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HSO Diary 2017/18 Chemdawg regs & Chocmint OG Feminised


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Time for another update.


The two babies are doing very well after their recent up-potting and one is still far out growing the other. Early indications are that I have one female and one male, with the possible female being the first born which was transferred into the DWC res and the roots have also started creeping out the bottom of the net pot.. Just to make it easier to identify them, I have dubbed the slower, first born, Droopy Dawg, not because it is droopy, but because it shares similar traits to the cartoon character. The other I have dubbed Deputy Dawg as it was the second born.


Deputy Dawg is almost at the point where I can top it and thus make a clone from the growing tip, but Droopy is still lagging behind and probably needs another week before it is ready to be topped and cloned, but the lateral growth on both is now coming along nicely.


Deputy Dawg





Droopy Dawg








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Droopy dawg and deputy dawg love the names my friend and by the look of things you could have 1 of each sex :yep: very cool :)


As I've said before this is my first time in many years watching a regular seed grow and so far I'm loving what I'm seeing  :bong:


Thank you for the continued support and updates mate very much appreciated!


Until next time  :bong:


Kind regards 



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So, with all this snow and ice I decided not to go to work today. What am I saying? I am self employed and work from home! :wallbash:


But I figured I give a quick update on Deputy and Droopy Dawg.


Things are going well and, even though Droopy is still lagging behind, she is wonderfully healthy and growing nicely. It's putting out lots of roots into the DWC, but don't let the colour alarm you; the colour is nute staining and most definitely not root rot. I topped it a couple of days ago and it showed no sign of stress and the laterals are responding very well. As with Deputy Dawg, the tip has gone into a propagator for cloning.


Deputy Dawg has always had cabbagey leaves that have a tendency to curl a little as if suffering from over watering. I decided to up pot into the final 11 l pot ready for flowering. I just noticed last night that some of my ministrations may have been a little brutal as one of the lower laterals has snapped  at the stem. As I didn't notice this happening, no remedial action was taken but it didn't seem to care. The branch is still connected by around 50% of the the stem and will make a full recovery with a strong nodule at the break site.


As the rest of the groom is filling up, I had no choice but to switch it to flowering mode. Lights came on today at midday today, but will come on at 5 pm tomorrow giving it 14 hours of darkness. I have decided that if I can get some seeds from my WWxBBs I will ditch the mother as I'm building up quite a tolerance and it is not exactly the smoke I want. As such, I moved the clone out of the groom to allow it to keep growing and I will then use this one to pollinate if I get a male Chemdawg. I have also moved the Chemdawg clones into the same environment under 24/7 light supplied by CFLs. Fortunately, they are pretty weak and the plants need to be kept close for the best effect, so I won't have to worry about the clones receiving too much light and trying to photosynthesise too much before they have established roots.


And, with the pictures below, that's all folks for this update.


Droopy Dawg, roots and all








Deputy Dawg








You can see the snapped branch here



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Nice to read that the plants have now been potted up and the flower show has started  :)


I think I'm reading this right? 


Is "droopy" being grown in a iws type of system and "deputy" being grown in a more trafitional medium and hsnd watered?


It looks like "deputy dog" has been though the wars but bouncing back very well indeed  :)


Now that they are in bloom let's see what these girls can really do  :)


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to update your HSO adventure and thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next one mate  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Yes Mark, you are reading things correctly. Perhaps you missed my November 22 post where I briefly outlined what I did and my rationale behind it.


As I am somewhat unconventional, I like to try all sorts of weird and wacky things; rather than up-pot the smaller one in the traditional manner, I decided to keep it in its small pot and up-pot into a net pot with hydroton and pop it into the DWC reservoir along with one of my WWxBBs and some chillies. This way, if it turns out to be male, I can easily up-pot it, net pot and all, into a larger pot without disturbing the roots too much and move it to a different environment and it will get the benefit of quicker growth in the DWC. I potted it slightly off centre so I could position it the furthest distance from the the WWxBB next to it.


I have never heard of anyone else dropping a soil pot into a DWC system before, but the roots creeping out of the bottom of the pot so rapidly after I initially up potted it the traditional way inspired me to try it. I had a vacant hole in my 3 pot DWC reservoir and thought I'd take advantage of it, but with insurance in case I needed to move it into another environment. The small pot with soil is sitting in the net pot on a bed of hydroton and then filled and covered with more hydroton and all is sitting well above the nutrient level in the reservoir. So far, it is working absolutely perfectly, exactly as I envisaged.

