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I Will Be Back

Grow Chum

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Hi chums, despite being grassed up (reported) by my neighbor and not having grown or smoked weed in two months, I will be coming back. This forum and the people in it have been a big part of my life for the last 5 years and cannabis a part of my life for +30 years. I am just waiting to get everything together, seeds, soil and electric, I will be starting before the end of this month with some autos and finishing just before Christmas, Christmas isn't Christmas without Sweet Cheese.


Not smoking weed after +30 years has been difficult, when I start again I hope to keep my smoking under some sort of control, there has been times when I regularly smoked 2-3 grams a day, I don't want to be doing that again, when I was reported I was on about 1-1.5 grams a day and that was hard enough going from that to zero. But life has shown me some hope since and the break has done me some good. 


Catch you all soon, Grow Chum.

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So sorry to hear about this fella...


Send me a PM, we will be sending some seeds to you ;)

Sweet smokes!


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Thanks guys for the support, no I havn't moved, its a case of fuck em, am not going through Christmas and new year without weed, I will just have to make sure no one can see the light on in bedroom when tent open. Set up my tent, buying soil next week and waiting for seeds, then it will be all systems go.


Grow Chum.

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@Grow Chum sorry to hear of your issues.


when your back to smoking buy a small carbon filter some ducting and a budget inline,assemble it and when smoking have it to hand and  blow smoke into it,it will happily remove most of the smoke helping to keep a low profile at home.


Other than that you could start smoking on a wander round locally.Theres usually a few quiet corners even in busy areas.


Good luck.

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Yeah, can't keep a good fella down, good idea above too with spare filter for toking, keep it all schtum like, atb Grow Chum :v:

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What a shitty thing to do on your neighbours part :nope: I don't think I could live next to that kind of arsehole. I hope you didn't get dragged through too much shit with this. All the best for the future Grow Chum :yep:

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Fit an oversized blackout blind or curtain to the wall around the window?  


Charity shops are pretty good for curtains.


Glad to hear you are getting back to the grows, you have green fingers! 

What breeds you going for?  

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Thanks guys, for all the comments and support, I was friends with my neighbor for 2 years, she knew I was growing, she accused me of shooting her dog, which I didn't do, not even by accident as I really shot my air guns, I called the police out and cleared my name as she was claiming she spent £180 in vets bills and there was no evidence of medical treatment on dog and she could not direct police to a vet to prove her lies, I believe she done it to get other neighbor to pay and put up large fence that she wanted, I got rid of all my air guns at the time in case I got caught with the plants, I sold £750 worth for £150, I regret that now as police were actually supportive of me carrying on shooting in garden, then I had a housing visit unexpectedly arranged, she knew where I was going to hide plants, before the visit someone from the housing called me and told me there was a complaint and they were going to be looking in the garden, where I was going to hide plants in a tent, but to be safe I killed the plants, in case they searched loft, which was only other place I could hide them. My neighbor doesn't know what am up to now, so I should be safe. Blacking out the window is one option I will be looking at. I have an Ozone generator that kills odor, I plan on not smoking as much in future, lol, as by time my weed is finished I would of not smoked for 4 months, don't buy weed, dislike drug dealers prices and they dislike me. My average weed worked out @ £1 a gram, I cant afford to pay £10 a gram no matter how good it is and resin is either shit or dead expensive also.  


Tent is up, will buy soil next week and seeds should arrive sometime next week, got all my feeds and additives. will start in John Innes seed as normal, then maybe John Inness number 3 or Levington Original Multi purpose compost, which feeds for 8 weeks but that will cost me £16 on Amazon because no one sells it by me, so I will have to think about that one. Got dolomite lime which I will add to soil and mag cal which I will add from start because of low EC tap water. A very simple reliable grow method that will ensure a good supply of weed for my Christmas and New Year and easy for beginners to follow.


Catch you soon Chums,


Grow Chum.

Edited by Grow Chum
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What a snide and mean neighbour.


Pour some watercress seeds through her letterbox with a little water :)


Good luck geezer :)

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Nice one 101, lol, karma should fuck her up. I been working my grow out whilst waiting for seeds, think I will start in 2-1 ratio ofJohn Inness  seed mix and house and garden bat mix, then transplant into bat mix © 2 weeks, the bat mix has a pH of 6.4 and feeds for 4-6 weeks so it should be a case of just watering them and giving a boost feed @ 5 weeks, that's the plan anyway.


Grow Chum

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