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I have a 1.2 X 1.2 x2.0 tent with 5 plants can anyone recommend a good led light budget of around 250 - 300. Will any light out there increase the yield?

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I'm not telling you not to use them, but out of curiosity why have you chosen led? There's lots of lighting options out there for your space, is there any particular reason you want led and are you open to other suggestions?.

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Yes of course mate I'm just coming to the end of my crop and it's the first time Iv done it. Just was told by a friend that led light will be more effective and also increase the yield :/

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Hi bud, HPS will increase your yield, but there's a new one becoming popular with growers, the CMH.

Have a look around on here, there's a thrread running atm about it.......lotsa people liking it a lot

Ideal for the space you have imo


stu :oldtoker:

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Budmasters are good but very expensive, you might want to have a look on that auction site for a second hand one, I use a G3+270 which I love. LED's are not very popular on here with the HPS die hards but definitely give them a go but don't go for a really cheap one as it will only end in disappointment. 315w CDM/CMH are also excellent lights and are within your budget. My next project will be using an LED and CDM combo. I'll publish the results once I'm ready to go.

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