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4 Auto Strains in small space and coco under COB


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Quick update


The girls seems to be doing fine. They are growing nicely, and developing first set of true leafs. 


Here are the changes that I made:


- Increased light to 50W (originally 25w, but after @ananda suggestion changed to 50W) - they seemed to stretch a little so I thought a bit more light is what's needed. 

- have a circulation fan blowing air at the very top of the box to move air a bit. That's every 2h for about 30 min 

- gave them some water as the coco was looking really really dry on top. Here is what was in the water (5l bottle, but gave them only about 1/4):

full dose cal mag (10ml)

1/3 dose power zyme (8ml)

1/3 dose root complex (8ml)

1 drop of SuperVit

ph ~5.5


Edited by 9lastic
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I don't know about LED's but isn't 25w a bit low? I used a 45w CFL to start 4 off recently and was worried it might be too little. It was ok though.

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14 minutes ago, ananda said:

I don't know about LED's but isn't 25w a bit low? I used a 45w CFL to start 4 off recently and was worried it might be too little. It was ok though.



Well... it's a first grow with these lights I'm doing. ..

when replaced my cfl at the end of flowering stage before, and crancked it up to about 2/3 of power it defo stressed the plants. So wanted to be a bit more careful with these now. 


I know that with LEDs, and these cxb3590 in particular, the watts and lumens are not the best ways to measure intensity of light. It's PAR measurement that matters here and I know they are much more efficient than CFL or HID... 


However, now that you said it... it does seem a little bit low.. might get it up to 50w and see how they react 

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I think you have done the right thing. I gave used a 45w CFL for the first two weeks and then went to a 125w CFL. I know they are more efficient and stuff but 25w still seems low. It's all going to be a matter of trial and error really isn't it?

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Just now, ananda said:

I think you have done the right thing. I gave used a 45w CFL for the first two weeks and then went to a 125w CFL. I know they are more efficient and stuff but 25w still seems low. It's all going to be a matter of trial and error really isn't it?



True that mate!


id say they will be fine at that 50W. As long as they will stop stretching as they are quite tall already.  I'll see what they reaction is later tonight and if it's all good I might increase it another 10w. 

Going away for few days so want to have the environment on point before that. :)

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Ladies are doing great. 

They seem to loved a bit more light so I crancked it up to 60W


Also a bit of water seem to give them more energy.


have a look for yourself:




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These first 2-3 weeks are always so exciting as significant changes happen literally over hours.





Ladies got a little bit more water last night (with nutes from the other post).  About 2L between the four of them just to keep the medium moist. 


They seem to be growing vigorously, the stretching has stopped so defo good advice on amping up the light @ananda buddy! 



The the new growth is quite bright and vibrant green in the middle (it's all new growth reallly lol) , but I guess that's normal for that early stages. Correct me if I'm wrong. 


Critical Cheese seem to have a little irregular colouring on her leafs... but it's hard to see it in the pic.  Do you guys think it might be that it needs some nutes already? Like a TNT from Hessi? It's not even a week since I placed the seeds in soil and about three days since they popped over ground. Advice here would be much appreciated.. first time in coco and in going by the instincts at the moment which not alwAys is the best thing :P 


Haze in the closeup pic seems to have a similar thing, although that came up only in the photo.  Can't see it as obvious in reality :) 



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I had to go away for few days, and had someone in charge of watering.. not that I'm trying to push therespoibility onto someone else lol 
Long stroy short, clearly the babies had not enough light at the start and grew a bit too tall.. to later fall over slightly.. but the resistant Dinafem genetics have come through, and they are regardless are facing the light :D

Sooo..... after feeding them with previous solutuon every second day, spread across three feedings about 5L. I decided now to increase the light every day by another 10W untill it reaches anywhere between 120-150W without stressing the girls.

Light up to 80W right now.


