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Perks 2017 GG With The RGSC Ladys


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Hi and welcome all to my first diary. :)


It's been 2 years since I was last on the GG scene and this year is the year, where I rekindle my green thumbs.


I would like to say a big thank you to @panik  for providing a top customer service. We had a few issue but nether the less RGSC was quick to resolve them. Thumbs up!


So we have exciting times that lay ahead of us and today is that day where it all starts. 


Let the games begin :)


So I received my lady's today in the post and this year I will be growing 




And easy sativa x skunk1 x 3 freebies


So as soon as I got these, they all went straight in the paper towel and zippy bag. The warmest place I could find for these was on the side of my fridge. 




This is the plot I will be using. It is covered with nettles and there is a close water supply. 





Edited by perkie_uk101
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Ooh, looks good that soil mate, where nettles grow, ganja will grow for sure ;)  I'm settling in for this and chears for the tag reminder :yep:  Grow them well my friend :lucky:

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Lovely looking spot you got there nettles are thriving is just what i like to see, all the best with your diary and glad your happy with our service we got there in the end lol 


Be lucky..

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Hi all, 

thank you all for stopping by and wishing me luck.  really looking forward to it.


Wishing you all the best on your antics this year.


So I have been thinking of what I am going to do with the soil.  I have never grown in soil like this before but it looks lush and the nettle are thriving and as others have said, it all good. so I am thinking of keeping it simple. 


The hole size I am deciding to dig a 15ltrs size hole. I will be  chucking some bat pop at the bottom, then mixing the current soil with horses manure.  I haven't PhD the soil but upon doing some research online, the soil pH range can be anywhere from 5.5 up2 8ph in a nettle patch. So to counter the pH,i will be mixing some spagnam moss from garden center, as it has a a neutral pH and also holds up to 20 times its own mass in water and make it more airy.

 A few years back on a purple moroc, I mixed some moss I found near plot, along with top soil from pear tree and this became a monster and had a real nice harvest from it. 


Upon planting I will also be using some mycro fungi and most likely mix with the bat poop too, not sure yet? Then just using fbb meal as a top dress each month. 






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sounds good mate u started any tha prep yet ? betta cover up well :nenenenene: u could just plant straight in that soil if u wanted  my auto plot is same is that just dug in some chicken shit they will be hittin gound soon :v: 

Edited by Razza420
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@Razza420 hello m8, I haven't yet done any prep. I think I will just do it all on night of plant out. Shouldn't take long as there not really big holes really.

That's interesting what you, its even more simple than my original idea Hehhe!  I could do half and half and see the difference between the 2 maybe? I just remember when I use the moss before it really did stand out from the others without.


This be interesting..

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Day 2  -  Update


So if checked the little ones to see how they are doing and So far so good. 


100% germ rate 7/7 Green Gold




2/7 The 7s 





I will be planting the green gold later into seed pots


To be continued......



Edited by perkie_uk101
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AS mentioned perkie with nettles growing like that you don't need much and the ph will be fine the nettles are a good indication that the soil id perfect and fertile so don't go too mad or do as you said and do a few of each side by side test,...

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