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A Nice Discovery...


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Haven't been here in quite some time! Good to see the site still running strong and looking so modern :D I found an old suitcase which I didn't realise had some growing gear in it and got me back thinking about this place again.

So many thoughts right now, can I can't I can I can't I...

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Thanks for the welcome back :)

Haven't dabbled in a VERY long time, I'd be lying if this discovery hasn't got me thinking about it again though...

Edited by G-Whizz!
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Yeah can't believe it's been about 12 years :O

Just been ducking and diving and dealing with the highs and lows of life like anyone else :) Circumstances atm still not ideal for growing but maybe I'm not looking at this from the wrong angle...

Getting a grow on would definitely be worth a punt but at the same time where I am atm is way too risky :/

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nothing worse than wanting to do something, even having all the tools to do it but circumstances not being ideal, if its too risky then my advise would be dont do it and find somewhere suitabe, its not worth your liberty or being on ol bill radar or worse

but welcome back and hope you get up and running asap :)


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Welcome back :) I don't know you mind lol but hi. Surely finding the suitcase is the the universes way of nudging you in the right direction :)

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bloody hell :shock:

hello Mr Whizz! :D

Bet I gave you a bit of a shock!

Hi bruv hope you been keeping well really is good to be back :D

Welcome back to the site dude

Thanks Golden!

Well slap a my thigh



OWD!!! Now there's a name that hits me from the past! You good bruv? So glad to see you're still here :thumsup:

nothing worse than wanting to do something, even having all the tools to do it but circumstances not being ideal, if its too risky then my advise would be dont do it and find somewhere suitabe, its not worth your liberty or being on ol bill radar or worse

but welcome back and hope you get up and running asap


TBH not going to rush into anything too fast. Been sober for far too long though and not gonna lie it would be really good to get back into growing but need to work this thing out properly and find a way that I'm completely happy with and that is safe ;)

Welcome back :) I don't know you mind lol but hi. Surely finding the suitcase is the the universes way of nudging you in the right direction

Quite possibly ;)


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