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BlackpoolBouncers Fantastic Automatic Sweet Seeds


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blinding start @@blackpoolbouncer very informative :yep:

iv read a diary or two of yours and i enjoyed them and also gained a lot of info regarding autos, if you dont mind sir i`ll grab a pew and sit quietly in the corner for this one

atb dude

coys :smokin:

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Oi oi blackpoolbouncers how's tricks ?? What a start to a diary smoked a whole joint while reading lol

Will be tagging along too on this one ;) all the best mate T.o.B

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A massive thank you to everyone who has popped in and wished me well. Good luck to you all too.

Im not even fussed about the prize, well I am obviously but its just nice to see something the community is getting so involved in and for sure it is is making people put the effort in and indirectly sweet seeds will make people better growers. Well done and thank you to sweet seeds for doing this. Big respect.

Sorry its been a wee while since the opening titles. Life never seems to slow down for me, I think only when I retire will I really have the time to get everything done with some spare..

So things are running nice and smoothly really. Its taking me a little while just to dial things in just so since adding my new cmh light. The extra heat on the canopy and subsequently less heat ambiently and particularly low down has been a bit of a pain. Ive just about sussed it but twice for an hour or two the canopy has got up to 30 and the base of my pot as low as 20 once. I know this doesnt sound like much of a big deal and it really isnt. for 90% of this grow so far the canopy has sat between 26-28 and my pot level between 22-24.

I have increased air movement in the room by turing my circulating fan up a bit and changed its angle a bit. this seem to be dissipating the heat generated from the lamps more evenly around the room and more notably down to the floor.

Its no good having my canopy temperatures perfect if my roots are chilly.

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As I mentioned in the last post everything was getting ready to be potted on. which happened last weekend if i remember rightly. The Cream mandarin was the healthiest looking girl so she got potted on into my own homemade supersoil.

Remember how when I filled that pot a few weeks ago I left a 0.5l pot in the middle. I now simply remove that pot from the middle. Take my plant, remove its pot and then simply pop the plant into its perfectly sized and shaped hole. This was then dressed with a little bit of leaf mold just to seal it all off and some extra mulch was added to finish the job off.

Note The composition of the soil and the "crumb". It is like cottage cheese and full of aeration, just what I wanted. Also the black millipede tucked away in the potting hole. Finding arthropods in my soil is alright by me, they eat decomposing matter and all that good stuff so he stays, same with woodlice and if im lucky enough to find some, centipedes as these will eat any aphids etc Ive already got a few ladybugs patrolling but I don't think they like the light

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The same method was employed for the other two girls..
The trifoliate mutant that is the jack 47

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And a very sorry looking Dark Devil

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Elsehwere in the room, my two test plants that are outdoor hacks have served the purpose they were created for. I noticed one of them has decided to autoflower on me so this boy got the chop. He hasnt been entirely useless, his leaves and cuttings have gone to make mulch. I was tempted to keep him and do some pollinating as he has an amazing aroma and many good traits for a male but ive binned him now.

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Her sister is gonna get chopped soon. In the meantime ive been playing.....

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On that note I will stop to mention the general health of all the plants.and where we are now at with each one

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Cream Mandarin.
She has been the brightest of the three fro, day 1. She has shown good vigor and health from day one and continues to do so. There really is nothing untoward to report about this lady whatsoever and Im happy to say this remains the case after being introduced to my super soil. In fact im ecstatic to report that this girl couldn't be happier. She is thriving in the soil and looking in excellent health, So much so that is is excelling against her sister(just) in clover which I rate as being the best compost on the market.
Happy so far. I expect to see a minor bit of overfert shortly from this girl as her roots really take hold of that rich compost. This will stand her in good stead for when she can capitalise on that extra available food. She is quite the stocky little girl though and im hoping shes going to take off and i see no reason why she wont. When i transplanted this little girl at about ten days old she got watered in with about a litre and a half of plain water.......thinking about it I may have given 0.5ml pl of seaweed extract but I forget, Forgive me I have smoked quite some weed since then but this sound right because at ten days old being healthy she will have been getting a wee bit hungry in her small pot.
Since then she got a litre and a half of water yesterday just to keep the soil damp. Watering for this girl is a bit different to the others. Whereas they follow a very strict wet/dry cycle, this girl wont. she will just get water as I see fit. I am finding it a very different medium to my usual clover, particularly in the water retention/drainage departments. Im treating this a bit more like i would a plant in say a raised bed.

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Jack 47

The trifoliate mutant.
Although she had a troubled start which I think in part was caused by her extra leaves putting too much pressure on the stem, she has really started to shine and has won a place in my heart. Since being potted on into an 11l bucket she has really taken off and is actually in excellent health and showing good promise. The strange trifoliation continues still and she ahs mutated yet again. She decided it was getting crowded at the top and has decided to split her main growing stem in two. This is a very confused plant, Its the cannabis equivalent of a conjoined twin. Her vigor is excellent however and actually is making for a nice plant. I look forward to seeing what she will do next

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Dark Devil
Last time I mentioned she was having a hard time adjusting to the compost......well I think it may be a little more than that. Unlike her sister which are the epitome of health she looks very sorry for herself. She, although the tallest of the three plants looks incredibly weak. I dont know if this is something genetic or what but shes been putting out very weird runtish mutant growth, 4 bladed leaves that look unhappy as anything. She may perk up, she may even get binned. Either way I dont think she is a good representation of sweet seeds work or mine so from here on in I will probably not document this particular plant and will save my write up for my next run. If all goes to plan that will be a full no till organic grow so we will see if we can do her some justice then. Its a real shame because this was the one I was looking forward to the most. Till next time dark devil, I guess that the joy of growing from seed. You just dont know what your gonna get and is one of the few downsides to autos.......this is certaily not a girl that would be cloned and reproduced.

