounts of ph drop then check your roots and make sure they are healthy with no slime on them:yes:


I know you know all this already mate but we are all stoners and forget things:thumsup:

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This is why I came back to this site.....thank you guys.


The pics aint great but ill put them up anyway......one seems to have a little slime on it....just started...and this is the one furthest on......the others haven't got a brown pistil in sight yet or any root problems...


This is why im going back to clone runs until I can get my brain working again...trying to find the middle ground for all of them at their different stages is doing my nut in.


Normally im always on the EC dropping ever so slightly side (say over 48 hrs) due to the neat water res.....but im all over the place this time.


Its new water for me here, new nutes and a new strain......then I fucked about with the system mid flow.....the base EC has jumped from 0.0 to 0.2 as well (summers coming lol)


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