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Zapain - Side Effects


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Pretty much at my wits end with this stuff...........


My partner has osteoarthritis and mild MS which, between the two of them, is giving her pain in the hips and making walking difficult.

She has been to the doc and was prescribed zapain......


This stuff is screwing her up with various side effects including depression, irritability and chronic constipation, what's more it doesn't seem to be doing much on the pain front.

About three days ago she stopped taking it, this morning she was feeling nauseous, dizzy and irritable but almost pain free, but because of these side effects, started taking them again.

I've tried to explain that codiene is an opiate and those feelings are probably withdrawal symptoms caused by the zapain, the constipation has also eased since she stopped using.


I'm not in a position to make cbd oil so bought some premium quality online to see if that would help, she's been dosing once a day for the last week.

I'm a great believer in the benefits of cbd, and for her to be almost pain free today would appear to bear out my theory that the only thing doing her any good is the oil.


I'd welcome any and all input on this please guys, especially anyone benefitting from using oil as opposed to painkillers, or had withdrawal symptoms from opiates.


Many Thanks


stu  :oldtoker:











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I,m interested in the oil mate, How did you decide on the brand? I was just going to buy mine from Holland and Barrett.I was on those 30/500's waste of time for my pain 10 tablets a day were replaced with just 1 50mg Tramadol for better effect

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That definitely sounds like codeine withdrawal symptoms. I use zapain( co-codamol) for occasional back pain, but never for more than a couple of days.

The zapain is doing nothing for the underlying condition, so if something else works for the pain I would say crack on with it

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could you make some oil from your regular weed? Would that work out?

Kill a bit of the pain and make her happier? Maybe too happy?

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8 minutes ago, Jimboo said:

How did you decide on the brand?


Hi Jim, did some research and just took a punt on what looked to be a decent middle range one.......


It's from a company called " Love CBD " ( not to be confused with " LoveHemp " ) and it's their " Entourage Oil "


Seemed to be the most suitable and a bit on the pricey side but if it's doing the job.......:yep:


1 minute ago, Hugh Jass said:

could you make some oil from your regular weed? Would that work out?


I can only grow between 3 -4 oz at a time, nowhere near enough to make sufficient oil.

Plus I grow high THC strains which aren't really suitable as the CBD content is very low.

I have tried her on the vape but it just gave her a headache.....


Cheers Hugh

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ta Stu You know how reluctant I am to part with cash lol ,To be 100% honest mate I am buying this to prove to myself it doesn't work for me I've had so many people family, friends, strangers tell me how good this is for pain I have to try it,  and I thought for the sake of £20 I will give it a go I think the H&B one is 250Mg

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 I had lined up CBD Bros Blue (*1.3g for £47) and Sensi Seeds CBD oil (*0.5g + extras for £25) to buy before xmas as the most promising and good value sources of cbd oil for the money.  If it wasn't for the disturbing 20%+ jump in price just before xmas from CBD bros I would have pulled the trigger.


* amounts\prices from memory

Edited by Bird
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I've just received some CBD oil from CBD Brothers its cost me about £60 so far so good. (Purple Edition)

To be honest i dont look at pure CBD as a pain killer more as a preventative.

For pain relief Effects i find you need both THC and CBD  (i am using for Chrohns)

I've grown out quite a few of the Dinafem CBD autos they seem to provide a nice balance of pain relief without it being to uncomfortable to non regular smokers.(Tried on my old dear with fibromyagia)she was prescribed zapain she found the 2:1 strains ok.

the CBD oil alone I'm finding as a very subtle effect I'm finding it anti anxiety, i feel more relaxed on it and its lessened the chances of feeling bad to begin with  but not much good if i already feel bad it that makes sense.

Hope you find something that works for you and yours


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1 hour ago, Jimboo said:

for the sake of £20 I will give it a go I think the H&B one is 250Mg


It comes in all different strengths and dilutions, I suppose the cheaper it is, the weaker the solution.

This one is somewhere around the middle......anything's worth a try, bud, go for it.......:yep:  

(fecking tightwad!!...cost me £42........:rofl:.....)

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The only thing I can say is grow some CBD plants but with a small space myself I know it's not easy and you grow less than I...the IP CBD I grew out worked wonders for my missus though tbh and it knocks you out too :v:

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17 minutes ago, botanics said:

IP CBD I grew out worked wonders for my missus


What's that ?......


Just thinking, if I can get a high cbd auto (dinafem is talking about a Dinamed auto this year) which finishes in a reasonable time,

I should be able to stagger crops so every other one is a cbd, I've even considered maybe mixing my own with store bought cbd oil to make it last longer,

might even improve it with the addition of a little THC.......:yes:  :eek:


1 hour ago, BarrySHitPeas said:

CBD Brothers


Cheers Barry, I did come across these people when I was doing research, I'll give them another look.........:yep:

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It's Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD Stu and is an auto...puts out a proper show of bud too...pics in gallery and documented in the Dinafem forum (2016 diaries) :yep:  Good smoke it is bud ;)

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I received some the other day from cbdbrothers. I got some purple edition whole extract paste and a 30ml bottle of blue edition oil (don't get confused with their cbd percentages on the bottled tinctures though). I also got some of that stuff from Holland and Barrett and tbh it works but it's not that good imo.


These oils/tinctures are quite a poor example of cbd really but do work to some extent. At cbdbrothers they use whole cannabis extract mixed with hemp oil, whereas the stuff from Holland and Barrett is Just made from hemp only so it's a bit better and higher percentage of cbd than H&B one.


My brother has depression and self medicates with cocodamol 500/30 ones, so are the same ones and usually zapain or kapake or solpadol I think. Not for any physical pain he just takes them for the codeine feeling. He's not the same when he hasn't got any, says he's just ill with a stomach bug, whatever. It's the withdrawals I'm not stupid. I've got toothache as we speak and could probably easily get some off him but tbh I'll just leave him to keep them all, trust me he turns to shit when he runs out of them. They can be handy temporarily for pain but I can defo see how they can be addictive psychologically before even getting physically addicted to them first.



Sorry for the novel, hope you find a solution without opiates mate.

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My dirtbox has never been the same since codeine and tramadol...the years of straining on the bog to birth a bunch of non malleable supersized logs once a week or two means my stomachs now like a yoyo and I spend as much time wiping away blood than the shit itself when I go!


Opiods are shite! 

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