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So now the room is getting nicely dialed in and the plants are starting to take off I will try and update much more regularly. Things are gonna start happening fast from here and Although I take photos most days doing these huge updates take me forever and believe it or not id like to go into a bit more detail on more specific things and impart as much as I have to give.

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On a side note. I had my first radish out of the room. It appears my supersoil is too much for radish although they are still growing like fook think they like the light.

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What is enjoying both my compost and my constant light are the chard and my strawberries. I gave my strawberries a prune back and low and behold they are well under way flowering again. With a bit of luck I will be eating my first indoor strawberries in a couple of weeks.....might be worth digging up a couple more plants, I do like strawberries. The celery has started popping up too and have begun thinning down to the best seedling.

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If anyone knows what to do with chard thats tasty give me shout. I tired some fresh last night and I though it was a good representation of what I imagine my soil tastes like to a worm, Kinda tastes like leaf mold smells if ya get me

Peace out everyone

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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looking good bp bouncer attention to detail as always love how harsh you are with the girls its like bein in the technodrome at helter-skelter full on hardcore :yahoo: well 20 years ago anyway cant dance all night anymore

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always good to see a freaky plant bbb..they tend to produce something a little special if you let them .

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@@#soulmate helter skelter. Now that takes me back to a far gone time. Survival of the fittest in here. A plant has to gain my approval before I love them lol.

@@vince noir rock n roll star indeed old chap. The way she looks there's no way I'd bin her. I might even sprinkle a bit of pollen on her. I think she could turn out to be something special. We will see.

So just a quick update today. There isn't much to report. The lovely mutant j47 got her pot topped up with compost and watered for the first time since transplant last night and her sister dark devil got topped up with compost and is being watered as I type. They are both receiving 4 litres of water with 1 ml pl of shogun cal mag. This will probably be the last grow I will be using bottled cal mag. It may even be the last time I use any bottled nutrients. Can't wait. Cal defs are the baine of my growing in containers.

I may water the cream mandarine tonight too. She keeps getting little bits of mulch here and there and hasn't been watered since my last report. She has only been watered once since potting up too. Far too many people over water after they pot on. I think these have been left a week maybe. I dunno. Like I said. I don't keep track of days. Shit just gets done when the plant tells me it wants it doing.

If it takes 7 days inbetween waters that's what I gets. From here on in it will I assume take another 4 days, maybe 5 before they are ready for water. After this they go onto there normal cycle of getting fed every 2.5 days. My plants follow a true wet dry cycle from day one and I think this is incredibly important to grow the healthiest plants during an auto's short veg period. Every day counts and if you keep the plant happy for the first 30 days it will reward you.

Apart from that everything is hunky dory. The no till plant is the one in the black tub, cream mandarine. She is just getting the legs on her sister the mutant j47. The tall weak looking one is the poor runt dark devil.

Temperatures have been all good apart from this morning I woke to find temps had got down to 24.5 which were soon sorted and its been plain sailing at 26.9 to 28 max since which is where I want it.

Cream mandarine

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Jack 47

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Dark devil

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J47 and cm together for comparison

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Oh and I've been pulling these out the last few days. Still a bit small but they are incredibly early by my reckoning. They were only sown 29 days ago!

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If the taste of these is anything to go by I'm looking forward to the taste of my supersoil bud. I like radish and these to be honest are a bit too radishy. This is probably why the chard tastes so prolifically earthy........cant beat organic produce for getting the good stuff into ya.

Carrots are looking a bit sorry for themselves. One of my cats snook in and decided to lie in them...Bloody cats

Anyway. I waffle as usual

Peace out

E2a. I'm off out now to help a friend in dire need with his grow but I will be beginning training tonight. On the CM at least. I wasn't going to but I can't help myself and she is crying out for me to do it. I will document and try and update again later. Like I said. This is where it gets exciting. Hold tight folks

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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It's often the way that the most anticipated seed turns into a disappointing plant, growing is full of surprises.

I like to steam my chard then add it to fried onions, then pour egg over the top to make an omelette.

My wife does a mean spannakopita. Might not be how you spell it but it's a Greek pastry with feta cheese and leafy greens.

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Very interesting diary; that soil looks beautiful; I'd love to see a pic of the strawberries

Looking forward to the rest of the show :)

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shame about the DD @@blackpoolbouncer grew this on my first grow and its a beautiful plant was a shame to cut her really

Was looking forward to seeing you work the magic on the DD, think i will be revisiting DD in the new year


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