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It's something i sometimes think about . . .


Cannabis is something that the critics say can be addictive and leads to other drugs. I won't touch on the second part, but is it addictive? Smokers seem to say 'no' and i've said the same in the past, but when i think about it . . . I'm assuming that most people on here are daily weed smokers? I am. The mental benefits for me outweigh the bad (at least in the short-term) and working a very stressful job i find i can relax in minutes after a joint or two. Something i would struggle with, without. As a side note i train hard three times a week and my fitness is every bit as good as my students/peers. None of whom have any idea i smoke at all. 


Fast forward to my current predicament and my jar is damn-near empty and i'm not looking to get this plant finished for at least another two weeks. My 'contact' is out of the country which leaves me up the proverbial creek. So basically i'm going to have to go at least two weeks without any green, for the first time since i can remember, and the thought is troubling me. Which made me think; 'so am i addicted?' And i've never thought of it before now as i've always had something available . . .


So i'm interested in gauging group opinion; Would you consider yourself addicted?

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Nope not addicted,no shakes in the morning without it,no sweats,no headaches just a little trouble sleeping well for a few days..emotionally maybe a little but really thats cos i know it makes me feel better when i got some.



Edited by Happy Hippy
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You might have a few little niggles, but I think it`s blown out of all proportion ime, I`ve had drugs that I have been addicted to, fucked with my head and given me proper insomnia. If all drugs were as easy to hop on and off I would be very happy with that. Cannabis is as addictive as it is harmful imo

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That there's the psychological addiction they talk about isn't it? It's a true thing IMO but it's very easily broken. You just don't smoke and you get on and do other stuff. There's nothing making you feel compelled to get stoned so there's certainly no addiction in the traditional sense. 


I think most daily tokers get anxious at the thought of running out but it's not a problem. For me personally now, I look forward to enforced abstinence as I can't resist it when it's around and I get stoned more often than I should really! If I smoked less I'd probably enjoy it more, but resistance is futile lol. Look forward to a break if I were you ;) What I've found is that I almost don't want to get stoned again after being clean for a week as it's a bit too intense and I can't function normally like I can do when my tolerance is high. That doesn't last long though :stoned: 

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Yeah, i can go along with that.. What @Happy Hippy said.. If i don't have any used to be cigs, but now i swapped cigs for pipes of hemp to help sleep when needed. 

I smoked everyday virtually for at near on 20 years, with only the odd day off here and there. Then took a break from growing and tokin for 2 years, only because i got married had kids the usual stuff.


Yeah, if it's there i'll take it with no second thoughts :) But nooo, not addictive and certainly no gateway drug.. i had to go somewhere different for that :/ 


You'll be okay Prophet, it's only 2 weeks and that's nothing on the grand scheme of things:unsure:

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Since I started vaping 18 months ago I've noticed less of an urge or need.


When I was using a tobacco mix I was on them hourly as the Nicotine increased my anxiety, kicking that habit was hard as well because of the addictive nature of Nicotine.


I went from smoking tobacco mix to neat to vaping, I still enjoy a neat little skin (no more kingy's) before bed time because it floors me but the vape after a basket or two see's me right for a good long while. Instead of consuming 2 ounces a month I'm now only consuming 20g and getting just as baked.


I have some trim stored and wanting to invest in a tumbler soon to make some rosin from sift, my mate brought me some afghan sift rosin to try on my glass nail for my cloud evo and it pranged me big time! I fell asleep on the sun lounger and the twat drew a cock on me with lotion.

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I get annoyed if I run out, not because I actually have no weed, but the stupid laws preventing me from just going down to the shop

and buy some more when and if I feel like it, those who's choice of drug is alcohol don't have this problem though, do they?


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Just ration what you have, run the trim, scrape the grinders out, search for lost nugs and joints down the sides of the couch, you'll be fine :yep:


Seriously though, I do think cannabis falls somewhere under the massive umbrella term that is "addiction" but it's most definitely on the softer end of the spectrum.


Personally I get a bit sweaty, find it hard to sleep and a feel a bit grumpy (probably because of the lack of sleep) if I have to go without a smoke, I find gradually reducing the amount I smoke, and also how late in the day/evening I leave it before having a smoke, for a few days beforehand greatly reduces these symptoms to almost nothing.

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Start rationing yourself.

Try and save enough for a tiny one skin before bed, so you can sleep.


If you do run out, try and make sure you are phisically tired of an evening so you can sleep better.





The internet is a big place...

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28 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

Start rationing yourself.

Try and save enough for a tiny one skin before bed, so you can sleep.





The internet is a big place...


I Dont believe in the rationing with weed mate,I tried it myself when I was buying,Imho It was always playing in the back of my mind I've only got so much left what am I going to do,and you go through the worrying each day ,Best to roll a big fatty and go out in a blaze of glory    I would like to add I couldn't go without tobacco, And even diet coke for a while but weed is no problem

Edited by Jimboo
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i think id rather have full jars than empty jars, but that's because i really like it, i don't drink, don't really do other drugs, or smoke tobacco, ADDICTED?  i say... ENTITLED to a smoke weed! :yes:



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Its a psychological addiction at most...I've seen gym freaks rattle more than a cannabis smoker when injury prevents them from gyming for even a week.


I enjoy running out from time to time.  When you smoked for longer than you haven't, abstinence begins to feel more like a drug induced state than being stoned.  Its all relative. 

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