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Stealth boxes for Campervans...


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This was a little idea I had today....basically the smallest functional growbox is the intention...without going bonsai.

Thinking about it..if I could work this one out, I'll sell the beemer...get an old camper and just travel about :)

Could anyone who likes this idea give me some input please...Its literally just a thought of the day...but I think if we could design as small as we can go...with a universal design, it could be expanded to fit any size for any grower.

I just like the idea of some hippy driving about the country/planet and opening up one of those small head height cupboards to a forest of likkle buds :alien:


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eeeee man, the thought of that has crossed my mind more than a few times.  Cruising round Europe would be a joy.

Main problems I see with it are;

- power consumption when stationary

- growing enough for heavy users

If you smoke an 1/8 a week thats an oz every 2 months.

Pulling 30g every 2 months shouldnt be a problem and youd only need 1sq ft. of space. about 18inches high if that and about 30W equivalent of compact flouro lighting.

But then you also need a veg chamber.

Scrog with 1 plant per 6sq.inches?

Shallow Water Culture (with a well sealed anti-slosh lid ;))

But 2 sq.ft of space in a Dubvan is alot.  Maybe in a newer VWtransporter or a transit would be better.

Plants would be more susceptible to outdoor temps aswell.....

Well....just chucking thoughts out...cos this would be a fun thing to do.....

Drying and curing may be a pain......Not the actual doing it, but the waiting involved...patience....

damn virtues!

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I'm sure it can be done....my first thoughts are power? and venting.....the biggest problem I think would be power if you want to run anything significant in the way of lighting.....must be possible tho'....thinking caps on all :D

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Don't know how you would power the lamps - my thought would be light pipes, used in some modern buildings to take light from the outside into sealed hallways etc.  Will try to find the specs on them.  With light pipes you could also control your photo period during certain seasons, very low tech, low maintenance etc.


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a small petrol generator will convert to propane or LPG  and could be used as a CO2 source too. of course the vehicle gets bigger the more stuff you add but then so can the space. A single decker bus could accommodate a 7x7 flowering room and a small veging room. a small 2Kw genny could be built into one of the luggage holds and insulated for sound.the windows can be removed and panelled out.

The right paint job  and it could look like a motocross tour bus to attract less suspicion or attention to detail could make it a non suspicious motor home.

I have obviousely considered it .... and the fact I used to be a bus driver lead me through these thoughts. However as the police are so fond of hasstling traveller types I am now considering waterways a more interesting proposition.both for habitat and 'farming'.

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My mate has a barge.

Thats a good idea too bud :D You'd need one of those old long coal barges....



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