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Just reread your post, Mark, and it seems I misread it. No, it's not an IWS, but, as outlined above, simply a soil pot put into a DWC system.

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@GreengoStarr Thanks for clearing that up mate :yep:


I've seen soil in iws but not dwc so be interesting to see how this goes  :)


Will be back in either in the next update or upon my return from the festive season :bong:


Kind regards 



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Ok, time for an update. A very real security issue arose late last week and I don't know how I can relate it without giving some background information.


I returned to the family home less than 2 years ago to look after my ageing mother who became seriously ill. She shares her 3 storey house with her husband who is almost 80 years old. My relationship with him is strained to say the least, primarily due to the fact he is a supercilious, nosey old cunt who treats me as if I'm mentally defective, far beneath his towering genius, and his thoughts, beliefs and conclusions become his truth. He is also OCD about saving pennies on power consumption, whilst the whole house and grounds are crammed full of thousands of pounds worth of shit he has hoarded over the years that lies rotting. 


After discussions with my mother, I decided to start growing to provide some natural medicine for her as she cannot take ordinary pain medication because of impaired kidney function. Even though I chose LED panels, they still consume electricity and the old cunt picked up on this through monitoring electricity consumption. I have the groom set up in my room on the top floor, which also houses my mother's room. The old cunt sleeps on the ground floor, but comes up every morning to bring breakfast for my mother.


One morning, I happened to be in my room lying on the bed behind the door when the door slowly creaked open. It was the nosey old cunt just being a nosey old cunt and it was obvious that he spied the groom, with its ducting poking out, but didn't notice me on the bed. I was waiting for him to broach the subject with me, but should have known that he wouldn't as he is an emasculated, ball-less coward. 


After one particularly heated exchange he finally became angry enough to blurt out that he knew what I was doing, growing cannabis, and he knew because he had seen similar tents on tv. My reaction was a sarcastic "Oh, really?" and there the matter rested until another rather heated exchange late last week. After the exchange, he was absolutely livid and stormed off into his room. I then heard him announcing himself and describing the situation as he understood it. As I said, he is a spineless jellyfish, but I figured he might just have been angry enough to actually grass me up. I continued with the renovations I am currently undertaking and behaved as if nothing had happened. He soon made it clear that he was going to go up and see my mother shortly, which I assumed would be to inform her of what he had done. I managed to quickly and quietly slip upstairs first and appraised her of the situation and cautioned her to remain schtuck and that I had the situation under control.


He did indeed go up to see her, but said nothing of the situation. I assumed that if he had indeed grassed me up, the pigs would not rush out to investigate a small indoor grow set up and I would have ample time to sort things out; I certainly didn't expect a visit before the following. So, during the wee hours I cleared everything incriminating out of room (jars of bud and all cannabis related material) and took all the plants out and locked everything in an unoccupied room on the second floor. Luckily for me, I have the chillies growing in the groom so I took them out of the DWC set up and swapped them over with the top feed recirculating set up and left them on their own in the groom and waited.


There was no knock on the door the next morning and everything just continued as per usual. Later that day, whilst my mother and the old cunt were out, she broached the subject with him, asking:"What's all this bullshit about you threatening to call the police all the time?" and it continued from there. She later told me that she called him a stupid old cunt, always taking his thoughts, beliefs and assumptions as truth and told him that I was actually growing chillies. She said he seemed to accept this, but we both know him better than that. 


The following morning, I arranged to be downstairs when he took her breakfast up and left my door unlocked. She later told me she offered to show him the chillies, but he claimed it was all staged. Nonetheless, she did indeed take him and show him the groom. Irrespective of what he thought, he was confronted with a grow tent with some chillies growing in and sign of any cannabis anywhere. What could he do? I'm feeling rather chuffed that I outfoxed the miserable old cunt!


Anyway, after spending two days in the locked room with only natural daylight completely out of kilter with their current light schedule, I reintroduced them back into the groom last night and they seem none the worse for their ordeal. That being said, the broken limb on Deputy Dawg suffered during this ordeal and did not survive. Technically, they are on day 6 of 14/10 and have yet to show signs of flowering, but everything is now back on course and they are now starting their flowering growth spurt.


