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Mucky fun in the bushes with XXL dicks & widows!

inaction man

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On 5/7/2017 at 8:12 PM, Dinafem-Mark said:



Yes mate. Diaries had to be started by May 1st to be eligible for the 2017 outdoor grow thread competition. This did not mean germination. Just starting the thread with your intentions then you can germinate at your leasure :yep:


All the best 



Thanks for clarification on the rules Mark, i'm still in it then :) BTW can we expect any random drug testing for this competition.....I vote that all previous records are expunged as i'm pretty sure @beezee might be using illicit substances ;)

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On 2017-5-10 at 3:46 PM, Blunt_Wit said:

Thanks for clarification on the rules Mark, i'm still in it then :) BTW can we expect any random drug testing for this competition.....I vote that all previous records are expunged as i'm pretty sure @beezee might be using illicit substances ;)


Your in mate :yep: I'm sure @beezeeis just a good grower and no nefarious activities going on lol


All the best 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for my weekly update folks :wassnnme:


The ladies have now started getting down into the muck. 2 were delivered to a plot and promptly planted on friday evening and 2 more will come along on monday to join them. Then I can get my tools out of there and take them to the next plot that'll probably have room for another 4. The other 2 will slot in somewhere as yet undecided..


Heres a couple of snaps of the action so far, double stacked stoned muppetry and their post transplant state. Glad to say all 10 are doing well and flashing pubes nowadays. (up to date pics coming soonish...)large.591245be5186d_IMG_00017.JPGlarge.591245d903120_IMG_00024.JPGlarge.59124386aa0d5_IMG_00281.JPG

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Its the @912GreenSkell influence, sticking the fuckers into 6.5 litre pots seemed like a fun experiment at the time but when it comes to bike powered plantout missions its 2 per time.:wallbash:

Edited by inaction man
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Contemporary snaps ahoy!large.5937d74b38c46_IMG_000111.JPGlarge.5937d7523e5d7_IMG_00039.JPG

The top pic shows a pair of WW/MDs that went out end of last week. The top one was doing great but the other lass was looking a bit limp upon my arrival. Closer inspection revealed some motherfucker deer had stood on its roots leaving 2 big hoof holes right next to it. Cunt:ranting:

Anyhow I popped the other 2 in and took the other shot then buggered off to continue my mission elsewhere. In my excitement I forgot to grab my fork meaning I had to go back yesterday to retrieve it. I noticed the bottom one & the one on the left had blown over with the strong winds. I was happy with that as it means they LST'd themselves.

Later that same day I got 2 more in at a shared plot elsewhere and yesterday I prepped a plot for todays plantout of the final 3. Looking at the weather today I think I'll postpone that. Absolutely pissing down.


Theres an original amnesia in my adjoining random freebie plot too, Doing well!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see the plants at your plots mate and sorry to hear about the dear. Luckily it only stomped one rootzone and did not stay around for s lunch time snack :)


Sounds like a lot of plot prep and getting the girls in the ground :) some fine work so far mate!


Thank you for the added pictures very much appreciated!


Until the next update :bong:


All the best 



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Cheers Mark,


I'll hopefully be out with my camera this week, can't wait to see how they've grown after a good rain soaking followed by this weeks scorching sunshine.


If all goes to plan I'll get out into the bushes tomorrow as it'll be 2 weeks since those widow dicks had a camera pointed at them.

The pic below is an oldie of 2 more getting planted out after a bumpy bike ride.

Hopefully they'll catch up with their neighbours in the plot next door (bottom pic)



Edited by inaction man
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  • 2 weeks later...

Weely update time, ahem,


Heres a few of the gals enjoying last weeks sunshine. I origially had some concerns about wether I'd be able to tell whats what after my double stacking muppetry at the germing stage but thanks to my previous experience with WW autos I recognised the short n curly pistils on some (WW) so I'm guessing the half with straight ones will be moby dicks.

Up top is a WW budding up nicely.

Below that is the foursome that went out first, up top is a moby then, in a clockwise direction its a WW. another WW then an unknown widows dick that never really got over being straddled by a deer at plantout (see previous post)

As bambi's hooves stood trembling either side of the erect widow's dick they must have knackered the roots somewhat.

Finally heres a couple from elsewhere. One widows dicks very yellow which is strange as its in the same soil as everything else in the plot and the other widows dick looked happy. needless to say, everything got a top dressing of kitchen compost. According to @LE BIG BUDs freshest diary update its still yellow but its now pissing it down so hopefully it'll come good.

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Yeah not sure why that one turned out yellow compared to the others. It looks like it could do with some Nitrogen in it's belly. The rain might release that for her. Coco dries quickly so it may not have had much access to nutrients. Only guess work. Didn't stop and have a good look... I was on a mission shoot and run. 


Looking nice those widows and Mobies @inaction man


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  • 2 weeks later...

Fresh budporn from last nights ride home via the scenic route. was well impressed when I saw em!large.595df57ebc9ac_IMG_000812.JPGlarge.595df57836d1d_IMG_000714.JPGlarge.595df573db385_IMG_000615.JPGlarge.595df56d8ab05_IMG_000515.JPGlarge.595df567aef77_IMG_000415.JPGlarge.595df558ca58e_IMG_001110.JPG

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They're looking nice and they'll love the mix of Sun and rain were having of late,mind you I don't know where you are lol so hope your weather's like mine lol


Keep the pics coming best of luck chap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for some more recent snaps from my collection of more recent snaps,


looking at the dates you can see how they developed, we've had a bit of proper mould weather over the weekend but its supposed to get better so I'll pop in today and if alls well they can stay out to fatten up even more! I did have to remove some specks of mould on my last visit but nothing serious.

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