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Before I see GP again. Advice please


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Hi all,

Have had a long absence after having to give up cannabis.

Forced to listen to body, mind and brain. It was no longer helping me medicinally

Haven't slept hardly for over two years now and have had seizure, type episodes that were mostly happening when I did manage to catch some sleep. Woken up with them, or happening late at night before trying to sleep.

Stress, photosensitivity, overstimulation and heavy fatigue all have contributed, going on what I can determine.

Was prescribed zopiclone by GP in the hope it would get me back into the habit of sleeping, so far it's not agreeing with me. Was told my headaches should improve too. They haven't, headaches still there, but more localised, pain behind eyes, nerve pain, chest pain and upset guts more so than usual, raised eye pressure and problems with ringing, buzzing and odd noises deep inside ears/head.

Did manage a bit of sleep, up to a whole 3 hours on one or two occasions, however the payoff isn't worth it in my opinion

At a loss as to where to go with meds as most either don't work or cause added health problems.

Anyone on epilepsy meds or even a safe anti anxiety med? 

Would appreciate any advice before heading back out to GP



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Not tried edibles

I don't yet fully know where I am with health.

Have had symptoms of PD for years which have really ramped up lately.

I know certain strains ratios of CBD to THC might help, but not prepared as of yet to experiment. Think the weed I used to have was too high in THC, but equally high CBD strain was leaving me flat depressed, although it could be put down to the illness.

It's like there's a block in my brain on everything that used to help, or anything I derived any pleasure from. Having to find new, healthier ways of hitting that reward system.

Smoking was just making me sicker, so was forced to quit. Still have small amount of nicotine every now and then 6mg vaped e-cig which as far as I can tell is not doing me any harm 

The one thing I have noted that has helped was a low dose of valium. Helped alleviate pain, anxiety and aided sleep. Have only tried this twice, but know the dangers of it being addictive and would have to admit to being a naughty girl and getting it 'off prescription' 


Edited by Dizzy1
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Valium does work but I wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole. Then again, there's a history of addiction in my family, so I stay away from pretty much all drugs except baccy and weed (baccy less and less)

You can get CBD drops for under the tongue, you can even get CBD creams and moisturizers for muscle pain. I think you can get CBD capsules now too, I saw some for sale in a shop over here & they had various types for various issues (CBD + other natural herbs) such as CBD + Valarian to help with sleep etc. You should check it out.

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48 minutes ago, Dizzy1 said:


The one thing I have noted that has helped was a low dose of valium. Helped alleviate pain, anxiety and aided sleep. Have only tried this twice, but know the dangers of it being addictive


I would seriously advise against using it for more than a few days MAX! I had a big problem with benzos the year before last and when they say it`s addictive, it`s a strange addiction, you don`t crave it like most drugs ime, but boy do you feel the withdrawals, they are absolutely horrendous and the problem can persist for a long time once it`s got it`s claws in. I had to go to a detox clinic for two weeks then taper off for 6 months. I was foolish for buying "research benzos" only used one tablet a day thinking that was controllable, it wasn`t.


Sorry for the long post, but I feel benzos are the worst of all pharma drugs if used for more than a week. I will never ever touch them again. 


Glad to see you back though Dizzy, and I hope you can get to the bottom of what ails you :)  

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What are you eating habits if you dont mind me asking? Drugs are not the answer I'm not trying to patronize but as ratdog has mentioned theyre not to be messed with and that goes for most of what the doctors /pushers sign you up for 


Removing all toxins from the diet and some gentle exercise goes a LONG way in getting a good night's rest 


Ashwagandha too for sleep and help with fatigue. 


Nothing worse than not getting adequate sleep. Literally sends you round the bend.


Hope you feel better soon 


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Can you grow multiple strains?

Find one that makes you sleepy, have an edible, run a bath and put some chill out music on, light a doobie.

By the time thge edible kicks in and the doobie has been smoked you should be nice and relaxed in the bath and then it is time for bed?


Valium is a pleasant drug but should be treated with respect. it is great for a one off but should not be taken on a regular basis as it can be habit forming and your tolerance will go up as well.


Have you tried Ambien? Ask your doctor for it, it is similar to the zopiclone.



Have you tried going for a walk after dinner? No tea or coffee after 7pm?

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I don't think I'd say ambien is like zopiclone really tbh, both aren't benzos and both are sedatives for night really but ambien is miles miles more dangerous, and zopiclone comes with metal mouth. Clonazepam is what is mostly prescribed for seizures if you're to take a benzo regularly as a general preventative and valium is more of a rescue med. I take a standalone epilepsy med (lamictal) and clonazepam, both for epilepsy though not anxiety. Clonazepam is given for sleep and anxiety as well but I don't take it for that. 


