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My first Sweety Seedy Dell XPS Diary


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Here's my diary to help me keep track of things, and maybe it'll prove useful to another newbie.

It's my first grow, and like most things I've started off small and cheap. The case I've used is pretty decent for a skip find I reckon, it's a full tower aluminium Dell XPS case. My choice of lighting has been five 23watt CFL's, originally three but I recently added two more.

Nothing has been bought from any specialist grow shop, everything seen in the pictures has been bought from your general DIY merchant. The merchant I use is stupidly cheap for things like err... CFL's, timers, multi socket extension leads, garden wire. Basically everything you need for a budget grow case.


To help reflect the light around I've painted the inside with a bit of gloss white, nothing fancy just what happened to be on the shelf.

I added one 12v 120mm PC Fan powered by a 12v 1a 240v Power-supply (an old netgear psu). This will help create a more natrural environment and encourage the plant to grow a strong stalk.




Now I will confess a good friend of mine germinated my seed for me, which admittedly is one of the trickiest stages and I was a bit forgetful in photographing it in the early stages.
However as seen you can see what to expect, and given the small amount of room I had it was quite important for me to start training the plant to use floor space rather than growing up like
a sunflower and thus making it difficult to position the CFL's.


20161109 214422

IMG 20161116 WA0001

At this point the plant has reached it's maximum growth (I believe) and budding has intensified, training is not so important now. I've positioned the lights over the main budding areas of the plant, keeping a 1.5"~ distance to prevent burning and but maximize the light the plant receives. Seen also are two new babies, these are phenotype however.



That is it for now, I will continue to update as this all progresses.
Edited by Toastgrow
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Cheers toastgrow!

Very nice, it is always cool to follow a micro grow. I also love doing micro grows, here's an example: http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=258660

On the other hand, this diary that you are about to share would fit like a glove in our 4th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition, where among other things, it would have much more visibility. Here are the contest bases:


If you're interested I can move the thread to the competition subforum. Or if you prefer to keep it here, it is also ok. It's up to you ;)

All the best and sweet smokes :yep:


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Great to see a micro grow in a computer case ! Cool little setup, very impressive - Just goes to show you can pull off a crop with virtually zero space.

What soil/nutrients are you using and whats the temperatures like when its all closed up ?

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Hi all, I'm aware I've been a bit absent.

Little update: Buds are getting heavier, smellier and I'm starting to salivate.

Once I get hold of a 12v 20amp~ PSU I'm going to add two HID (H4 Car headlights) bulbs on my second grow. They are in effect mini HPS bulbs with a ballast in principle. I think it'll be an interesting to compare the differences between CFL's Only and CFL's + HIDs as there is a mixed opinion on using HID's from what I've read.

Cheers toastgrow!

Very nice, it is always cool to follow a micro grow. I also love doing micro grows, here's an example: http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=258660

On the other hand, this diary that you are about to share would fit like a glove in our 4th Sweet Seeds Grow Diary Competition, where among other things, it would have much more visibility. Here are the contest bases:


If you're interested I can move the thread to the competition subforum. Or if you prefer to keep it here, it is also ok. It's up to you ;)

All the best and sweet smokes :yep:


Hi Tommy,

Appleseed sent you a few messages on my behalf about this. Yes I'm all for entering a competition so I'd be very grateful if you could move this into the correct thread.

I love that mini tent, and the ideas of using cable ties is pretty neat.

Great to see a micro grow in a computer case ! Cool little setup, very impressive - Just goes to show you can pull off a crop with virtually zero space.

What soil/nutrients are you using and whats the temperatures like when its all closed up ?

Hello Mr Inspiration101,

I can't remember the make of the growbag but when I next pop out to shed I'll check for ya and I'm not using any nutrients at the moment, but I will look into them on my next grow!

Oh temps, no idea lol.. Probably about 26 at a guess. I'll borrow thermometer outta the Axolotl tank this evening.

Thanks for all the kind comments everyone!


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Cheers my friend ;)

Ok, so the thread is already moved and you are already participating in the contest :yep:

All the best with it and sweet smokes :oldtoker:


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Little Update.

Not much to report on other than some rather dense looking progress. For some cheapo CFL's I'm really impressed at how well these seeds are proving to be.

I've included a pic showing my rather heath robinson's approach to angling the lighting as well.

Week 6

Week 6

Lighting arrangement

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Little Update.
Not much to report on other than some rather dense looking progress. For some cheapo CFL's I'm really impressed at how well these seeds are proving to be.
I've included a pic showing my rather heath robinson's approach to angling the lighting as well.

buds are looking great just go to show what you can do with just the smallest of spaces well done

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I like the way you think mate :yep:

Great job with this little PC grow and echo comments in here about how amazing it is that such a small little grow can yet still prove effective...this is pushing boundaries and always deserves recognition :v:

Keep up the great work man and those xenon lamps sound an interesting experiment :yep:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The end is neeeaaarrrr

It's been 3 weeks since my last update and within the next few days I'll start drying it out.

I really am pleased with how it's turned out, it's been a simple case of 'just add water' and boom you got some bud.

Week 5

20161212 203028

20161212 203305

20161212 203604

Week 6 (16/12/16)

20161217 133439

20161217 133452

Yep it's sticky and really pongy as well and I'm still watering it once a day, about 200ml with the lights on 18 hours.
The others to the right are shooting up, even singed their leaves a little one day :lookaround::lookaround::lookaround:
Not a lot else to report on really, I think it's safe to say it's been a success but obviously the proof is in the pudding smoke :oldtoker:
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The end product has arrived, it's been drying out now for 3 days and I think another 5 days and it'll be ready!

It's above the grow case in a cardboard box left a jar open for some airflow.

I'm genuinely very pleased with the quantity and weight on first impressions, obviously it'll be a little lighter after fully drying out.

20161219 203523

20161219 202625

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