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Jack 47 and Dark Devil Auto


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It was suggested to me that I put up a diary here by fellow members to help me achieve my goal. Which is obviously to grow some good quality pot from seed to harvest.  I know next to nothing about growing anything but old. I have seen a couple of peoples grows  but was more interested in the end product rather than learning  how you grow.


This is my 2nd attempt at writing this as I just lost everything for some reason. Its probably my poor knowledge of modern technology.


Some seeds.



I put the seeds into a glass of tap water last Wednesday.

They went into my new Tent 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 M along with 1500 watt oil filled radiator to keep them warm. I now realise that I put far to many in. My train of thought was maybe some would not germinate, especially being a rookie gardner. After 24 hours or so they went between wet kitchen paper in a tupperware box. Kept dark with a towel over them.



After about 48 hours between kitchen paper I transplanted them into Canna Terra Pro plus compost/soil. They popped out on Sunday and now they are 3 days old.

Some dark Devil auto under 96 watt T5. The 2 in the back ground seem to not be doing much. I may have killed them some how. Not sure why



Some Jack 47



My Growers Ark nutrients arrived today. Root tonic, grow, bloom and boost it. I shall add some Root tonic later today.



A feed chart from growers Ark. I guess this is where the fun begins. I am not going add anything but root tonic for I dont know how long. I

have read that perhaps only when they need it and at half strength.



Well i think that's all for now. An exciting yet nervous time for me. Roll on February :) I,m sure I will be asking lots of questions as time goes by.

Thanks for having me.


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Hi and nice start, best of luck with your grow :)


14 Auto seeds in one go, no messing around !  


I have had the pleasure of growing Dark Devil Auto and it was a really unique taste (and look), the colours it has at the end of the grow should amaze you.


I have done Jack47 fv but not the auto variety so best of luck with that.


The feeding schedule is based more on a standard regular plant grow rather than an auto - Nevertheless I am sure it will prove useful as a guide.


Here is a pic of my Dark Devil : 



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Inspiration 101 and Fragg many thanks for the support. Its good to know i have 2 good strains. Really looking forward to trying both of these if I can pull this off :bong:


They are now on day 8 and everything seems to be going ok. 2 of the Jack 47 did not take in the pots. I,m not 100% sure why although I suspect they may have got to dry. The compost  ( Canna terra pro plus ) I am using seems to get dry quite quickly but with little experience its difficult to judge this.


All I am doing is giving them water at 20c with 2.5 mil per liter of Root tonic. I will up this to 5 mil as that is what the bottle suggests.


Its very cold outside and snowing loads but my the plants are toasty and warm under the T5 unit along with the oil filled rad. Temps at 27 c this morning.

Humidity does seem a little low at only 26 . 


  How important is humidity ?   I have read that 40 to 60 is good at this stage of their life. Again not really sure. I have put a bucket of water in with them but it doesn't seem to increase the humidity. I cant afford a humidifier at the moment what with teenage daughters xmas presents :wallbash:


Should I get the small fan going on them now to help them strengthen up ?   I guess that in the wild they would have some wind blowing on them from time to time.


I will be potting up between day 10 to 14 I think. Again, unsure.  They will go into 11 liter pots.   Should I then get them under the 600 HPS ?   And at what height should the light be ?   I was thinking about 24 inches but taking heat into consideration. I don't want to cook them.


I would of liked to post a few pictures but i,m struggling to upload this morning.  I,ll keep trying. Not much good with out some pictures.


Take care Bodkin


Here we go. Thats better. 




I will check back in soon. Enjoy the snow.

Take care Bodkin

Edited by Bodkin
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Looking good all the same, yea totally soak the little ladies and allow them to dry out over time.


Really healthy green colour there, I would have done the same regarding humidity, just put a bowl of water in there so it can't get too dry ;)


Dialing in all the little things like light distance, time to repot and what into etc is what comes with experience over time.


2ft for 600w is a fair distance to begin with as they are quite young, last thing you want to do is cook them all.  As they get older you can allow them to grow into being just 12 inches off the bulb.



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@Bodkin yeah two great strains for sure mate. :guitar:


Humidity isnt crucial but it helps is how I would put it, don't lose sleep over it basically. I veg my autos in my loft where its super dry thanks to all the chipboard I think absorbing all the moisture. To combat it I put two drip trays/saucers from plant pots on top of my T5 and fill with tap water, another way is to hang damp towels up with some dipping into a bucket so that it wicks moisture up...or just a bucket of water under the light will help a little as you have done ;)


As for a fan I would say yes it does help them stiffen up their stems, personally I hang a PC fan under my T5 and blow air at the plants this also serves the purpose of removing the heat from the T5 away so I can get the light just that little bit closer without heat stressing the seedlings.


I havent got an HPS so cant comment on the height it needs to be but the sign to look out for is the edges of the leaves turning upwards, this indicates heat stress so raise light/increase airflow at this point ;)


Around the 2 week mark is good for potting up I've found


HTH mate :oldtoker:

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welcome pal looks like your off to a good start so far am also doing a jack 47 at the min with some red poison got to try the purples ones haha  

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  @Fragg Thanks for your input mate. Much appreciated.


@Inspiration101 You too mate. Thanks for your help so far.


@sweet-4-my-sweets Thanks for the welcome. Hope your grow is going well.


Ok, so its day 13 and I have a little yellowing of cotlydons and bottom leaves. I guess its nitrogen or lack of it should i say. So I have fed them this morning with half strength Growers Ark grow. 1.5 mil per liter. Also 5mil per liter root tonic.

