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Back Again WITH some HSO Goodness

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The plants are most definitely going to benefit from the undercarriage trim and as said it gives you the next generation if you decide to run these again :yep:


The blue dream shots are beautiful my friend  :yep:


This pheno is most definitely more focused on the central cola and as you say they would be perfect in a mass grow due the uniformity and easy to grow :yep:


Some beautiful bud shots mate and thank you for sharing and taking the time out of your day to update your diary  :yep:


Until next time  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Okay.. We're all up to date.

I had to grab some real pics of the Blue Dream before she got axed! She is beautiful - I'll grab some pics of the Desert Diesel a when the lights come on.. 


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Thank you so much for the pre harvest shots of our blue dream :) I must say you have done a fantastic job and ended up with a very pretty plant  :)


She stacked on some serious weight mate and the crystal content looks crazy even on those lower branches  :)


Fantastic work and will check back in on the next update to see how the desert diesel is doing and what you think of our blue dream :yep:


Nothing more I can say other than. Beautiful work!


Kind regards 



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You're more than welcome @HSO-Mark,
I'm just glad I spotted the label on the side of the Blue Dream pot and remembered them as freebies from seedsman.. So far the DD are doing everything I had hoped for - I am so stoked to have them and thank you once again for the opportunity to grow them. 

The 3 Desert Diesels were taken out last night and moved about the tent a little to make sure they get an even spread of light. 

They have just started to throw out some nice budsites and I can already see that they should produce some decent buds. They have all been trimmed a bit more lower down after taking the pics..

The cuttings I took a week or so ago have all started rooting with #2 rooting the fastest. I'll be sure to keep an eye on her for the future as I do like fast cloners. 

Feed wise per 20L:

H+G A+B 40ml
Diamond Nectar 20ml
Molasses 1 Tablespoon

Hesi SuperVit 0.2 ml


The "Seedsman Girl Scout Crack" are some suuuper solid frosty bitches. I really cant wait to sample them as they look and smell like they are going to kick my ass :) - I'm not entirely happy with the pics once again as I swear my camera is not focusing correctly. Maybe its just me being a fucktard.. Either way. I'll grab some more smorgasporn a bit later.. 


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The desert diesel are taking shape beautifully and the seedsman strain you have in looks lush :)


The diesel are looking fantastic. Super healthy, lush green and gearing up to put on a flower show  :yep:


Will be back in on the next update mate :bong:


Kind regards 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Mark, 

Slight update over this crazy time of the year. Had to get it done as I think I missed last week. The Desert Diesel's are now packing on a bit of size and now its just the 3 of them under 1 HPS - (and a lonely haze plant just to the right - Think she may have another 2-3 weeks to go)

From here they will be # 1,2,3 as the cuttings have all rooted, been potted up and 10 of them are now in their new home. #1 has 4 where the other are only 3 - They will be going under a 1000w Dimmable LED light as I'm keen to save the environment a little and keep the electric down as well. I've heard about the COB LED's so I guess we'll have to see how they go. 

The flowering plants I had on the go are now down and hanging up to try. Not the best harvest I've had but oh well. Smoke and edibles will have to be rationed a bit :)

They are being fed per 20L H2o:

35ml House and Garden A+B
0.2 ml SuperVit
20 ml Diamond Nectar
Molasses every 4th day
MKP (monopotassium phosphate)

I'll try and keep it like this for 2 more weeks then reduce the base nutrients and add some boosters. 

The clone plants are being fed per 20L H2o:

3 scoops chempak #2

20ml Diamond Nectar
0.2 ml SuperVit 

The reason I've used chempak for the first few feeds is the cloned plants had to go into some lightmix and then when they were potted up they went into coco. Chempak works brilliantly on a variety of substrates where the H+G coco would not be ideal right now with some nutes still in the soil. Just causes some weird buffer issues. When the plants are a bit more established I'll switch to my normal coco feed. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 27/12/2017 at 1:42 AM, Doobz said:

The Desert Diesel's are now packing on a bit of size and now its just the 3 of them under 1 HPS



They are definitely going to appreciate that mate  :)


On 27/12/2017 at 1:42 AM, Doobz said:

From here they will be # 1,2,3 as the cuttings have all rooted, been potted up and 10 of them are now in their new home. #1 has 4 where the other are only 3 - They will be going under a 1000w Dimmable LED light


Great to hear the clones are all rooted and well on the way :)


Plenty of lumens and everything is looking fantastic my friend  :)


Thank you for the festive season update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Happy New year mate and I'll check back in on the next update :bong:


Fine work so far :)


Kind regards 



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Hi @HSO-Mark, and fellow gardeners. 

Sorry for lack of updates but holiday season has been super duper hectic -

Plants wise Everything is still looking happy, healthy and verdant. The flowering Desert Diesel's are smelling, feeling and looking quite nice. They are starting to pack on the weigh for sure. 

So far there is not much variation in the plants and their production. There is one plant (think its #2) that has started browning already and has some very nice solid nugs alreay. I'll have to try and check what number it was and possibly put the cuttings plants of that number into bigger pots and veg a bit longer aftter the other plants go into 12/12..

The clones are really starting to fill out after being potted up and I'm getting to know the COB LED thingy - 

What's weird growing under LED is its quite hard to tell what the plants look actually look like. I have to turn off the LED and check the plants with a light.. 

I'll try my best to grab some pics over the next day or so.

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Okay, So FINALLY we are back to normal after a crazy holiday period. All the best to all the fellow gardeners out there

Things are looking good. One of the DD is an early finisher and already starting to pump out the brow pistils and has some SUPER hard nugs.. 

I have upped the PK and Bud-XL and lowered the base nutes and added some maltodextrin - 


The clone plants are all coming along and seem to be loving the COB LED - Its a bit of a learning curve but still amazing the crazy spectrum this thing gives out.. 



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These are looking fantastic and that finish line is in sight and approaching fast :)


That crystal content is crazy and that trim will make some killer extract :bong:


The next generation clones look healthy and ready to go :)


Getting close to sticky finger time mate and this grow is looking great :yep:


As always thank you for the diary update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time keep up the great work!


Kind regards 



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  • 2 weeks later...

We are not far of these ladies coming down. They really are starting to swell nicely. They have been flushing now for about 4 days and #1 is ready to come down but she can wait till the others are done.

#3 is going into winter mode by the looks of it. Even though the temps never go below 21C #3 has really purpled the most. She is very indica leaning where #1 + #2 are quite similar in structure. I look forward to seeing how the run from clone as that will be the decider on who gets kept. If they all are keepers. Then I'll have to make a new mothers room as I'm accumulating mother plants and have just recieved some Mr_Nice Medecine Man that I have wanted to grow for about 7 years.. Cant wait.. 

Anyway back to plants #1 has the most amazing smell and is super stinky when rubbed.. I'm really happy with them. 



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All the clones are doing well under the LED - I just need these plants to be done so I can clean up and then get them in there.. 


A little pic with all my mothers with some more clones above..



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