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Seedsman Grow Contest - Autos - Minigun/Onyx/Sweet tooth - Dodgee


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Ffs vince! Coming in a guys diary n posting vile offensive pictures like that!

It's just not cricket man, I'm gonna have to get a mod in too clean that up now.

I mean really, if you'd at least photoshopped a gag ball in her mouth an a knuckle duster dildo in either hand, that would've negated the obscenity somewhat..

Honest man.. You try n run a nice tidy diary and people gotta rock up n start posting vile filth like that.

This place is going downhill so ittis..

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Ok folks, hope all are well..

The ladies are appreciating the extra wattage it seems,

First the obligatory group shot,

I decided to take the girls out for a few snaps in moderately better lighting,
So first the sweet tooth,
Sweet tooth 1, in the fabric pot,
Number 2, in the 6.5
And number 3, in the 10litre round,
Next up the Onyx
Number 1, fabric pot,
Number 2, in 6.5l,
And number 3, 10litre round,
And finally the Miniguns,
Number 1, the beast,
Number 2, Cunty the runty,
All plants are still in the m2, still under 400w 24/7, and still on plain water.
No problems as yet (unless I'm missing something, feel free to speak up if that's the case).
So for now and until next time, thanx for looking folks!
Best regards dodge

Nice... :shock: Fast growing in most, the big Auto Mini Gun shows a very strong stem, that beauty is very promising .. how many days in that pic? ;)

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I think that's day 28 roughly @J Trich

Bang on 4 weeks from seed give or take a day.

That Minigun does look a beast but the blurb has it down as a 7/8week strain so it's got a lot of budding to do in the next 3/4 weeks to live upto the blurb.

I always add a week or 3 onto the blurb anyways. 7 weeks would have been the fastest finishing example after all.

Looking at the size and shape of her I'd say she's more like what some describe as'super autos'.

In which case 10weeks from seed seems more realistic. And leaves another 6 weeks to pile on the flowers...

I'm well happy with them all up to now anyway mate. So thanx again for the opportunity to grow em out!

While your about though any ideas on the smaller Minigun? Have I stunted her somehow? (that's my general feeling) or does this strain have the occasional smaller specimen???

Cheers Dodge

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I think that's day 28 roughly @J Trich

Bang on 4 weeks from seed give or take a day.

That Minigun does look a beast but the blurb has it down as a 7/8week strain so it's got a lot of budding to do in the next 3/4 weeks to live upto the blurb.

I always add a week or 3 onto the blurb anyways. 7 weeks would have been the fastest finishing example after all.

Looking at the size and shape of her I'd say she's more like what some describe as'super autos'.

In which case 10weeks from seed seems more realistic. And leaves another 6 weeks to pile on the flowers...

I'm well happy with them all up to now anyway mate. So thanx again for the opportunity to grow em out!

While your about though any ideas on the smaller Minigun? Have I stunted her somehow? (that's my general feeling) or does this strain have the occasional smaller specimen???

Cheers Dodge

Ok thanks. I thought they were on week 3, I have cultivated only one time, three seeds, one of which was much larger than the other two, but also began one week before to flowering, although I prefer not to talk about it, because that session had lot of problems with Ph just in week 3 & 4, trying first time 3,5 Liter felt pots.. first time Led.. nutes :russian: , but the first one started to bloom in the 4th week, and the other two week 5... finishing week 9-11 from seed.. ;)

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Ok folks, well its about that time in a dodgee diary when everything starts going tits up!

Personally i think vince worked some voodoo black magic shit, posting up grotty pictures of aging german porn stars n shit, its never gonna end well..

Anyways sometime last week the girls suffered a minor drought, all plants were effected to some degree but it was the middle row in 6.5l pots that suffered the worse for some reason, in particular the onyx in the middle, her fan leaves dried up n despite rehydration refused to come back so I've removed all of the worse ones for now.

I only had time for a flying visit, so pictures are few and of very poor quality i'm afraid, i will endeavour to get back down there on wednesday and give them a proper tidy up and update properly then.

For now though,

Group shot,

Seedsman Group

The two plants in the root pouches survived the drought best, though both are also much shorter and bushier than there sisters,

Seedsman ST root pouch


Seedsman Onyx root pouch

Then the 6.5s,

Seedsman ST 6.5

The Onyx, after removal of her main fans,

Seedsman Onyx 6.5 post massacre

Minigun, the beasty one

Seedsman Minigun 6.5 beasting

The shots of the plants in the 10l rounds were too blurred n shitty to post sorry, like i said i'll try again wednesday.
I tried to grab some stem shots for those that way inclined, the main stem on the sweettooth in the 6.5 and the minigun 6.5 are proper trunks, like the thickness of a clipper lighter already, proper surprised me they have,

Seedsman stem shot 2

Seedsman stem shot

Anyways sorry for the bad news and shitty update, i'll try n up my game later in the week, thats all for now folks..
As always, best regards, dodge
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Dude im sure they will pull through,as for the Sweetooth i love the original so very interested to see what you think of it in auto...as for diaries going tits up and feeling sorry for bad news for me thats what this comp is all about...if everyone did fantastic grows and pics what would we learn about seedsman strains ? fuk all thats what....now when things go wrong this is when we will find out what there made of and just how good/bad the seeds are..imo everything is about the quality of the genetics and we will only find out when usual grower errors are made..i also blame Vince lol.

