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Badbadgers SS's Competition Diary


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Hello my old Auto diary! it's nice to be back in here but I feel guilty for cocking you right up but that's water almost under a bridge now so I beg for your forgiveness whilst I try to explain to visitors how youve helped me and I'll try my best to find good things to say in return for all your efforts. 




It's been a while since cropping these autos and I've been busy working on my other one plus the stresses ans strains of every day life but now the ends near it's time to do the important smoke reports. 



I'd like to say now that I won't have weights as I avoid scales in any way shape or form that may be perceived as useful for small measurements even though my medical situation is clear to see by anyone I think it would help to convince anyone that I'm growing for me alone. 



I spent a long time using that type of scales in a past life so I fully understand what can be implied should I have a visit from 5 o. 

I'd like to also state I won't sugar coat anything as it's not fair for a grower to be encouraged on to  strains on a poor descriptive. 



All reviews are from being smoked pure in organic hemp papers. 




Let's kick it of then with the Dark Devil Auto. 

Right from when they really flowered hard I wasn't to keen on the smell apart from Crinkley Runt the stunted dwarf who was a bit sweeter in the air. 



The problem I had was it had a very similar aroma to my Fathers work boots when he ran a Car Repair and Bodywork business it being a pungent combination of Cellulose Thinners (fast and slow) with a warm cheese tone (the food not strain lol) and green peppers with olives. 


When I got it into my drying chest the smell quickly built,obviously, but it multiplied so much that I couldn't smell the Cream Mandarin at all and that was far from scentless! so decided to pull it out in the fear of tainting the Cream Mandarin delicious smell. 


As an emergency drying tub I used a large sealed toybox with a tiny usb fan and proper burped it with a cold hair dryer to remove old air 3-4 times a day and it dried fine in about 20 days.It was then jarred at snap point. 



Once it was reasonably ready I  genuinely tried to enjoy smoking it but flavour-wise but it just wasnt me and once smoked it tasted like Chipotle Chilli sauce with a petrol  taste helped by an edge of Candied Lemon and Lime. 

However my Wife really loved the taste of it and has done all the way so it shows how varied people's tastes can be even when being 24/7 with someone for nearly 20 years.



The one place my Wife and I do agree on with the Dark Devil is in its hit. 



Initially for me the hit didn't really register in an obvious way and for a while smoked it in the day to extend the life of the Cream Mandarin.


Annoyingly though a couple of weeks later you'd have a smoke (still didn't like the flavour) and  then 4 hours later you'd realise that you've been on a crazy mind trip and your Brains been turbo-charged in what ever way you needed it so If deep,imaginative or continued thinking and focus is needed then this is the strain you want.


It will drive you through whatever it is you want to get down,done and dusted. 



My Wife swears by it especially If on a major house clean day when she's like a Woman possessed tearing round doing what ever it is Women do at that pace. 



As it cured away the smell developed into a sweet and sour  berry that fills your nostrils which is great but even now it still smokes with that petroleum fumed edge I find doesn't sit with me well. 



The one area it definitely lacked,for me at least,was In its medicinal effects for pain,relaxation and relief of other more minor medical conditions.


I really don't find it helped me any further than as a mental distraction. 


If I'm sat down reasonably comfy for a spell it will help me to pass the time washing around in my own thoughts,watching movies is really quite cool as the mental stimulation of intense plots or action scenes hook into your mind and your working things out so fast you become completely entangled in it then it ends and feels like it's only been on 20 mins. 



Update to yesterday I cracked out a top bud from a new jar and it smelt amazing and as it crumbled the room filled with a sweet,fruity barbeque aroma that after all this time actually made my mouth water so I was excited to smoke it,it crumbled perfectly and was packed with crystals however once rolled and lit it still had that petroleum twang which pissed me of BUT the hit OMFG!!!! 



This time it grabbed me right in the brain and shook me like a Croc fighting a Chicken that obviously lost that fight which is pretty much what happened to me for 4 or 5 hours singing and talking gibberish whilst designing a DIY veg box on paper that had real emotional eureka moments hehehe. 



So to round up I actually think the Dark Devil may have been affected by problems introduced by myself when deciding to use an Organic compost that never seemed a stable medium, for growing Cannabis in anyway.


Im sure for someone who gets it right there's a smoke in the Dark Devil that can take you to places in your consciousness that Sigmund Freud could never have described or discovered. 



