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Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel Auto

Green demon

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Likewise Jaypp all the best to you and yours! Slowly but surely the pieces of the coco puzzle fall into place. The Cream Caramels have all had a feed at 1.8 EC and I've started training on a couple of them.

This one below has already had some LST done. The stem is supported at the base by a plant tie pulling in the 7 O clock direction and the top was pulled down in the 1 O clock direction. The main stem has already righted itself.


Same plant below but more training. You can see the stem support line going 9 O clock. The top has been pulled back down 3 o'clock. 

I do not defoliate Autoflowers because I want the branches to grow. Instead of just tucking the leaf a couple times a day I supercrop them. Pinch and twist the stem and wrap the leaf out of the way.large.IMG_0944.jpg

Here in the close up you can seen the bruised stems of the fan leaves and how the light has now been opened up to all these budsites


The second biggest auto below is not quite tall enough for LST. So I bend her main stem over back and forth a few times. Not quite supercropping, just enough to bend the stem over and leave it flat. This will encourage the lower nodes to bush out.large.IMG_0935.jpglarge.IMG_0943.jpg

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Little more LST Before n after


Another b4 n afta 


And another before n after, just a light supercrop for the next two


Forgot the before on this onelarge.IMG_1055.jpg

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lol @Fragg I think my enthusiasm has waned somewhat in regards to LST. No doubt it's required to get the best out of Autos but it's so fiddly I just can't be bothered these days. Autos are so fragile I think this will be my final time growing them. I much prefer photos, I can get in there be brutal, train, defoliate, supercrop, and get out. 

Here's the bigger two


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lol mate it is a lot easier to train photos it must be said as they are much more forgiving of cockups. They do appear to have closely stacked nodes, how old are they? I tend to wait until around the 3 week mark so that I have anough room to get in without damaging the delicate shoots ;) 

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5 weeks today matey. I clearly stunted them in my ignorance letting the coco dry out, and they had been under the daylight CMH which produces tighter nodes than even MH. They're under the agro lamp now so hopefully they'll stretch a bit!


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Thats the main drawback to autos mate imho, there is no coming back from a few bad days it WILL affect yield and there is nothing you can do about it, not as newbie friendly as folk make out in many ways

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Exactly brother Amen to that. When I first started growing my mate at a headshop recommended Autos because they were easier for a newbie. I soon worked out that he wasn't a mate, just more interested in selling the more expensive seed.


What the hell is easier about Autos? Let me think .... Only one thing springs to mind. You don't change the timer from 18/6 to 12/12. With Autos you have no control over veg time, no control over the initiation of flower, and like you said this leads to a delicate balancing act where every fuck up effects yeilds. 


My shit was dialled in with biobizz, not so much with coco so these Autos suffered. Not their fault, mine entirely, it's the only reason to grow Autos in my mind is their speed and seeing as I stunted them I might as well not have bothered!

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Sorry dudes but this morning I realised that this style of growing is no longer for me. I used love it, now I don't. The thought of doing more LST on these Autos was grinding on me so I made the decision to kill em. 

I will be back at some point to try again but next time with the photoperiod version. Love to all!

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@Fragg it's all good mate you live and you learn. No point doing something if you don't love it, and damn these Autos just irritated me. I'm not going to invest in something I don't enjoy.

Sure it's a loss of life and a few quid on Seeds and extras, but I feel about thirty lbs lighter. My hobby room is supposed to be a place of joy where I can sit and contemplate, and enjoy my garden. Those autos fucked up the whole vibe.


When I was a total newb and discovered the benefits of LST I was blown away with the increase in yield of quality bud. When I talked to my growing mentors about LST and scrog they all scoffed. Every single one of them.

They all had a low opinion of high maintenance techniques preferring to simply top and supercrop clones and seedlings. I never understood their point of view but now I share it lol 


For many grows I happily continued on with LST and autos until I left them behind for photos. Eventually life and stress got on top of me and I stopped enjoying growing my own. It became a hassle and I quit. Returning from the hiatus I've been loving every second of it until these Autos. 

This morning when I realised I had no love for them I knew it was time to stop. A bad vibe like that can ruin the whole hobby. 

Edited by Green demon
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