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Amherst Sour Diesel and Mango Sapphire


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hey 420,

Seeing as I already have 3 diaries rolling I thought it'd be a good idea to start another as I have at least 12 seconds a day free at the moment lol

So here I am kicking of this diary with two of Humboldts finest strains - Amherst Sour Diesel and Mango Sapphire.

I have to start with a bit of a negative in so far as through my own miscalculations and a broken veg tent/box both strains have ended up being flowered from seed. That's something I've never done before so I'm trying to deal with it and do the best I can by them to maximise yield but not over quality as always for me.

Let's get on with it shall we.

I germed three of each strain and all but one Amherst came out kicking and screaming,the sad little Amherst put up a stem and pretended to be happy before it whispered "meh" and promptly died.


One little Mango....




One little Amherst...



My germination method is complicated to explain but simple to do so I'm putting a tutorial together that I can link to in my diaries, but here they are ready to go....





Once cracked they all went into 4 inch pots of Goodwins Multi Purpose Compost, ive found it to be a really nice enviroment for my sprouts and is really airy.It is excellent at watering time as it does not compact,this is it.....



That was warmed and fed lightly with some Orkney Pressed Seaweed and .5ml Fishmix.It introduces some goodness to help those young roots feel at home and push out, they all broke ground on October 23rd give or take a few hours.....




a few days on,a couple of them rolling along smoothly.....




They ended up going in to the flowering tent on the 16th of November as a temporary fix but I was unable to get another tent in the end and they started flowering well.

Here they are happily flowering 14 days later,Amherst first and notice the really early Trichome development but very small stature ...





and the Mango Sapphire that doesn't seem to bothered about the early flower,just really wish I could have vegged and trained them both,oh well.......



My plan was to use wicks as I've done for a while now and I even designed and built a circulating water system to do it this run but there seems little point in disturbing them and fitting normal wicks now they're well into flower.


However,I need to test it long term so I've decided to run 3 wicks up the outside of each pot and onto the pot surface,this can easily be adjusted.

Obviously If left to do its thing the capillary action will continually dump to much H2O up and into the pot. If fitted normally, wicks bottom upwards, the capillary action is paused if theres not much being taken up by the roots that stops the pot becoming sodden.

The system is basically two U circuits made out of guttering fitted onto a base and fed by a submersible,adjustable pump that runs from 200 to 3000 litres an hour out of an 80 litre tank. I don't have a pic of it properly set up as yet but here are the two circuits I built from Wickes branded guttering......




I'll be doing a proper run through/build separately in the new year but all in the whole system cost £35.

So today being the 17th December the plants are on flowering day 28 and here are a couple of shots.....




















As you can see I have plenty of flowering action going on but I'm assuming you've noticed the issue with the dwarf Amherst Sour Diesel's.



They just didn't stretch one bit but have put all of the effort so far into Trichome production and they smell like they should.

Sadly I think it's down to flowering from seed and that's really pissed me of a bit as I am a big fan of the Amherst having done it before, grown well it is an absolute destroyer of any tolerance you think you have and delivers flavour by the barrel load as you can tell by the crystal action on them already.

@HSO-Mark I'd love to do another run of them at some point as I don't feel I've done them justice at all, out of the 5 strains that went in early they were the only ones so visibly affected by the early flowering,I'd also do a headband run if they're stiĺl being a little stubborn at germination, I sense a possible theme developing where I end up testing problem beans and my own sanity over and over lollol

That's that for another diary kicking of and it should help to keep me busy over the festive period whilst ignoring over excited,over fed, tired and bored children.


(Im hoping Santa brings me a new veg tent for Xmas but Mrs Santa's blown the budget on kid shit,they only need an orange and a pack of dominoes as far as I'm concerned lol)

Take care all and have a great Sunday,back for an update soon.

Edited by Badbadger
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I've flowered a fair few from seed mate and I put them in the largest pot I have available.I have found,like with autos,that the small pot affects the overall size of the plant.

Edited by Tete
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Great to see another  @Badbadger grow diary up and running and this one is very interesting indeed  :yep:


Usually we get a decent veg time so with these literally being germinated then flowered will be interesting to see what you actually pull come harvest  :bong:


They do look to be budding up well and will be following this grow to see how things turn out :)


Thank you again for getting your HSO diary up and running on the UK420 platform. I know you have a lot on so thanks for using your spare time on this diary  :yep:


Will be back in on the next update mate  :bong:


Kind regards 



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  • 4 weeks later...

@HSO-Mark Hi mate, I think you know how much I've cocked this grow up already!


Nothing's gone well, I've made a few mistakes that have resulted in all the Amherst Sour Diesel being tiny but plastered with Trichomes, and all of the Mango Sapphire have also stunted in some way, either tall and airy, straggly, or short and skinny.


I've already chopped the Amherst and sadly I think the Mangos will be down this week, as it's just not worth persevering with. I will still photograph and do a final update with lessons learnt.


I hate wasting the life I give to every seed. I respect the little bit of power we have over some of natures oldest living things. Through evolution Cannabis has been around as a specified species for over 6,000,000 years at least, and I for one hate bringing an early death to anything that's been around at least as long as we've been walking on two legs for.


As much as its ego bashing, and a little embarrassing. Theres no point anyone hiding away from declaring grow failures, theyre equally as valuable for knowledge as successful grows are, maybe more so, and that piece of information may be crucial to someone else saving a whole, maybe very important,medical grow.


Having won some new HSO strains in the photos comp last week, I took the decision to finish this diary over the weekend.


I'll do the finishing update this week and start planning for the new strains diary.


Apologies to you Mark, and of course to Humboldt themselves.





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@Badbadger dont be to hard on yourself brother happens to us all. give them a try you can always run them again. you are a great growers and do some of the best diaries on uk420. keep your chin up bro we all mess up and try to learn from it, and its one to the next grow. speaking of the next grow theres this guy @HSO-Mark that im sure would love to see another hso badbager grow, i would too. trial and error bro ive had light fall on the girls, accidentally gave veg nutes in flower had 7 days with no power from a storm, i could go on but i hoping your feeling better about it. you screwed these up so bad you won pic of the month lol :skin_up:lol



Edited by samhigh
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@Badbadger No need to say sorry mate. Grows don't always go as planned and you now get a 2nd change to grow these strains out :)


As said you may not have been 100% happy but the end product still was worth of a best picture win :yep:


Let's put the last grow in the past and see what you can do next time with the HSO genetics  :bong:


Kind regards 



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