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DIY Grow Box Advise


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I am thinking about trying to make a self contained grow box out of an old chest freezer. Haven't got indoor grow space atm and don't want to use a tent as it would be a bit obvious and think a freezer or similar might be slightly more covert-I can put it in a garage or outbuilding .

Want it to do some seed runs initially and maybe some autos after that.

Looking at doing 8-12 small plants a few more if I can.

I've seen a few online but good large ones are pricey and bottom end around £400.

So was wondering if I could knock one up cheaper .

Haven't got a clue regarding design so was wondering if anyone on here has made something similar?

Any advise would be appreciated.Thanks

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What you want to do is go to your local white goods repair place or council tip and see if you can scrounge one for free. Failing that a cheap second hand or spares/repairs. You don't need a brand new one.

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yeah it is pointless buying a new one, (400 pounds could get you the kit you need ie filter fans and lights) as you dont even need it to be working. there must be someone somewhere selling or giving away a broken freezer, either that or a cheap working one.. if you get a chest type you could stand it on its end maybe?

Have a look around there will probably be someone giving one away in your area if you collect?

Edited by Subliminal Criminal
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Have a look on freecycle.org, particularly if you live in a big city (or near one that you don't mind driving to for collection). I can't guarantee that one will be on offer, but if it isn't you can always post a wanted ad (free)

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Yh u can find them on face fuck or bumtree has a freebie section aswell lol

Plus I will say a bigger fridge freezer will be easier to work on I tried to do a small fridge freezer and it was so hard to work on plus keeping temp down was hard I have scraped it now lol


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