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Dinamed CBD, Early Amnesia CBD and friends in the Night Garden.


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In the Night Garden...


Rollup folks, here we go again, Dinafem's back in my night garden :yahoo: ...first and foremost big ups to  @Dinafem-Mark and Dinafem themselves for putting up the Early Amnesia and Dinamed CBD pips for this run, (this won't be the only diary I do on them either as I've got plans for another with them and those will be grown in a completely different way/system for a comparison between that and this due to how I'm currently running my garden) :yinyang: 


Right so, as eluded to above I've been umming and arring about how to go about this here diary for the Dinamed CBD and Early Amnesia CBD and well see, things have altered a little in the system since the last Dinafem run and those being that I've been using pre used mix for the medium and well happy with it tbh, producing decent crops but is more involved with the feeding formulas and a sharper eye etc ;) also I've reduced my numbers of plants.


I used to run 6 x 5l pots but found that it was too cramped so decided on my last run to run in my 7.5's with four plants and have found it the better way forward, so in turn I'm running four plants again this time.


The Beans Then


Now another thing I've been doing of late is to run multistrain grows in order to have as much variation in my smoke for different occasions according to mood/vibe and time of day and have also found this great for me, so this run is again a four way strain grow.


1. White Widow

2. Moby Dick

3. Dinamed CBD

4. Early Amnesia CBD


The CBD plants are new Dinafem strains of course and following these and to be started when these are flipped is the brand spanking new Remo Chemo with nutrients test run :yahoo: (that run will be a single strain grow for a more fuller test).  I'm really looking forward to those as it's something extra having to go into new nutrient territory and following a chart for me, so should be good learning all around :smartass: this current run however will be done with my usual nutrients and methods of growing. 




I dropped a bean of each of those above into some mix (reused Jack's Magic/Westland MP/Verve boosted with Fish, Blood & Bone) and 3" starter pots some time ago, however the EA CBD came up, stopped and died almost instantly, the Dinamed was slow and so I thought she also was a dud, I had a poke around and she also stopped but earlier from the seed :unsure:  the Widow and Moby Dick however were fine, thus two new replacements for the duds were started and thus they are a week younger (working it out earlier and I'm counting it in at 25 days for the WW and MD and 18 for the EA CBD and Dinamed)


They were a bit long in the starters though tbh as the Dinamed is REALLY slow to get going, but yesterday I had to go for the pot up into my 6" pots as I need to get these moving along and also the cabinet was free for the halide to be used (up to this point they've been grown under sunlight via a velux window)  Root systems were ok enough with the MD and WW and also the EA CBD (just with her) but the Dinamed needed more time in her starter and the ball broke up on the pot up...she went in the new pot fine though and has not been bothered by the disturbance by looks of her earlier ;)



The photos above are a few days in for three of them but the Dinamed is just after breaking the surface as I liked the seed casing still being there and that unfolding, 'new life' look :)


I haven't bothered with anymore though until these taken today after their pot up yesterday (we've all seen seedlings and at least that early stage is now over and can get on with show now they're into their mid pots)




The White Widow above and in her new boots, little bit overwatered as my usual MO :doh: I can see but I'm not worried, she'll be fine when she dries out a bit, which shouldn't be long as the cab's running at 29 C with the Halide on.




The Moby Dick, looking a little better, bit pale but she's ok and needs a little more food which I'll balance out with what the FBB does for her in the medium.




The Early Amnesia CBD and well happy with her and how she's getting on with it, shiny leaves, happy enough and droops after a watering and picks up afterwards.




And last off the Dinamed CBD, you can see what I mean about her being slow because this plant came up around same time as the EA CBD (within a day), I don't think she's been the happiest, possibly a little cold perhaps from the window at night and affecting her a little but confident she'll ramp up now in the cabinet under the lamp.