Made New solution for them too:

Here are the details:
5L container

tap water 230ppm
added 2ml/L Cal Mag -> 640ppm
added SuperVit - 1 drop
added RootComplex 4ml/L -> 640ppm
added TNT 2ml/L -> 715ppm

ph came out  to be about 6.5-7

So added some phMin from Plagron 1.5ml/5L came to pH 5.0
added 1m/5L ph plus from Plagronand got about 6 ph

EC at the end 775

Watered girls with a bit over half of the whole bottle (5L) between the four of them.
A good bit of runoff, so might wait two days before they get another watering. 

Have a look at the damage done by too weak light.. something new is being learned every day :D


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Quick update:


light is is up to about 105W


Critical Cheese didn't handle the weight of the leafs and went down like the other two too.

regardless, they seem to be liking more light.  


The two girls that leaned over first, are clearly smaller... the schedule seems to be the same for all of them in terms of amount of nodes developed etc but these two are just a bit smaller.  


It it will be interesting to see if that affects them much in the overall health and yield. 




Did not water, as the pots seem quite heavy after yesterday's watering. 


Till next time ! 

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Pop a little support in for them mate, I get it sometimes and ganja seedlings can do that at first until they firm up their stems a bit :yep:  Looking good they are though, healthy and growing well :v:

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They seem to be doing quite well as it is, so I might leave it like that.


The other issue I spotted is that the haze XXL is slightly darker colour and large fan leafs have a bit red or purple  colored stems.  M I right in thinking that it is a bit of nitrogen to toxicity? Or is it just magnesium deficiency? 



@Dinafem-Mark does haze XXL auto have any particular requirements  that are different to the other three strains I have going? 

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Red stems usually indicate them wanting some P mate, although in some plants it's a genetic trait so not always the case and it's early days yet for these, I don't use coco though so can't say about your feeds bud :v:

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  The biggest change is that the light had to be dialed down from 120W to about 100W
  Girls have shown some light/heat stress by curling up the leafs slightly (you'll see that in the pictures)

I'm going to be away for a week, so will have to make intructions for someone to take care of the ladies... 



  Watered with last solution last time today. Added a little bit more cal mag there.

  I'm going toleave two bottles 5L each for the person taking care of it, with already adjusted nutes to these values:
     Bottle 1:
    water ec 240ppm
    Cal-Mag 2ml/l -> 620ppm
    Super Vit 2drops/5l
    Root Complex 5ml/l
    TNT 3.5ml/l -> 775ppm
    Powerzyme 2ml/l -> 780ppm
PH'd to 5,8-6


    Bottle 2:
    water ec 245ppm
    Cal-Mag 2ml/l -> 660ppm
    Super Vit 2drops/5l
    Root Complex 5ml/l -> 670ppm
    TNT 5ml/l -> 890ppm
PH'd to 5,8-6





    Temps 22 - 28
    RH 29% - 45%

  I'm considering topping all of them...
  I'have topped Blue Critical before, and it took it very well, althought it did stretch the time by which it was ready.
  Still have to make that call, but I'll keep you up to date for sure. I'd have to do it today, and the only one I'm slightly concerned about is Haze, as she clearly is needing some more attention and is the smalles of   them all.
  Might do it anyway for the sake of the community as a test. Dinamex and CC can take it for sure as they are growing really nicely and vigorously.





  Here are some proper images (light, colour etc should be quite spot on in terms of reproduction, so it's easier to judge the actual state of things).
  So please, if you spot/identify any deficiencies or problems that might be made, do not hesitate to comment. I'd really appreciate it!





































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The girls got topped about 12 hours after previous post... :george:

Managed to get them right above the 3rd node. It was quite a surgery with Haze XXL but all went well.

anyone knows why I couldn't edit previous post? 

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@9lasticGood call on uping the wattage over a period if time :yep: . The only issue you may run into is the haze xxl is the only auto you have in the mix as far as I know so feeding will be different for this strain :yep:


Usually with autos we feed all grow feed until 1 week be for the stretch ends usually around day 40-45(strain depemding) then over a 1 week period dial back the veg/grow feed and swap over to your bloom regime :yep:


So far plants are looking great. I would do as suggested with 1-2 plants and get a small steak in to centre up the stem just until more structure is established :) really nice looking ladies and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated! 


Until the next update :bong:


All the best



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