Deputy Dawg










Droopy Dawg












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Well theses 2 ladies have had an eventful week lol


Sorry to say this but your mum's husband sounds a bit of a "dick" . Could he have known you were near and made a blagg/fake call just to see what you would do?


Anyway it all looks to have worked out and both ladies are now back and doing really well :)


Considering you've had all this on thanks for the thread update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time :bong:


Kind regards 



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Cheers Mark. There's no doubt the old fart was faking, just to try and scare me and provoke me into acting, but you know the old saying: "He who laughs last laughs longest and raises a mid digit salute! 


But let us hope they are not both ladies.

Edited by GreengoStarr
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On 18/12/2017 at 6:09 PM, GreengoStarr said:

But let us hope they are not both ladies.


I'm sure there's a male there mate :)


Will be back in the new year mate :yep:


Have a good one and keep those plants happy :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for a post Christmas update.


It's now 3 weeks since I flipped to 14/10 and my WWXBBs are flowering nicely, but the Chemdawgs are still showing no sign of even thinking about it. Obviously, this particular strain won't start flowering at 14/10 so I decided I would have to decrease the light hours. I originally thought to gradually drop the photo period by 30 minutes per week until they did start start flowering and I cut the time back to 13 1/2 hours on Monday, however I really can't afford to let them keep vegging as the tent is already getting very crowded (some serious pruning will definitely have to be done as it is) so I cut it down to 12 1/2 hours yesterday to try and force them into flower.


Even though the two Chemdawgs looked like brethren when small, they barely even look like the same species now and are obviously two different phenotypes, though they both have the same smell. It really seems as if I have misnamed the two as the larger, more vigorous one continues to look as if it's suffering from over watering despite that not being the case, and looks decidedly droopy with the fan leaves hanging down over the budding sites. After my recent experience with other plants becoming root bound, I decided to up pot Deputy Dawg one final time into a 15 litre pot, but that has done nothing to change  the way the leaves hang  down. I've been defoliating a little more than I ordinarily would to expose the budding sites covered by the drooping leaves. Pre flowers have started to emerge, but it's still too early to tell gender for certain, but it does appear female.


Droopy Dawg, in the DWC set up, is still behind Deputy in terms of size but is continuing to progress well although it is nowhere near as tall or bushy. Pre flowers started emerging just before Deputy, but they are also still too small to declare gender with certainty, but also appears to be female as there is no obvious sign of a "stalk" on the pre flowers. I've been defoliating from the centre of the plant to allow more light into the middle as there is very little space for lateral growth.


I've included a pic here of one of my WWXBBs to show the difference in flowering between the two strains and with these pics I will finish up this update. Until next next time.


Deputy Dawg












Droopy Dawg










WWXBB in florescence






Edited by GreengoStarr
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You most definitely have 2 very different phenotypes going on so this flower stage us going to be very interesting to say the least  :yep:


I do like how you have dialed back the light hours on and now that the ChemDawg are on 12/12 the flower show will start :)


Can I ask did your ww x bb flower under the 14/10? Very interesting to see what strains will flower under the none traditional 12/12 :yep:


These next few weeks are going to be very interesting and I'm going to keep a close eye on this to see how they progress  :bong:


Happy New year mate and as usual thank you for the thread update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Things sure are looking good in here :yep:


Kind regards 



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Cheers Mark, hope you had a fine relaxing festive break.


The WWXBBs initially started flowering at 14/10 when I cut back the light hours in an effort to retard growth while I was awaiting these beans to arrive and, true to form, they started flowering again when I cut the light hours down to 14/10 again this time. That is why I included a pic of one of them in florescence to show a comparison with the Dawgs, which are still yet to start flowering. No doubt the change to 12.5 hours of dark should give them the much needed boost to start flowering.

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58 minutes ago, GreengoStarr said:

The WWXBBs initially started flowering at 14/10 when I cut back the light hours in an effort to retard growth while I was awaiting these beans to arrive and, true to form, they started flowering again when I cut the light hours down to 14/10 again this time. That is why I included a pic of one of them in florescence to show a comparison with the Dawgs, which are still yet to start flowering


Very interesting mate :bong:


Now you are down to 12.5 hours this should kick the dawgs into bloom :)


Super interesting and nice to see you playing around with techniques  :yep:


Thanks for the explanation brother :)


Kind regards 



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