Take it easy buddy


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Of course yr quite right happy.

It's through our mistakes we and others can learn, tis human to err n all that jazz..

And trust me nobody tests hardiness like old dodgee lol

I'm still blaming the voodoo witch doctor mind..

Thanx for stopping by buddy!


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Ok folks, well its about that time in a dodgee diary when everything starts going tits up!

Personally i think vince worked some voodoo black magic shit, posting up grotty pictures of aging german porn stars n shit, its never gonna end well..

Anyways sometime last week the girls suffered a minor drought, all plants were effected to some degree but it was the middle row in 6.5l pots that suffered the worse for some reason, in particular the onyx in the middle, her fan leaves dried up n despite rehydration refused to come back so I've removed all of the worse ones for now.

I only had time for a flying visit, so pictures are few and of very poor quality i'm afraid, i will endeavour to get back down there on wednesday and give them a proper tidy up and update properly then.

For now though,

Group shot,

The two plants in the root pouches survived the drought best, though both are also much shorter and bushier than there sisters,



Then the 6.5s,


The Onyx, after removal of her main fans,

Minigun, the beasty one

The shots of the plants in the 10l rounds were too blurred n shitty to post sorry, like i said i'll try again wednesday.

I tried to grab some stem shots for those that way inclined, the main stem on the sweettooth in the 6.5 and the minigun 6.5 are proper trunks, like the thickness of a clipper lighter already, proper surprised me they have,

Anyways sorry for the bad news and shitty update, i'll try n up my game later in the week, thats all for now folks..

As always, best regards, dodge

Big change in all garden, something usual in automatic, between weeks 4 and 5, in a few days increase a lot their size and also their need for water. Auto Minigun has no brakes, this plant is very promising.. ;)

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Yeh it's just one of those things J.

Caught my grow partner unawares, he said he checked them mid-day and all looked fine then when he got home that evening n stuck his head in 3 of the plants were worse for where.

My guess is he just stuck his finger in the front most pots (the root pouches which must of been wet enough coz as u can see those two look fine).

I was gonna read the riot act but held off coz it's an easy mistake, I might've done it myself.. As said earlier "tis human to err".

Besides I'm sure all will be just fine.

And yep that Minigun is indeed very promising! Infact I'm already tempted to buy a full pack just on the strength of that one plant.. Let's hope she dont let us both down eh brutha!

Thanks for stopping in,

Best regards dodge

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Don't look too bad Dodge and reckon with a cliipper thick stem at this stage things do indeed look promising ;) Funny innit the old clipper like, multi tool if ever there was one, packs down spliffs, used as a scale example and now a rule for measuring stem thickness lol It's the standard fayre and a must have in the ganja grower's/toker's arsenal :smokin:

keep up the great diary mate, lots of personality coming through and a good read :yep:

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Thanx botanics. Always nice too see you pop in mucka. Quite right on the clippers too. Move over leatherman, here's a real multitool! lol

Well I couldn't visit last night as I didn't have a babysitter. But I've remedied that tonight and will be heading down shortly.

Hopefully update later this evening or tomorrow morning.

I'm keen to see how much recovery they've made in the past 5 days!

Back soonest, Dodge

Edited by Dodgee
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Well folks its not all good news i'm afraid but neither is it all bad..

When i opened the tent i was greeted by 50 shades of green, along with a fair few yellows, its hard to be certain whats effecting each individual but i'm reasonably sure that the larger more vigorous ladies are simply showing signs of hunger which were no doubt compounded by the drought the other week. Temps are stable at 20-25c. So hunger is my best guess.

Judging by the weight of the pots I also thinking there might not be a little overwatering going on, my mate over-compensating for his earlier mistake, we discussed it, i urged caution, and i'm sure he'll do his best.

In his defence i used to take care of the majority of watering/feeding etc but since my circumstances have changed he's had to step up to the plate and is still learning and i have to except that he's doing his best. If anything i feel a little guilty about leaving so much of the work to him. I may consider some kind of auto watering system to try n help out.

And of course on top of all this there is the difference in pot size/shapes/materials to complicate matters.

Any road. Chins up onwards n upwards eh. First job was to tidy everything up a bit. I dont normally advocate any sort of under trimming or lollipopping with autos, but in this instance I thought it more important to remove any dead or sickly growth in order to properly see whats going on in the coming weeks, the tents a little crowded anyway so a thinning out isn't the end of the world.

In the interests of honesty and for information and reference purposes, i've include before and after pictures of all the girls so theres a fair few pictures to share, i may have to divide them over a few posts...

First up this week, The Miniguns. The larger plant is clearly pale green and yellowing and almost certainly starving, the smaller runt is very dark green still. So the larger plant is going on to liquid feeds at next watering. The smaller will remain on plain water for now. I also need to remember to pick up some more soil and top up each pot as the soil has subsided a good deal.


Minigun Pre Trim.

Minigun Pre Trim

Minigun Pre Trim

Minigun Pre Trim

After Trim,

Minigun post trim

Minigun post trim

Minigun post trim

Minigun post trim

Minigun post trim

A couple of closer shots,

Minigun close

Minigun close

Minigun close

Minigun close

Minigun close

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