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Dinafem Blue Widow & OG KUSH. First Grow

Subliminal Criminal

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For a first grow you have done a super job. I would say that it is harvest time. The buds look very fat and swelled up and from the pictures most pistils have turned orange / brown. 75 days is a bit over advertised but as you know these are guidelines.

Happy trimming mate and can not wait to see what you do with grow no 2 :)

Thanks for keeping it Dinafem :)

All the best


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The ladies were chopped and hung today.. I said a few words of prayer before i cut them down..

One thing i have noticed is the smell is much more intense now, they are hung upside down in the tent, as all the fan leaves were removed by me some time ago (i wont do that next grow) they have flushed for a week, and had 4 days darkness, and they are heavily laden with the weight of the bud.

Hopefully they dont stink my house out, of course i still have the extraction running. I hope they will be ready for jarring and curing in a couple of weeks.

I hung the plants whole, but i may trim them down later on. I read in the harvesting section this is ok.. so its ok?

If its not the best method, i also have a multi-tier dying rack i could hang in the tent..

Whats best for these? @@Dinafem-Mark @@botanics @@SkyRider @@Freax


Thanks all you diary readers


Edited by Subliminal Criminal
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Hanging in the tent (with lights off, extraction on) is perfectly fine mate :yep:

The only thing I would say is that the leaves will start to die back soon and make trimming a right bitch. Some like to do it dry, but I find it a nightmare tbh. Personally I'd get to trimming right now if you can. Oh, and wash what ever clothes you trim in. They will stink even if you can't smell it!




You made it to harvest!!! Bet you are well chuffed now mate. Won't be long till you can start really enjoying your hard work and effort :clapping:

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@@Subliminal Criminal as @@SkyRider said those leaves are better off coming off now imo. Take off all the big fan leaves with no trichs on and chuck em. Then when you trim the smaller trich laden leaves, put them to one side to dry. Those trichs are full of THC same as the ones on your bud.

Dry them, freeze them, whichever works for you. But they are great for making hash and other bits with. :yep:

Those buds look mighty chunky dude. :realcool: Top job fella :rockon: Enjoy :v:

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I've got to agree with @@Freax and @@SkyRider trimming when dry or part dry can be a real pain. Best to do 1 plant at a time as they come down but this is not a major problem. If you can get rid of all those huge fan leaves as they are no good for much. Then save all trim with trichomes for your extracts etc :)

You have pushed these as far as they could go Imo they are nice and fat and personally I don't think they would have got any bigger :). Nice job!

Thank you for the picture update and yes 2 weeks these will be nice and dry and ready to cure :)

Enjoy your harvest :)

All the best


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Hi guys well i opened the tent to check on my girls, see if they have forgiven me for sacrificing them..

And wow! Am i pleasantly surprised.. the dried out airbud is now thick with resin, and there are frosty trichomes all over the plants, from top to bottom!

After touching the sticky colas the smell on my hands was heaven!

I am well pleased so far... and a few weeks in a jar should make the bud perfect!

All those disparaging worries have just flown out the window..!

Fucking excellent!


@@SkyRider @@Freax @@botanics @@Dinafem-Mark

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@@Subliminal Criminal

Haven't been around much lately bud but well look at these! Nothing wrong with these buds dude, they is chunky and looking lurvely :yes:

Shouldn't be too long now (dry takes a bit longer if not manicured wet, but smokes with more flavour) and then all that worry about lack of trichomes will disappear with those first few tokes, you wait :stoned:

Excellent work and top job :yep:

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Well the plants have been drying since last sunday 14th. And upon examining them last night, I decided they were ready

to go in to the Jars for curing. The three blue widows are just ripe and moist enough, but not too damp.

I didnt expect them to be ready in 6 days, upon reading the Harvesting and Curing guide in the forum

I assumed it would take 2 weeks. But im pretty sure i did this at the right time for the Blue Widows,

but the OG is a bit overdry, it was at the back of the tent, hanging and i didnt expect it to dry so fast.

The temps in the tent were a steady 18c - 20c most of the time.

Strangely the OG Kush had dried much more, and was very crispy, but i jarred it anyway.

This has only been 6 days drying, but i think i have done it just at the right time for the widows, and the some

parts of the OG were a bit too dry, but some just right. I hope it will mellow out and all cure well.

I bagged most of the crop, in brown bags. I have labelled the bags. A, B and C

With A being the best, B medium, and C lowest grade.

I have not weighed it all in, but probably will after a few weeks cure. I have no idea how much i have yielded

But it seems like a lot!

The lowest grade and the OG i may use to make rosin or hash or something.

I washed the 1l jars in the dishwasher to sterilise them... but the 3l jars wouldnt fit in so i assumed they would be clean as they are brand new..

bud rot is the only thing that could go wrong now... but these have been very resilient.. no pests no problems.

Got to remember to keep burping these jars.

And i think right now i may brown bag all the Kush while it is in those jars.

Cheers everyone who played a part in this grow.. a big thank you to all my fans who have made this possible!

I am so proud and happy to be accepting this reward!


Thanks everyone!

I made it to the finish line!

@@Dinafem-Mark @@botanics @@Freax @@SkyRider

Edited by Subliminal Criminal
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Right mate, this is the most critical part of your grow. Most people relax a bit at this point but it can still all easily go to shit if you're not careful...

The stuff that feels dry is probably only dry on the outside. After being jarred for a day it will most likely feel wet again. There are a few different techniques for doing this. I personally use jars, but you have to be aware that you will probably have to empty the entire jar back out at least one more time. Other people use brown bags. It will allow the moisture to re-distribute somewhat while also allowing it to escape. Tbh, I haven't seen anyone use both though mate! The main thing though is to get an even dryness throughout the bud.

Either way mate, mold is the word at the moment. Don't let anything stay in jars if it is wet. So check them daily, if not more often! Burping (where you just open the top of the jar) is good for when they are curing, but they aren't quite at that stage yet mate. They will still be drying I bet...

Oh, and the most important thing.... When are we all coming round to your house? I'm guessing they'll be dry by next Friday, so shall we say, 8pm?

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The Jar Method

Thought I'd just post this here for you as well mate.

I dry until the buds feel dry to the touch at which point they get put into a jar and then I (roughly) do the following:

24hrs in Jar - 24hrs out of jar

12hrs in Jar - 12hrs out of jar

6hrs in Jar - 6hrs out of jar

3hrs in Jar - 3hrs out of jar

2hrs in Jar - 2hrs out of jar

1hrs in Jar - 1hrs out of jar

That process will take about 4 days and should get the bud nicely dried throughout.

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