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Diawa Sensor Brown Monofil.... how to....

The Villan

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Yeah, I did some daft stuff thinking back. Like you say, one slip and you're fucked, you're not getting out. I used my front banksticks as a marker, under no circumstances go beyond it. Used to get some filthy looks from the SARA guys out practicing, understandably. I kind of liked the danger element though, puts a bit of an edge on your day out, and like you say great conditions!

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@@Green rivers, you're into your Barbel fishing too then! I spent about 5 years specialising in barbel on the Severn, Wye and Warks Avon. I haven't fished for them this season though, I might have to have a go before the 14th if we get any mild weather. How's your season been dude?

All them Rivers you mentioned are all by me :) you fished the wier across tewks field ?


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Only fished the weir once as a kid, from the dead arm side on the island. Used to fish the dead arm quite often for Pike.

I did most of my Severn fishing between Worcester and Tewkesbury. It's not quite as accessible now I've moved though unfortunately, still within range but a bit of a mission.

Edited by Captain Bonglington
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I like wading but dam some rivers are scary, even my look river is pretty notorious, quite a few have died over the years.

One year the water board nearly killed many anglers, stupid fuckers lowered the levy without telling anyone it was happening so it went from summer low to high as fuck within minutes was dam lucky everyone got to safety in time.

I like wading but aye one slip and your fucked, I'm not as adventurous as I once was after having a scary moment on the Tay a few years back, I had walked down river along a wall face maybe about 200 yards and to get back out you had to walk back up stream but the river shit up maybe a foot and that made it very hard, the force against me was bloody unreal and it was only about waist height just where it was on the bend made the current really fast, kept always sweeping my legs away was bloody dodgy.

I still wade but I'm far more cautious these days, a few years ago I would happily go chest deep but not now lol

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I used to wade down the floodbank on the Severn, stood up to my waist in water with the rod on high rests, so I could get the fish back up past the lip. Used to get some funny looks from walkers. I love extreme conditions, I remember fishing during the opening week in 2007, I couldn't see the water, just a sea of orange gas canisters going by at about 30mph. That was a bit much!

Sorry @The Villain, I've gone off down memory lane in your thread dude, baked this morning!

Memory lane is good :) I wished I had started fishing many many years ago :)


ps. love reading the memories :)

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I was a matchman and cut my teeth match fishing on the trent when Jan Porter was at his peak. The stick float master of all time John Dean lived just a few hundred yards from me and then just a couple of miles away was Pete Warren(check them out :)). In those days the trent was THE river but the pegs in the main were horrendous and dangerous and so was some of the stretches themselves but we waded and stood for 5 and 6 hours, even though at times it hurt just to stand. We did it because the fishing was that good :)

When river fishing died I went on the open circuit to fish in large waters for bream(the slabbing circuit as we called it then) but carp were starting to be added to most of these beautiful waters so you had to fish for those too to compete. Once that started to happen and "water pigs" were becoming more of a money making racket I packed all match fishing in and just went pleasure fishing for bream and thats what I still love to do today if I can get away from the "vermin" lol

Tight lines all :)


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I can't see me ever wanting to go down the match fishing route, I just love what a day on a lake gives to me, I haven't withnailed ( aint saying it just in case haha ) I am going to a nice lake tomorrow morning with a carp rod and a feeder rod, and hoping to catch some lovely fish :)


ps. I am being taken to Linear fisheries in April, to see how the Big boys do it :)

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I was a matchman and cut my teeth match fishing on the trent when Jan Porter was at his peak. The stick float master of all time John Dean lived just a few hundred yards from me and then just a couple of miles away was Pete Warren(check them out :)). In those days the trent was THE river but the pegs in the main were horrendous and dangerous and so was some of the stretches themselves but we waded and stood for 5 and 6 hours, even though at times it hurt just to stand. We did it because the fishing was that good :)

When river fishing died I went on the open circuit to fish in large waters for bream(the slabbing circuit as we called it then) but carp were starting to be added to most of these beautiful waters so you had to fish for those too to compete. Once that started to happen and "water pigs" were becoming more of a money making racket I packed all match fishing in and just went pleasure fishing for bream and thats what I still love to do today if I can get away from the "vermin" lol

Tight lines all :)


Stocking and trying to force a system into something it isn't can really screws things up..

People get used to it and then the fish feds go and try and screw it up all over again with another idea.

When they started stocking land locked Chinnies into our fresh water lakes..People freaked out about it!

...they didnt appreciate catching dying black boots around their precious trout.

Then...people started to like fishing them in the summer as they fought extremely well and tasted great...

Then our fishing feds (Ministry of natural resources or MNR)) just decided to stop it all together...

They said it was not working...they said it wasnt possible for the fish to spawn...because they were hybrids..

This was after a 50 mil charter industry was set up ...

well guess what...THEY WERE WRONG and thank god for that too lol

I once considered tournament fishing...then I met a bunch of the people who did it for a living and that pretty much decided it for me.

I like fishing to much. It's more than what you put in your pale. ;)

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I can't see me ever wanting to go down the match fishing route, I just love what a day on a lake gives to me, I haven't withnailed ( aint saying it just in case haha ) I am going to a nice lake tomorrow morning with a carp rod and a feeder rod, and hoping to catch some lovely fish :)


ps. I am being taken to Linear fisheries in April, to see how the Big boys do it :)

Best of luck tomorrow, dude.

Let us know how you get on.

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iv got a yolk that clamps to a table/whatever, its got a spigot with a thread on the end, that the spool of line goes on, then you tension it with a wingnut that screws down onto the spigot, trapping the spool, tie the line to your reel, then you wind like a fucker for 5 minuets, best thing iv found yet for the job yet, wrapping it round table legs and through yellow bastard pages is a thing of the past! lol


eta daiwa sensor line is bullet proof, only lasts a season though, it goes a tad kinky and wiry if you hammer it much longer!

Edited by *DJ*
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I can't see me ever wanting to go down the match fishing route, I just love what a day on a lake gives to me, I haven't withnailed ( aint saying it just in case haha ) I am going to a nice lake tomorrow morning with a carp rod and a feeder rod, and hoping to catch some lovely fish :)


ps. I am being taken to Linear fisheries in April, to see how the Big boys do it :)

I fish there a lot myself @@The Villan , what lake you fishing? Either of the brasenoses 1 or 2? Or you going on St Johns?

I'd advice St. Johns for a first trip to the linear complex, it's the smallest of the lot they have, Oxlease being the biggest iirc?

Either way best of luck, always love my visits which either lake I end up on(Can be quite busy)

all the best bud

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Well, the day went well apart from realising I had overfilled the spool....... 3 birds nests later and I took about 50 mtrs off ans everything settled down then.

I managed a nice little roach off the feeder :)

I had two nice bites off the carp rod aswell.... not big but big enough to make me adrenelin rush worth while.



So all in all I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

My m8 caught two carp on his feeder and a roach, he never got anything on his carp rod. :)


Edited by The Villan
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Nice carps dude, that common looks like it's got a bit of ghostie in it.

I used to use Sensor in 15lb and did find it a little springy on the spool, you want to fill to within a couple of mm of the spool lip ideally.

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