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Dual parabolic...not like YOU thought


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Hey all...

Blessings an positive thoghts all round I hope everybody is doing ok..

First proper topic so be gentle lolIm new to all this posting stuff online...no i aint an old man, just a catious one :ninja: and apologies if its in the wrong section but think DIY is the one for this.


I started talking about this earlier in an, old, but great thread by @Budelaire where he discussed putting two parabolics together.

check it out, its a great idea.

The idea i had, on my own admission is a bit of a silly one, but part of me thinks it would work and maybe someone out there has seen this or something similar done and it reminded me of his dual parabolic hence why i put summat there first but anywaysssss

On a MAWD one, high last night :smokin:...n i had this idea

(Forgive the appauling mock up my dog is a shit drawer n she does all my crazy idea drawings :wassnnme:)


Did a little "googling" and couldnt find anything like what im thinking..so it may have been done before... (i have a mad creative mind that goes mill miles an hour and i rarely find anything to compare to my ideas lol)

Has anybody ever tried fitting a parabolic type shade, upside down on the pot, or just above, so the plant grew out the center where the bulb fixture would be?and then also have a parabolic hanging over it as usual with the bulb.....stay wi me lol


Coz now i write it, it sounds bit of silly idea..ie watering it might be a challenge, most likey would have to be one plant, heat airflow issues?? prob many other issues that could arise that i cant think of right now...

But im sure it could be done in a way that was benificial to growth...coz thats what we all want

Last night i was thinking the "bowl" the upside down parabolic would create, would be handy for tieing the plants down to or just put a net over it...bud bowl? :naughty:

and the light, providing it can get threw the canopy, would be bouncing back up giving under/and sides of the plant alot more light then it would usually have??

I just imagined this bowl full of lst'd goodness with light bouncing everywhere


what you guys think?

waste of a parabolic?

Waste of space?

Or is this summat thats gonna make a few of you sit up in ya chair :gossip: haha

Would light be bouncing up and down and everywhere else like im picturing (I imagine defoliation would work great here along with alot of LST)


Not sayin im gonna try it tomoz...maybe one day if a parabolic is spare .... was just a stoned idea i thought id share here coz i dont really talk grow with anybody tbh...

Would love to hear anyones pros n cons.....

Big up @Joint hoggerfor his 2p n mentioning the "rota grow" on my original post about this. 


admanbadman x :hippy:

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Dont think it'll work chap. Plants dont photosynthisise on the undersides of the leaves. If anything it'll confuse them, and probably cause burning

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I'd have to agree. It's a shame but it's wasted light from below. I think paraboics are great design as they are but I admire any attempts at ingenuity so fair play to you mate and welcome to the forum.


Have you seen those mental looking ergonomic shades that look like melted records? They're pretty interesting. Bet your dog god get pretty creative with one or two of those! :D



Maybe check out the virtical grow thread that @zztopbudz has going. That's had some mental moments and you and your dog may find a way to incorporate your idea into what he has going on. :)

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hey @Prophet thanks for your input....totally get that the under side of a leaf dont use light

(lets not forget this is just a stoned idea lol)

... just, i have seen few videos on't tube site n folk incorperating side lighting n it got me thinking...i know this is mostly used in big gardens to make sure lower growth got some decent light but do you not think, if ya had a spare para to do this, that light bouncing everywhere would be benificial? especially for lower growth...

My stoned self was thinking...

Mylar on walls of grow space reflects light but with the bulb above, that angle of relection sends the light down? Im imagining the upside down para would reflect the light bk up in the same angles the para above is emiting, and reflecting that light, down?

In this stoned contraption, would light emiting from the bulb, an reflecting down as usual...would the upside down parabolic bounce the light back up to the reflector with bulb in? and would it keep bouncing around or diminish.....


@Snowziffthankyou for chipping in ...yeah ive seen them reflectors lol look pretty cool think my dog would slap her forehead n be like wtf has he done now if i came in wi one them lol.....ive read a few vertical scrog grow diarys (including zztopbusz) on uk420, very inspiring!!


admanbadman x




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10 minutes ago, admanbadman said:

would it keep bouncing around or diminish



As a rule of thumb, you lose between 40 - 60% via reflection to heat, the more its reflected the more you lose. It depends on the reflective surface, type of lights etc.


As others have said, plants don't use light from the bottom. It's a nice idea but its not really any different to putting reflective sheeting down on the floor - if you're doing it right the plant will create a canopy that no light will really get through to the bottom to even be reflected.

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@Golden Syrup thanks for your input mate....

1 hour ago, Golden Syrup said:


if you're doing it right the plant will create a canopy that no light will really get through to the bottom to even be reflected.


that one sentance says it all.....popped the ballon there wi that one hahaha just a bit of fun but when i first thouight of it n pictured it in my mind i was like wow....now not so much :skin_up:

Smoke time

admanbadman x


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The parabolic would focus the incoming light back to a point, the equivalent of where the bulb would be, and that probably wouldn't do the plant any good.

I have shiny lids on my coco bags, squares of that shiny bubble-wrap insulation. Putting them in makes it so much lighter down low, and the roots tend to make a bit more of the medium. The floor is white and most trays have even been made reflective, mylar glued (a mess) or spray painted white.

Reflecting light is good. Though this inverted parabolic would also seriously get in the way when to do any tending.

I do find though that low light works. I have a big CFL on the floor and one low on a wall, and the surrounding stuff certainly turns towards it as it is brighter than HPS from above. If light from not-above did not work at all, there would be no point having reflective surfaces. Any photons are good, and IMHO plugging dark spots with more light only helps make the most of the space.

Edited by SamBell
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I'm also a fan of covering the top's of my plant pot's to encourage more root growth, normally the root's stop growing about an inch below the top of the soil

but if you use cover's, the root's grow to the top, it's a bit more work but anything that encourage's more root growth is worth it, more root's = more fruit's  :yep:


gallery_36349_2174_235213.jpg        gallery_36349_2174_41587.jpg

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@SamBellthanks for your input...some really good points made...liked this one

19 hours ago, SamBell said:

If light from not-above did not work at all, there would be no point having reflective surfaces. Any photons are good, and IMHO plugging dark spots with more light only helps make the most of the space.


and @Joint hogger fort ya said you was an amateur lol either way cheers for the pics n info.


....covering the pots seems like a good idea/ tip.....roots will come futher up the medium if lights not hitting the top soil :thumsup:


adman x :hippy:


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