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Using molasses on seeded plants

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My plants are at day 42 of flower and most of the calyxes are seeded. I've never used molasses as an additive before but I've heard it can sweeten the bud so I thought I would give it a try. Does anyone know if it can hurt seeds or make them not viable? I won't use it if it does as the yeild is going to be low because there are so many seeds. Some of the seeds are developed while others are still immature and green or white. This is a pic of them 9 days ago: http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?app=galleryℑ=336004

Edited by hashm
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Mollasses won't sweeten the buds.

It is used by organic gardeners in teas to give the bacteria a food source early on in the brew process.

You can mix it with water and add it to the soil but unless you have a living soil your not feeding anything.


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I think all soil is living unless you're talking about inert media or desert soil. Since the molasses dissolves in the water and the water is absorbed by the plant and its flowers I would think it would sweeten it. That's what I've heard anyway. But I've also read it mostly feeds microbes in the soil. The reason I thought it might hurt the seeds is because I imagine like pregnant women, diet has to be altered a little bit so healthy offspring develops. I know it's different with plants but I have to imagine there are crossovers. I've read pregnant women aren't supposed to eat too much sugar.

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Yeah pal because I like fishy tasting buds I really rate bio bizz fish mix lol

Eta, the molasses isn't sucked up by the plant it's used as food by the microbes in the soil. U dont feed the plant with organics u feed the soil

Edited by hashmaster3000
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Why worry about adding anything to your mix to sweeten when you can just sprinkle a bit of sugar in your spliff when you roll

You could even drizzle a bit of molasses down the paper once rolled :clown:

My favourite is to roll a starburst into a sausage and put that in the middle of the spliff :angel_not:


Edited by Owderb
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Why worry about adding anything to your mix to sweeten when you can just sprinkle a bit of sugar in your spliff when you roll

You could even drizzle a bit of molasses down the paper once rolled :clown:

My favourite is to roll a starburst into a sausage and put that in the middle of the spliff :angel_not:


This tickled me!

If u need to sweeten your weed can I suggest u try a better strain. Decent weed doesn't need sweetening

Edited by hashmaster3000
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