It takes more than one seizure to be diagnosed, anyone can have a seizure if you put your body through enough stress, physically and mentally, head injuries, other drug withdrawal etc. 

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High there @Dizzy1 


As gb says eatables will help you sleep. 


All these pills the pushers give out might help you, but I choose to believe that they will just contaminate your systems, not allowing your own functions to function how they should.


How are you with going out, is there any green areas near you, I have a lot of trouble moving about, but I find great relief getting a lift to a wooded area and just sitting on a bench looking and listening, compleaty switched off, Better than any pharma pish.


Hope you get your self sorted out dizzy, take care.Jj:yinyang:

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1 hour ago, Conspiranought said:

I don't think I'd say ambien is like zopiclone really tbh, both aren't benzos and both are sedatives for night really but ambien is miles miles more dangerous, and zopiclone comes with metal mouth. Clonazepam is what is mostly prescribed for seizures if you're to take a benzo regularly as a general preventative and valium is more of a rescue med. I take a standalone epilepsy med (lamictal) and clonazepam, both for epilepsy though not anxiety. Clonazepam is given for sleep and anxiety as well but I don't take it for that. 


It takes more than one seizure to be diagnosed, anyone can have a seizure if you put your body through enough stress, physically and mentally, head injuries, other drug withdrawal etc. 


Hmm I'm not 100% certain without checking but iirc I think yr getting ambien and zopiclone mixed up there.. Yr correct that neither belong to the benzo class and about the metallic after taste.


But I'm sure I read the ld50 for ambien is huge like around 1000(ish)mg.. So a guaranteed  fatal dose would be 2000mg.

Zopiclone can and has killed at doses as low as 60mg.  Its actually one of the fastest rising popular suicide drugs.

A lesser publicised side effect of zopiclone but worthy of note...

Even when only used short term at therapeutic dose levels as few as 18 doses over a 12month period has been shown to cause around a 3.6x rise in mortality rates among susceptible individuals.  That rises exponentially for long term high dose users...


I'll try and find the source articles, it wasn't that long ago I read them..


Apologises if I've misremembered but I'm pretty sure that was the gist.

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45 minutes ago, Dodgee said:


Hmm I'm not 100% certain without checking but iirc I think yr getting ambien and zopiclone mixed up there.. Yr correct that neither belong to the benzo class and about the metallic after taste.


But I'm sure I read the ld50 for ambien is huge like around 1000(ish)mg.. So a guaranteed  fatal dose would be 2000mg.

Zopiclone can and has killed at doses as low as 60mg.  Its actually one of the fastest rising popular suicide drugs.

A lesser publicised side effect of zopiclone but worthy of note...

Even when only used short term at therapeutic dose levels as few as 18 doses over a 12month period has been shown to cause around a 3.6x rise in mortality rates among susceptible individuals.  That rises exponentially for long term high dose users...


I'll try and find the source articles, it wasn't that long ago I read them..


Apologises if I've misremembered but I'm pretty sure that was the gist.

In the overdose department they're uite safe really unless mixed with other drugs. I know by experience ambien can be more dangerous than zopiclone in some ways though. I've sleep walked and cooked food while on it and woken up with lots of food wrappers just tossed next to my bed lol .

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I almost don't want to be this guy...but I to write anything else would be a lie. I have a couple of neurological conditions, one of which fucks my sleeps - and I've used about every drug (both legal and illegal) to try and 'beat it'.....but...on only focusing on what worked the best with the least negative side effects?


Yoga and exercise


Am I cured? Hell no. But I'm a lot more able to deal with it, it doesn't drag me down as much.... I didn't feel like it when I began, all that, and don't always now - but waiting for motivation has never worked for me. Some things just work, and a combination of proper breathing, a good stretch and getting out of breath often has had the most 'bang for the buck'.


And to back up what other have said, watch the benzos. They damn moreish.



And zopiclone doesn't work if you take it everyday. Infact, it becomes counter -productive. Most I'd recommend is about 10 times a month, not consecutively, if you can, but it's best viewed as an aid rather than a cure. I kinda take it for the buzz more than anything, but that's me.


Also, with things like this - and GP's being what they are - a specialist (neurologist) would be more help. Ask for a referral. Pester if need be.

Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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Thank you for your help and advices so far.

I will report back after I've been outdoors for a little while.

Will try and clarify without writing a novel and boring the pants off you all!

Will catch up later, all being well, if I'm not distracted! Haha.

All the best, warriors/survivors.

Keep up the good fight


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  • 1 year later...

No need to apologise @Era

Thanks for the link. Appreciate it. It looks interesting

I'm not holding out much y hope with cannabis being offered on prescription, at least not in the form I know usually helps with the majority of my symptoms. Will keep on doing my own thing in the meantime


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