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Zapain - Side Effects


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@stu914 Kind of goes to show how we all react different really. I don't ever get the kind of stuff your Mrs is getting and have taken codeine many many times and been fine afterwards. I have absolutely no problem with codeine and I've taken it lots and lots of times, for toothache only though lol, I'm a right toothache sufferer, like now. I got a deep-ass filling yesterday and the dentist said to get some over the counter painkillers as it will be sore and maybe hurt for a few days (yeah whatever, I won't be going to any shop for pointless painkillers lol especially with the pain I'm in).


I'm finding myself doing a CWE with 5 x 500/30's now as my tolerance has shot up (which is a bastard with this drug). I have CBD oil but it does nothing really for toothache. It's much more for neurological conditions imho like M.S and epilepsy. A proper physical injury etc I think is when thc comes into it really, just to get high and ignore the pain basically. I believe a 1:1 would be about right for your Mrs mate but same as me I can only grow a few plants and can't afford to turn a whole plant into an extract.


I'm not surprised though at all she's going through these spells/side effects/withdrawals and I bet they're not that uncommon even in short use. I know they're very common in people who are addicted to them, but your Mrs doesn't sound physically addicted though. Guess she could just be psychologically addicted? You'd soon know about the physical withdrawal mate, I haven't learnt the hard way but it doesn't look very nice.

Edited by Conspiranought
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Hey stu sorry to hear about your other half’s issues. Painkillers have been a double edged sword in my life. Slaying pain but making war with my soul. I fucked off the co-cocodamol and opted for straight codeine. Which helped pain more but aided in abuse. The stuff is so fucking addictive and a real nightmare to come off of. Sounds like it’s early days for your other half and the painkiller bandwagon. Even though they have their uses imo theirs too many negatives for long term use. But some of us have no choice.  Cbd is awesome stuff but from my experience, works better with a little thc. I got some seeds from joolz ages ago, the strain was called Candida. At the time there was no info online about it, since then it has started to be sold under the company medical marijuana genetics and I can seriously vouch for it. It is very very effective for pain and relaxation. It’s advertised as 20%cbd <1%  thc which I think is pretty close. Just made some cakes with a bit of trim I found and they are awesome! It makes painkillers more effective so you can take less which is an obvious bonus with that shit.

All the best C 

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Probably not what your after mate but my missus suffers from fybro and a whole host of other things. she has stopped taking the cocodamol and now on slow release morphine patches after the sickness coming off the codine and starting the butec patches there called she is able to do more and generally better than before and it is quite a few less pills a day to take as the patches last a week and are just plasters with it in 

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I was thinking along the same lines about adding a smidge of THC but was going to suggest he made a tincture with some of his weed and add it to or take alongside the CBD oil

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Great post buddy thanks....:yep:....I'll look into Candida and Dinafem are talking about a Dinamed auto coming out this year which sounds interesting.


She's now two weeks on CBD, one dose per day, and reports the pain this morning on a scale of one to five is right down at one.........


Being generally anti drugs (unless they're given to her by the doc) it's difficult to persuade her to try anything which I might produce, but we're getting there


and your post just reinforces what I've been telling her all along.......


She's still on half dose zapain ( 4 per day) and although I've tried to get her to taper slowly, she won't move from there until she sees the doc again next week.


All in all things seem to be improving.....fingers crossed.......






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I’ve found the Cbd brothers strongest indica cbd oil very helpfull but I appreciate it’s expensive and Everyone s different

hope your wife finds relief 

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I've stopped taking them now lol  Had constipation for days and my teeth pain isn't as bad now. Got some xanax for a good sleep tonight lol I've made a head start with them already, feel nice lol .


I'm taking blue edition cbd oil a few drops at night and morning and a bit of the purple paste at night time. I notice a difference but I think I will only be able to tell until another week or so yet. When you do it while pretty stoned it alters the effects so must do at least something when not stoned. Just done a big big blob worth size of the purple extra edition paste about .3ml. I'l report back :) going to bed now.

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Couple of ideas, most of which reflect what's already been said...


The IP CBD @botanics mentioned sounds promising... I wonder if you can get someone to look after a cutting of your favorite, ongoing grow - would be great if someone was able to return your generosity. Then, like you say, a staggered grow might sort things out... I fancy this IP CBD myself after reading a few very positive reviews of its effects.


@Phoenix mention of coffee (yogurt works very well using a similar technique) and edibles, I was reminded of the all over relaxation and body buzz I used to get with that - no idea if it will help out - take a bit of getting used to the heady side of it though.


For the coffee - I used a good chunk (1/4" slice) of butter, melted, a good joint or so worth of hash (I dunno if decarb'd weed woudl do the same) in a pot with enough water and milk for a coffee, heat that through for five minutes or so - lovely!! I used to use olive oil for the yogurt - mullar full fat works best as I recall - take a big spoon, joint or so worth in it, fill with olive oil and heat gently for a few mins - with hash you could see it break down and melt through the oil - just stir that into a yogurt pot - the jammy corner might help with the 'acquired' taste. I think they both worked much the same... generally leaving my body very functional but with a lovely marshmallow feel to it.


Hope you find something that works...

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @stu914,


A slightly old post so I realise things might have changed but may I ask if your Mrs is still using the Love CBD stuff? My uncle is currently buying this stuff for his Parkinsons' (he can't grow and I'm unable to do so for him) so I'm trying to check out it's authenticity knowing how much snake oil there is out there.


If there are any other better, more recent alternatives (obviously the law has changed since that post so things may have changed) that anyone knows of then I would be grateful if you could let me know.


Thanks in advance.




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14 hours ago, mrrichiet said:

let me know


Hi bud, she hasn't used it for a long time, claims it does very little...bit of a minefield with all the bandwagon jumpers, tough to make an informed decision

I'm growing a couple of balanced cbd/thc plants to make into medicine, nature is giving me a bashing atm so it will be a while,

got to be better than any legal snakeoil currently be sold though...



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25 minutes ago, Jimboo said:

@stu914   whats up mate having temp problems?


Nah, just life getting in the way mate...back on track now though albeit a few weeks wasted...



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23 minutes ago, stu914 said:


Nah, just life getting in the way mate...back on track now though albeit a few weeks wasted...



thought you were having the same problems as myself after switching to LED no heat in the grow cupboard after struggling to keep it cool with the HPS

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One of the many wars I want to wage is for the automatic prescription of movicol (helps y'shit) with this stuff. Fucking GP's, pre-empt you motherfuckers. It's an easy win when it comes to patient well being.


Forgive my replying to a thread title.


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