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Windows 10 advert issues...help please.


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(Ps the ad-ware wouldn't have come from the pre-installed windows 10 OS)

Sorry bud but I have to disagree there. Adware is totally legal and it was only a matter of time before Windows sold out..

A fresh copy of Windows is riddled with Adware, its just that most users assume its normal because it was there already... Ever seen any familiar PC orientated names trying to connect to the net after booting a new windows install?... Packard Bell, HP maybe?... This is Adware. You may have no Packard Belll or HP hardware / software but you have an Icon for it on your desktop the first time you open a new windows.


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Cheers lads..

This is only my 3rd laptop in around 10 years,I dont get all this technolgy carry on to be honest! Theres alot more too it than just clicking continue/install or next it seems lol

All I done was follow the computers instructions (without reading it all) Up popped this big blue page with an "e" and I thought I dont like the look of this and tried searching and a little bit of typing and it just put me off.

So being used to windows 8 and firefox I decided to download them links,dont know if they are real,but were the most rated/reviewed. Still running windows 10 tho,guess it will take time to get used to all the other new bits from the upgrade.

Then I searched fir my fav sites and added them to my bookmarks! Was going ok,apart from adding pics from my camera to my laptop,but managed one so done something kinda right,I say kinda I dont know were the pic is now to delete it lol

One of the sites I use when bored is "miniclip" flash games,had to download flashplayer too,that site has alot of adds so it might have come from there? Who knows! Still Im up and running for the time being and have put the rubix cube down for now.

Anything else goes wrong I will let you know,after I`ve had a good read first.

Thanks again all.


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I've got 3 PC,s in this house, all of which have windows 10 OS installed. Not one of them has any ad-ware. I use either Chrome or MS Edge as browsers. Chrome was installed from the Official Google website. I know from experience that if I were to download a browser from a non official site I would end up with all sorts of ad ware installers installed to my pc or device

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Windows 10 has no adware built in. When installing anything choose custom install, not express, as most free software etc will auto install packages you don't want.

Get malwarebytes custom install and run it.

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Another plus one for Spybot search and Destroy along with Malware bytes, both free and they deal with 99%+ of adware.

My ma drives me nutts with her ability to find so much adware etc, the above two programs deal with them effectively though they take time to run on slower machines, a once a month clean with the above does wonders for keeping your internet browsing up to speed though it will usually remove passwords and log in details too its a small price to pay imo.

If malware still persists try running the above programs in windows safe mode as that prevents most malware running and re-installing itself as they can be slippery little sods at times. You can start windows in safe mode by spamming the 'F8' key during the boost sequence in most cases or 'Shift + F8' then just select safe mode from the menu, you will then have to manually start the removal programs. this can also deal with some difficult virus' that re-install after a reboot of the machine.

As said clicking through installers with next can result in malware or garbage utilities and toolbars, adobe flashplayer is one of the worst in my experience as it updates so often. Where possible I always opt for a 'custom' installation and look for checkboxes inviting me to install junk software as above.

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Adware has a few different levels.. The horrible stuff you get from third party browsers is clearly obvious. But the sneaky stuff is there and comes with Windows 10 as well as Asus, Dell etc.

Adware is roughly defined as any software that automatically "Shows" adverts to a retailer (PC User) via their PC (or other media device) with the intention of gaining sales / income / revenue.

Norton, Mcafee and Kaspersky are excellent examples of this. Norton advertises it will remove most if not adware from a PC, then installs an annoying (and quite often unavoidable) huge piece of adware itself..

I have had PC's, laptops, etc sold to me as "Slow" or "Broken", sometimes you will even get some poor souls that know its adware eating system speed alive but are looking for the wrong things with their Anti Adware software.

IME its often the larger "Trusted" programs that are running background .exe's designed purely to give info and advertise etc.. Its all the user agreements none us ever read.

The software developers that work for large well financed companies are experts, they can hide away a piece of adware from even the best of best anti virus / anti adware programs. The amateurs that make those fake browser things don't even come close.


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Windows 10 shares various information with microsoft (but you can turn it all of easily). it does not come with (and never ever will come with) the type of adware this thread is about.

The software developers that work for large well financed companies are experts, they can hide away a piece of adware from even the best of best anti virus / anti adware programs. The amateurs that make those fake browser things don't even come close.


You can run wireshark and see exactly what data your PC is sending out. If microsoft did have illegal encrypted adware bundled with their software, it would be found by people really quickly, and it would obliterate their reputation.

The sentiments of your posts are 100% right but some of your assumptions are way off.

Edited by Jaqen H'gar
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Still playing about here,using firefox wouldn`t play on youtube or load up miniclips,so I decided to try them on microsoft edge and they work on that,but Im sure thats were the unwanted adds come from in the first place but theres none now..click away from diasaster I bet lol


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Still playing about here,using firefox wouldn`t play on youtube or load up miniclips,so I decided to try them on microsoft edge and they work on that,but Im sure thats were the unwanted adds come from in the first place but theres none now..click away from diasaster I bet lol


honestly mate run malwarebytes. its free, it will take about half an hour to scan your machine and i bet it will find LOADS of malware.

run it once every few weeks and you wont have any of these types of problems in future.

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Windows 10 shares various information with microsoft (but you can turn it all of easily). it does not come with (and never ever will come with) the type of adware this thread is about.

You can run wireshark and see exactly what data your PC is sending out. If microsoft did have illegal encrypted adware bundled with their software, it would be found by people really quickly, and it would obliterate their reputation.

The sentiments of your posts are 100% right but some of your assumptions are way off.

Oh I don't think its anything dodgy or illegal, the type of adware I am describing anyway... Besides the basic collected data I don't think Microsoft is up to anything sinister. They don't need to take the dodgy route. Well I'd hop not anyway..

My point is just that adware can be misunderstood as pop ups etc, when some of the best stuff is right in front of us and comes with the OS. And this can slow down a PC, and cause issues when online IMO.

But your I do agree the type of adware in this topic is a different finish of paint, much more malicious, and likely from user installed software etc, or something picked up from a web page.


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Another plus one for Spybot search and Destroy along with Malware bytes, both free and they deal with 99%+ of adware.

I second that

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@@Jaqen H'gar

Scan took around 20 minutes.49 objects found and 49 removed :yahoo:

Cheers mate,now for this spybot search and destroy.

Thanks again everyone,much appreciate it.


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Just a an afterthought. If you do use adblock plus, it can sometimes block the sponsor banners and ads on uk420. You can whitelist uk420 very easily by clicking on the icon and selecting "disable on uk420.com". So it runs as normal on here.

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