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Playstation vr headset


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Another cool thing I heard about the PSVR, is that you can use it on anything with a hdmi port (like a pc or even Xbox) for watching vr videos and standard gaming.

Although you have to have it also plugged into the ps4 to be able to do that currently, but I don't think it'll be too long before someone figures out a way to get around that.

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Hopefully the government warmongers can fight each other in a virtual battle, without getting anyone else killed.

All joking aside that would be a wonderful way to settle disputes if it were possible to get all parties onboard. It sounds farcile I know but it's no more rediculous than voting for one of the two idiots standing for president. :D If a nation can agree to the results of that then maybe it's possible to agree to the results of a VR War.

Hold on, le me just take this thing off and get back to IRL. :sadwalk:

Edited by Snowziff
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I tried some Chinese version, you sit in some egg alike capsule(that moves and makes you proper sick when flying), headset alone is crap.Guy said kids react much better and just let go, was weird to fly i took it of after a min and watched my gf s reaction on it, its more fun looking at someone using it lol lol

Now i heard Sony VR is mental from one hand and from other its more of a first time buzz when you buy it,still cant wait to try Sonys version.

I didnt hear that VR is struggling with ps4 , got ps4 atm and dont plant to buy ps4pro just to use VR, is that a fact?

Nice to see a thread about this :D

As far as I know my mate who bought one isn't having any issues with his ps4 running the vr headset.hes got 4 different games and all play with no problems
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