Got a group pic below to finish up the update today folks, all in the cleaned out night garden with Cartman watching over them so happy dayz, will update in a week or if things happen sooner etc ;)


Until next time, thanks for watching :v:

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Great choice of strains mate and I will be particularly interested in the Dinamed hope she picks up the pac for you, I have a pack of them saved for future outdoor adventures hopefully under the Med sun ......I wish! ;) Must get round to running Dinafem's Moby Dick she is supposed to be pretty strong so right up both our streets I'd say :smokin:


The group shot didn't show up at the end? 


Apologies for not being around much of late but work is getting a lot busier for me atm


ATB with them all! :oldtoker:


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More than welcome mate, put your feet up and tuck into the fresh stash :yep:




lollol Yeah I just noticed bud that I haven't put up the group pic :doh: (I'll put it in this post lol )


I think the Dinamed is really sun hungry mate by the looks of it and likes plenty of photons which although ok to start under the skylight is not ideal and now under the halide I'm expecting her to pick up a bit so yes, think you're better putting it under the Med sun bud for sure, she's very slow on the rooting and pretty sure it's the Bubba Kush element in the genes though...no need to apologise either mate, you comes in when you can man, fresh harvest just gone into the jars and the Power Africa you kept ya beedy's on is reet nice I can tells ya :yes:  :stoned:  (they're all ok tbh and will do the smoke reports on that diary soon as I want to wrap it up and focus on this one)


Thanks guys for popping in, oh and the pic I forgot below too :v:



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Looking good mate. I have Early amnesia CBD and Dinamed in my collection and I don't know when I'll get chance to grow them out. So I was thinking of doing a multi strain with the Remo Chemo but still can't decide lol It will be good to see how yours do. Good luck with the grow dude :)

E2a another option I was thinking was half and half Remo and Dinamed so I have an antidote if the Remo is as strong as expected lol

Edited by jadenugs
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lol You are like me Nugs, can never make my fucking mind up :rolleyes: reckon the 'antidote' scenario might be just the thing after looking at the smoke up vid with Remo and crew in the other thread, they looked half wasted to me by the end of that fatty Remo skinned up lol 


Thanks mate for the positives and hopping on board for the run...hope the show's a good un :v:

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None too good at the moment mate :( Fucking temps are up lately and they've slowed to a crawl so I'm thinking of solutions and put a temp fix of some iced bottled on the intake side when the lamps on (hitting temps of 34.6 C with the lamp on).  The room the cab's in see gets too warm in the summer and too cold in the winter :wallbash: it's the bulding design/roof insulation at fault ;)


I will do an update in the next few days but I'm considering pulling the grow and starting fresh, doing so would put me back a month for the next harvest and I'm extra reluctant because of tow strains being test beans, but I dunno bud, we'll see over the next few days :yep:

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14 hours ago, botanics said:



None too good at the moment mate :( Fucking temps are up lately and they've slowed to a crawl so I'm thinking of solutions and put a temp fix of some iced bottled on the intake side when the lamps on (hitting temps of 34.6 C with the lamp on).  The room the cab's in see gets too warm in the summer and too cold in the winter :wallbash: it's the bulding design/roof insulation at fault ;)


I will do an update in the next few days but I'm considering pulling the grow and starting fresh, doing so would put me back a month for the next harvest and I'm extra reluctant because of tow strains being test beans, but I dunno bud, we'll see over the next few days :yep:



Sorry to hear this mate :( ....Hope you can pull them round, it hasnt been too bad up my neck of the woods of late but I hear the rest of the UK it has been pretty warm and that Aug is set to be hot too? I'm sensitive to high temps as I'm in the loft for veg time but luckily its rare to be hot up here....touch wood! Iced water bottles is what I use too when it does get overly warm and I pray it doesnt last cos its a ballache lol . You can also use supplemental CO2 to help them deal with the heat better but only really effective in a closed system anyway.


ATB man and may cool days be upon you shortly! :oldtoker:

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I'll be watching this with interest - just popped 3 dinamed for my next grow along with 3  Candida's and a couple of VCDC's. I'm really looking forward to comparing all three. 


all mine  are still in Jiffy7 pellets atm


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Fucker man. Keep what's worth it dude, chuck the rest. It's pointless slog nursing runts unless you have too. I done it with a killer kush and yielded about oz off it. Should have ditched it and started afresh in hindsight. Twice as much at least for sake 2-3 weeks extra. 

