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in the cab that coys built


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firstly a big thank you to the seedsman team and j trich for setting up this fantastic competition and of course for the chance to grow some great genetics :yep: so, here is a run down of my set up, seeds, plan, nutes n soil.......

set up:

stealth cab, inside measurements: L 82cm (2ft 8"), W 31cm (just over 1ft), H 112cm (3ft 8"). so as you can see not much room to work with!.

150w CMH 942 lamp for veg and early flower and (yet to buy) 830 lamp for rest of grow

4" rhino pro filter

4" rvk boxed and outside of cab

str variac on setting 3 or 4

passive intake

120mm pc fan for air circulation

cab open, since changed the light and osc fan ( please note: plants in pic are NOT of seedsman seeds)



cab closed



3x auto lemon

3x cali orange (yet to germ)


as my circumstances have changed since signing up for this competition, im unable to use my tents to run 12/12 (at the moment , any way!) im now having to grow autos only in my stealth cab that i converted originally to grow my seeds, clones, mums and early veg in. i have done just 1 grow in this cab and found that topping kept the height down (topped one and was 6" smaller!) so i will be doing the same again this grow. i can fit 3 6.5L pots in there so i will be growing all 3 and going to train them as well as topping. i will be starting them in 3" pots for 10-14 days then in to finals.

soil and nutes:

keeping things simple and using pm soil supreme, pm root juice, pm ot grow (if needed), pm ot bloom and some equilibrium for cal/mg.

so on the 30th dec 3 auto lemons hit the dirt, straight in no messing about with paper towels or anything never had a problem doing it this way until now. usually my seeds pop within 3 days, 4 tops, but we are now on day 5 and only auto lemon #1 has shown any movement and shes sprouted tap root up by the looks it :doh:. only thing i can do is give them another day or two if no action then i will pop either some auto chem bubbly or more than likely auto blue cush, both seedsman strains so will be able to hopefully carry on with this diary.....




beautiful looking seeds!


auto lemon#1 hitting the dirt


auto lemon#2 hitting the dirt


auto lemon#3 hitting the dirt


group pic




and here we are today, 5 days since hitting the dirt

auto lemon#1


and a close up..........



auto lemon#2


auto lemon#3


and a group pic from this morning.....


so, until something happens, thanks for popping by peeps, till the next episode..............

coys :smokin:

Edited by coys
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nice litttle cab that could easily double as a mother or drying area if you ever needed to make another

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Welcome Coy.. first edit title thread please.. Thanks

“Seedsman Grow Contest” + strains growing + Coys"

Ouchh.. Damn it, that's why I like to germinate between napkins, the substrate can be very problematic in its first irrigation. On napkins humidity is 100% controllable and the seeds only need 2 days to open. I recommend it 100%, you save bad times while waiting to see some movement.

Leaving aside the bad news, good presentation and good shots. Interesting setting. Perfect for 3 x 6L Good luck!! ;)
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You don't mess about doya mate! Great start :yep:

Bet you happy with your boys atm 2.o up ;) wasn't expecting. Ya to beat them tbh was thinking a draw at best with Chelsea in the form they are in fair play!

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@@morten arthursson

thank you mate, im gonna need it


cheers dude, not the best start but i`ll get there

@@Subliminal Criminal

thats what i originally built it for dude, but due to my circumstances changing recently i have to use this to grow from start to finish for the foreseeable....

@J Trich

thanks dude :) it was`nt till i had already updated the thread that i had realised my mistake :doh: im ever so sorry my friend please accept my apologies :) i dont think i can edit the title now :huh: if its not possible for you to change it would one of the mods be able too? if all else fails i`ll have to do a fresh diary........great minds think alike on that mate, i`ll explain on my next update

@@vince noir rock n roll star

hi vince :) your kind words are much appreciated my friend :)


thank you dude, think im gonna need it lol


hi bro, dont tell the missus ffs she`ll go bonkers, only supposed to be growing 3 at a time :rofl::wassnnme:

as for the spurs mate, you n me both was thinking the same tbh...but to win in the way that we did i think sends a message to the `big` boys that last season was`nt a one off. was lucky enough to get a ticket, possibly my last game at the lane :down:

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right firstly im gutted to say that the auto lemons failed to germ :down: i must say tho i have only ever had trouble germing autos either nothing happens or they cant shed they`re shell and need a lil help doing so. so looking through my seed stash i had either auto chem bubbly or blue cush to crack. only problem being i thought i threw away the packaging to both so in the last place i looked, why is it things are always in the last place you look??? :wassnnme::wassnnme: , i managed to find the blue cush packet but not the white bit of packaging that comes with so i hope this is ok @j trich ?

so, on my way home from the footy on wed night(what a fooking night!) in a very happy mood my mind starts to think of other ways to germ ie. wet paper towel, soaking seeds for x amount of hrs etc. the first and last time i tried the wet paper towel method which was 5 yr ago i managed to break/snap about 3 or 4 tap roots :doh: and iv never soaked my seeds, from what i can remember lol by the time i got home my mind was made up to give the wet paper towel another go.

on the 5th jan i put 3 auto blue cush seeds in to wet paper towels. i put 4 layers on a plate and sprayed luke warm water all over, making sure not to get it soaking but nice and moist (i do love that word, moist! lol) i then placed the 3 seeds on the paper towels






and covered the seeds with 4 sheets of luke warm moist paper towels, the covered that with another plate


for added not sure if needed but i then put the plate inside a square tray and covered that again, so its double protected :thumsup:



i forgot to add and its nothing to do with seedsman, i popped another 2 seeds straight in soil at the same time i did the blue cush as i normally would just to see if my enviroment has in any way changed. so, roughly 14 hrs after being between the sheets i could`nt resist a peep and to my surprise 1 had cracked!



i knew it would`nt be long before the others cracked and after roughly 24 hrs the second cracked



i then got my small 3" pots n filled with pm soil supreme and placed them in my cab to warm up a bit as they are being potted on later that day. then about 30hrs after being between the sheets i decided regardless if the third has cracked its shell shes still gonna be potted on.



end of part 1....

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part 2...........

so on the 6th jan all 3 got potted on and got put in the cab............






then yesterday the 8th jan we finally had movement and the girls are above the surface but still in they`re shells so i will give em 24hrs to shed em if not ill have to give em a helping hand lol


so today i had to help all 3 shed they`re shells and im pleased to say that all 3 have survived so far :yahoo: , so today will be day 1!



so, thats all for now peeps, thanks for popping by, till the next episode..............

coys :smokin:

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Ok yeah, shot package is right.. Congrats for the three new lives!! ;)

Another thing you can do to accelerate or optimize germination, is to put the seeds initially in a glass of water for 12 hours, then the next step would be to put on wet napkins. This way you should be able to germinate even the most delicate seeds...

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