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CBD Oils for epilepsy Legal in U.K.?


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On 14/03/2017 at 10:58 AM, InstaGROW said:

Hello guys haven't been on here in a while still growing the odd time well trying to just haven't mastered it yet but on to what this forum is about so from January my son 19 months old has started taking Epileptic Seizures of which he has 2 diffrent types of Seizures Absense and left sided focal tonic clonic Seizures 

currently he is on 

5Mg of Clobazam 

140Mg of Carbamazepine 

this amount sort of stops the FTC Seizures they still come but not serious enough to give rescues medicine but serious enough were he sleeps for 1-2 hours after now the absense Seizures are a daily occurrence were he just drops and stares blankly for a minute sometimes up to 10-20 times a day and it's even worse if there's an infection present as Seizure threshold drops when there's something making him sick 

Although the Meds are helping abit but personally is not good as it makes him constantly drozzy and drooling which isn't nice to see espically for a child who should be playing and learning in life now I know people can't give me medical advice but I have a few questions if any of the questions aren't suitable I will remove them or just don't answer them I will be consulting with his doctors and consultant about this if I can get enough information on it as I would much prefer to start lowering the Meds and giving a more natural medicince 


so has and any one on here used or know someone who has used CBD Oils for epilepsy on children?


if so what Oils were they?

(Brands i.e only one I can see for sale in U.K. That keeps poping up Is Charlottes Web)


is CBD oil legal in the uK?


If not legal is there any oil that's available to order to U.K. Despite the law?

(I respect the law but when it comes to this a knock on the door wouldn't bother me)


is there any cannabis strains that's high in CBD but low in THC as more likely if oil is not legal it won't always be available so could have to start looking at growing and turning into oil?


Thanks in advance for any help is giving 


I know you can buy CBD in health food shops at the moment. It is totally legal. l saw a shop on my high street with a huge posterfor the product. This was its name - https://www.healthrack.co.uk/cbd-oil 


I recently came across this blog post. I don't know much about epilepsy in children. but I found this to be an extremely interesting read. Maybe it can help you - http://complexchild.org/articles/2016-articles/november/epilepsy-cbd-oil/. Where are you based? I am in the North West and know of a few health food shops that sell CBD if you need any recommendations. 

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I linked this in another thread, but this thread seems to call for it (even if a year old)




More than 0.2% thc and you'd be seen as giving a controlled psychoactive drug to a child. That's the kind of thing social services would jump at.



Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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  • 1 year later...

It's great that many doctors are open to you trying the cbd oil. I asked my neurologist about treating epilepsy with hemp oil or cbd oil (not for myself, just out of general curiosity) and he showed zero interest. Though I have read on the website that it work great for reducing seizures

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