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18 hours ago, botanics said:



None too good at the moment mate :( Fucking temps are up lately and they've slowed to a crawl so I'm thinking of solutions and put a temp fix of some iced bottled on the intake side when the lamps on (hitting temps of 34.6 C with the lamp on).  The room the cab's in see gets too warm in the summer and too cold in the winter :wallbash: it's the bulding design/roof insulation at fault ;)


I will do an update in the next few days but I'm considering pulling the grow and starting fresh, doing so would put me back a month for the next harvest and I'm extra reluctant because of tow strains being test beans, but I dunno bud, we'll see over the next few days :yep:




Sorry to to hear that dude! I'd say keep these going if you don't have a solution figured out for the high temps yet. Even if you pop new ones, the environment is not going to change in the space of 2-3 weeks that much I'd say. 


Hopefully the the ice will help, but I'd say it won't last for too long, so you'd have to hanged it few times a day. And the RH might too high too... maybe getting one of those personal air con things could work ? I saw an ad somewhere online for them, they seem to be very small and relatively cheap.  


I was was afraid of having too low temps with the LEDs, but they don't drop below 20, so I'm fine for the moment. 


Good od luck with it and keep us updated. Fingers crossed they will pick up and will give a  yield decent. 

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Right folks about time I updated this in here and this is just a brief progress report got no pics today ;)


As was written previously I've had major issues with my environment not being in the right place, fortunately the ambient temps are not too high now and so it's helping, but I also switched out the Metal Halide yesterday to Sodium and they are vegging under my older 400 Grolux Dual Spec dialled down to 250 (I've been using Halide for veg/stretch for a year and have concluded that in general, Metal Halide is shit in comparison to Sodium which also puts them through veg a lot quicker :yep: )  I may use it for the last couple of weeks of bloom but tbh, I think I'd be better served keeping the Sodium and going all out for the UVb lamps addition I've been considering for the final stages.  The Sodium also dishes out less heat I've found (cab temps are 1.5 C less thanwith the halide) which will help.


I'm still getting high temps unfortunately due to the intake being drawn from the room as I need the only window for the extract, they are peaking at 32 C but still way better than the odd 36 plus I had during the warmer spell.  (there are changes to come when I've the cash to the whole setup as I'm a bit pissed off tbh ;) )  Fortunately they are growing, well I say they in meaning the Early Amnesia CBD (she is well and had no bother really) the Dinamed is now picking up but extremely small still and was shocked all to hell after the transplant, whilst the Moby Dick and White Widow are not happy, they suffered drought and then overwatering with me trying to rectify things after the pot up etc and locked out N, sucked it out of what little leaves they had and look toxic to me so I'm going to rip them tomorrow, fuck wasting energy on trying to bring them around, I'll put a couple of autos I have here in and they'll have to finish under 12/12 just to give me enough plants to run out and have them all come in around the same time.


I'll keep this diary going though for the EA CBD and Dinamed but not expecting too much from them tbh especially the Dinamed after her poor start out (mix is a little hot too and was a bit over zealous with the FBB but they'll be ok and will tone it down for the final tubs) and that'll be that for a while however I've lost the mojo for the diary i'm sure it'll pick up as the plants pick up...but I'm behind on time now for the Remo Chemo run too which I want to get on with :wallbash:  and looks like I'm going to run those in coco but not quite 100% on that yet.


So that's what's going on folks, not much of an update pic wise or happy vibes but growing is sometimes good and sometimes a headache, this run is the latter it seems :rolleyes: 


Thanks for watching :v:



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Hey mate,

Glad the temps are more workable. Hopefully we'll have a stint of good ole British summer and you'll be sweet to finish these girls. It's funny about the MH as I was toying with dialling down my dual instead of using my MH because the mums in training aren't as happy . 


I'm sure you'll bring them home in good shape .... sending some summer mojo your way too bro :yinyang:

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