I have a few images for your enjoyment please feel free to take a peek - 



















Plus if you like a tidy,clean house and your Wife's a smoker then grow it by the pound and watch her go! (no offense Irishgirl and Kiminal) 

As I pray my Wife never reads this we move onto the mighty Cream Mandarin XL Auto. 




Again and sadly the Mandarin pot was also filled with the Organic compost I used with the Dark Devil and it seemed to hit the Mandarin a bit harder.


This wasn't helped by having 2 fail to germinate but hey what can you do?. 



The Mandarin never looked comfortable really,felt delicate and topping just made it feel angry,I'm sure it wanted to injure me in some way as revenge for "cannabis abuse". 



It grew as best it could although nowhere near it's possible yield.All through it though It gave off the most delicious,complicated aromas even at one point smelling of 1970's actual tinned Mandarins with that classy dairy product of the age Carnation milk,what else is there for fruit in syrup? 



To say I was excited about smoking whatever made it through the "grow" is an under estimate of how I felt. 



Once cut and trimmed it stayed in my big drying tub and merrily took it's time to be snap dry at about 18 days. 



I became so used to what I had in my jars that it wasn't hitting the spot so one evening I clipped a few popcorn buds placed it in a tinfoil tray and slotted it into the recessed top of a bog standard home radiator for a night.


Upon my return the next morning my quick dry weed looked good with its thrichs clearly still sparkling away so I tucked in expecting a glint of what I hoped it will taste like once properly done. 


As soon as i hit that first bit of Mandarin my face melted into a smile as my mouth came alive with a kaleidoscope of Willy Wonka's best fruity flavours of Mango,Peach,Redcurrants and a tang of Gooseberry gently infusing into a solid base note of toasted Vanilla Toffee Fudge. 



When I say that it's probably the best flavoured weed I've ever smoked since i started in the mid 80's I'm not just plucking it out of mid air in the vain hope of some more seeds turning up on my safe houses doorstep it really,genuinely is and that was after a flash dry in essence. 



The hit from the flash dry smoke was so very,very smooth like Marvin Gaye in his early twenties sucking on a Werthers Original releasing that creamy toffee flavour whilst serenading Ursula Andress when she was in Casino Royale grrrrrrr. 



The hit mmmmmm the first thing you feel is like an internal Organ  yawn as each important part of your system bathes in goodness and your muscles progressively relax sending back messages of love through your nervous system up your Spine and back up into your Brain that swears it's sunning itself on a sandy beach next to the Med with a non alcoholic fruit cocktail made with fruit picked fresh that morning on the hill behind the small Spanish town by a jolly fellow who only earns €80 a week but chooses that life and lives on the good karma he supplies through the taste of his delicious,healthy,Sun drenched fruit. 



The particular Cream Mandarin pheno's I had were the masters of medical effects,I'll explain simply - 

Pain - no problem (breakthrough pain partially sorted but nothing stops that fully) Arthritiis eased and more moveable.


Boney pain was dealt with within limits but my pain is Bone on Bone almost continually as I have a fraction of Cartilage left in both Ankles. 



Standing,Walking- once I weight bear pain builds and builds until I either sit down or go down depending on the relevant position of my Ankle joints at each individual step,one may be fine the next will fire pain up through your leg to your back so strong it instantly raises tears and if there's no grab point I'm going down. 



There is no medication I've yet tried in nearly 30yrs that will stop that level of pain only change your perception of it which doesn't stop the stress build up internally from dealing with it. 

Cream Mandarine does not stop that sudden pain nothing will but it reduces stress and makes you feel more relaxed before and after  so for this type of complaint it's a support rather than a fix. 



Headaches - no problem at all.I never had one of its normal intensity the whole time I smoked it be that a stress one or reactive.I usually get flash headaches 4-5 times a day that wipe you out each time. 



Nerve Pain,Shakes,Trembles - no problem,soothed and massaged after a couple of pure j's.I have degenerative discs in 3 places and seriously compressed nerves. 



Nausea,Sickness - no problem at all.I have to take Cancer medications for aslong as Im on this planet that make your stomach an unfriendly place for food.I barely had a twinge of sickness whilst smoking it.My swallowing action works out of sync so I choke alot eating and drinking but the feeling that gives was reduced greatly and my appetite was increased. 


Eyesight relaxed and less strained  for sure.


One side effect of Two of my GP meds is visual disturbances and sensitivity to light with soreness all of which was reduced. 



Fun stuff - 

Audio effects     yes 

Enjoyment of Wives tv choices yes 



Giggling/Laughter fits    yes 

Increased sense of humour  yes 

Improves your looks     yes 

Visual effects yes BUT my Wife said no so perhaps it's interfering with my standard Meds producing a trippy set of visuals but not over poweringly so. 


