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Playstation vr headset


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Anyone had a go on these yet?

A mate got one on release day,I'm not a big gamer myself but fuck me this is the future,the only way to describe it is 'you are in the actual game'

Such a weird intense feeling,watched a horror clip called the kitchen and it is unbelievable

Think I'm gonna be treating myself very soon

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When more games become available i can see it maybe being worth it, Ive had a go of one was okay but wasn't massively impressed still choose my pc anyday.

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It's the VR version of what Pong was to arcade games in the home - not really the real thing, but relatively affordable. I'll wait a while, gonna take at least another couple of generations of console yet.

Edited by Boojum
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HTC Vive is better than the ps4 but you get what you pay for.

Next year VR will hit selected cinemas, the iMax ones in New York and London for starters....2k VR !

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I've been waiting for VR for years, but I don't think it is really ready yet. When I can put a helmet on and I'm actually sat in a F1 car for a real race or I'm actually on the battlefield going to war with a horde of Aliens then I'll buy one.

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Hopefully the government warmongers can fight each other in a virtual battle, without getting anyone else killed.

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I had a go with the Oculus rift protoype a few years ago and was very impressed, would love to try the latest high def version, or the htc/playstation alternatives.

I have a smartphone VR head mount thingy that I got from fleabay (like google cardboard, but plastic, and more adjustable), it works OK, but its quite uncomfortable, also a bit of a pain in the arse putting your phone in and out.

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I've been waiting for VR for years, but I don't think it is really ready yet. When I can put a helmet on and I'm actually sat in a F1 car for a real race or I'm actually on the battlefield going to war with a horde of Aliens then I'll buy one.

There is a racing game out now for the ps vr and you are actually in the car,it's such a surreal feeling look looking around at your surroundings,it makes you want to reach out and try and touch what's not there

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It's only gonna get better being the 1st generation.i think they need to be wireless and no doubt as comfortable as it is the headset will get smaller and smaller over time

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I haven't tried VR but am interested in the technology and the psychology aspects of it.

The psychology aspects will be intresting.seen a few videos of people falling over wearing these as it tricks your brain and confuses balance.motion sickness is a problem if used for too long or rapid moving games

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I'll give it a miss to be fair, im a pretty hardcore gamer but my wife will just use it as an opportunity to sneak up and scare the living shit out of me. I get engrossed enough in my games without a VR head-set.

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I tried some Chinese version, you sit in some egg alike capsule(that moves and makes you proper sick when flying), headset alone is crap.Guy said kids react much better and just let go, was weird to fly i took it of after a min and watched my gf s reaction on it, its more fun looking at someone using it lol lol

Now i heard Sony VR is mental from one hand and from other its more of a first time buzz when you buy it,still cant wait to try Sonys version.

I didnt hear that VR is struggling with ps4 , got ps4 atm and dont plant to buy ps4pro just to use VR, is that a fact?

Nice to see a thread about this :D

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