I had my water tested and there is a lack of magnesium. Or a not so good magnesium to calcium ratio as was suggested.   It was 119 calcium and 11 magnesium and PH 7.35    I have added 0.3 mil per liter of epsom salts.  I hope they will look better soon as i am slightly worried. 

I believe its time to pot them up into final 11 liter pots. Temperature seems fine at 26/27 c. They seem to like it under the T5. Its amazing how they start to accelerate in growth. 


Jack 47 auto @ 13 days.  Bottom leaves slightly yellow.





Dark Devil auto @ 13 days. Again slightly yellow leaves. Fingers crossed they will like the feed. 



See you soon. Thanks for all your help.



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@Bodkin glad to be of some help mate, they need a pot up now though as those pots are looking small for their size, and they should take off a bit over the next week. As a rough guide I find autos grow about 0.5cm for the first 10 days, then about 1cm a day for a few more days then they really take off growing 2-3cm daily and up to 6cm a day:eek: in the pre flowering stretch phase :)


ATB with the pot up :oldtoker:

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@Bodkin hi mate yes all going well I have a dairy up myself mine are on day 16 now so we almost at same time and I agree with @Fragg would pot them up soon as you have the chance 

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Thanks guys. Great to have you on board with all your experience. Thank you:skin_up:


Day 14. Just finished potting up. 


A bit disappointed about the yellowing and also looks like some type of burn or dying on one of the Jack 47. Again I,m unsure why. Any ideas anyone ? Hopefully they wont get worse.

Roots seem to look healthy from what I can tell. Nice and white.

I have given them all 250 mil of water with 0.3 grams per liter epsom salts.   600 HPS light is now on along with the 6 inch extraction fan. 6 inch oscillating fan is also gently blowing across the canopy. 

600 hps is 24 inches away. I will be checking  this for heat several times until I,m sure they aren't getting to hot.  Hope the zips are good as I might ware it out at this rate lol


I have a choice now. My room is ground floor. I have the option of window open and door closed or vise versa if you see what i mean. Is one way better than the other ? Is it better to have air coming in from outside or air from my inside my dwelling ?


A few shots of my plants.




Jack 47 looking a bit poorly :(



Dark Devil also slight yellowing of bottom leaves



Thats it for now. Thanks for your help.

Cheers Bodkin

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I think they probably got hungry in the small pots they were in, hopefully in the new pots and with a little feed they will bounce back quickly for you, just be careful though they dont need alot of food at this young age most 'composts' have enough for young plants  :yep:


With outside temps around the zero mark atm I'd open a door for fresh air too


Best of luck!

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Hi @Bodkin don' worry about it mate they will be your bottom leaves anyway which will come off as you get further into your grow like @Fragg said they will be fine now potted up 

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Thanks for starting a new diary with these ladies, fella ;)

I can see you have some of the best growers in the UK helping you so, I believe this grow will be fine for sure :punk:

Cheers fellas!!


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Fuck it just lost the lot again LOL. I like to use tor browser but it doesnt like it. Never mind. Onward:smokin:


Right I,ll start again.




Thank you for your continued support and expertise, especially after what @Sweet Seeds -Jaypp said.  And thanks to you too Jaypp. Hopefully I can do your lovely seeds justice which will bare me some fruit covered in trichomes. 


I,ve had a bit of a fright last Sunday ( day 15 )  I opened the tent to find the light out :wallbash:  WTF.   Blind panic.............. My initial reaction was blown bulb but I unplugged the HPS and plugged it back in again and hey presto. Light back on. Great. Only to look at the temperature. Woopsy down to 12c. Bollocks.  Why it went out I,ve no idea. Power surge maybe ? Who knows but the good thing is it hasnt done it again. It must have some type of trip switch built in maybe.

For the next 2 days the girls did look quite poorly. ( No photo )  Very droopy and sad looking. 2 days later they had picked up. I dont think they did much growing in that time. I guess they got shocked pretty bad.  Never mind. Cannabis is quite hardy i believe. Thank the gods.

Since then I,ve watered them twice with some grow, root tonic and epsom salts. I think the Dark devils dont need so much grow feed  as a couple of them do have a bit of claw and are quite dark green. A bit to much nitrogen I think. I need to water and feed them as individuals. Hopefully they'll be ok. 

Little white hairs have appeared which should mean they are girls right ? Not that I thought they wouldnt be.  Temperatures have been fine since then. Tring to keep them at 26/27 but it does go 28 sometimes, especially as the weather changes from freezing to what 9, 11c outside. 


Day 21 photos.

A group shot. 9 in 11 litre pots and 1 in a 6.5. I may have been a bit greedy in planting so many but I,m going to try and get them all to harvest. The girl in the 6.5 L pot seems to like it :)



Jack 47 auto


 And another. 5th node now. C'mon 


Dark Devil auto in a 6.5 pot.  She really seems to like it in there. She's growing well.


This DD does have a bit of claw. Hopefully it will work its way out with less feed. Perhaps the photo does not show it very well. Crap photographer.


Another DD. Middle finger of front leaf looks a bit odd to me but wtf do I know :) Its all good fun though.


Todays questions.

When do you guys start to water more ?  I want to soak them with 20% run off and let them dry out 90 % and repeat. I can feel the pots get lighter.  Maybe in a day or 2 I can begin this method.  When do I add bloom ? 


Well I think thats all for now. 

Many thanks for your encouragement, support and expertise. It is slightly nerve racking but also exciting. Roll on February. Cant wait.

I hope you all have a Merry christmas. See you next time




Edited by Bodkin
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