As I think you can now see for yourself Cream Mandarin was like  Popeyes Spinach to me.I loved each and every little bit of it and I cant explain how pissed off I was fucking it up. 



Here's a few images of bits and bobs that I remembered to photograph before consuming it all like a ravenous Vulture -




















I will 100% be growing it again although probably a photo strain hunting for a similar pheno that will be the first Mum I'll keep and run cuttings from. 



I enjoyed the whole process of this first diary and learnt so much that it changed how I did the second part of my competition Diary with my Killer Kush. 


Obviously I cannot promise that any of what I explained above will happen when you grow it and the very fact I cocked it up alot may have put the genetics under stress hence changing the resulting crops qualities completely randomly making it my perfect smoke.


I hope not as I know @Fragg is ordering some to try after my blowing smoke up it's pungent effects! 


My sense of humour maybe a little way out there and I use words like a trillion Autumn leaves falling into an immense mound of rotting matter but it's all in good fun never personal and it's how I have to mentally live or those little chinks of light get quickly buried by negativity and depression. 


Your all my grow hero's and wish you,yours and your grows well. 


Take care and smoke sweet!

Edited by Badbadger
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Superb reports dude enjoyed that and thank God it improved your looks too lol Enjoyed wife's TV choices as well, that should be a tick box on smoke reports :D 


No seriously glad the CM helped you mate and best of luck finding a Mum in the future ;)


Have a good day man :oldtoker:




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Nice reports Badger mate, fair play fully comprehensive descriptions there...Mandarine auto sounds a bit different than the photo FV I ran out...great bud photos too man and stacked with the business stuff :v:

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That was a monumentally useful and well written report, I particularly liked the medicinal breakdown ( it's my knees not ankles and back and neck too ) absolutely awesome , so good in fact I'll be ordering cream mandarin next time . Top stuff , thank you 


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****I forgot one thing in the write up and it's a bit of a delicate matter so please do not read any further if your easily offended (you would be if I put pics up trust me)


There's one area of married/partnered/civil ceremonied  life that doesn't get brought up gratuitously here in 420 and I like it like that but this needs to be explained.


I'm here to report that the Dark Devil Auto seems to have an unexpected side effect leading up to and during bedroom "Paralympics" lol


Both my Wife and I have had urges to participate in a few different sports when we've smoked good buds of Dark Devil.


We've gone through and tested the few strains I have In the cupboard and none of them gave anything like the effects of the Dark Dirty Devil.


I have to take a small amount of Viagra every day to help blood flow around my Heart and chest but usually a smoke deals with the unexpected "rumblings" popping up and keeps things at normal levels but one fat j of Dark and Devil and it's a different matter completely.


If you try it I cannot promise it will have the same effect in your relationship but on top of my meds it's nothing short of miraculous trust me.


Can't wait until the next "Paralympics".


This is not a joke,for once.








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Right that's it, I'll have to get some of this....













...for me! 


The missus will always jump my bones given the opportunity lol

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@Fragg hey buddy,how you doing? Thanks for popping in.Did I read you'll have your daughter home soon? its probably not what she was expecting but I bet it'll be nice to have her around for a proper stay best get your grow socks on or you'll have empty jars pretty quick! hope she's ok and she gets back on track in time.


@botanics good to see you popping in mate.if you do grow some "Dirty Devil" you need to take it easy or youll be driven mad by lustful thoughts lol


I have no idea why it's like that but my Wife and I didn't say anything about it to each other for a while and we both thought it was just a coincidence.


Whatever the reason why....




bet they won't list  that effect on the pack!!


@Breezus good to have you call by buddy.The medical side was a bit of a rushed attempt although the details are right it was a little tounge in cheek.


I've actually been working on a simple template of different medical areas with a 1 - 10 score for each description to make it clean and not to much gumpf to drift through.


It would give a short,useful and concise add on to any diary.


I'll shout once I have it worked through.


Thanks guys it's always a pleasure.


"oy Mrs B get your hands of my dark devil jar you freak I'm an old man take pity on me please'





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@Badbadger Haha I cant see them putting 'gives badgers the horn' on the packets either mate lol You dark devils the pair of you :dev:


Yeah both kids will be back soon so that will be nice....for awhile! :) Jars are full so plenty for the whole family.....always the provider as a father  ;) 


ATB my friend :oldtoker:


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