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The Government Needs Money To Free The Weed

Guest justagirl

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Yay, knew you'd come back to us Booj :smoke:

I am personally getting a bit weary of all this "Oh, the kids might get psychosis, or become schizo" crap.

Funny how it never happend till recently. Must be the genetic modification us evil growers are doing.

And oh yeah of course, if we control the weed, kids wont get it any more. WHAT?

No, No.

"Kick out the Jams, bruthas and sistas"

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when ID cards come in, yes thats right, you will pay for the privilage of identifying yourself, like it or not!


Thats a bit defeatist, id cards havent even been approved yet and your party has already rolled over and accepted them ?

Remind me not to vote for you lol

And I'm with Arnie on this one lol

Fuck the Government

Free the Weed :smoke:

Edited by Joolz
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Guest stone win
As you say, a lot of it is about money, if we could demonstrate that the treasury would earn as much dosh as from, say, alcohol or fags, we may have a foundation to work on. Mention human rights and nobody takes a blind bit of notice, but cold, hard cash is guaranteed to get their attention...

the insight here is about right!!ty for saying what I am thinking......winstoned

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Im with arnie too, but i dont think that it will happen. Slightly of topic as well no? Wasnt the aim of this thread to get feedback to the LCA on ways the govt can make an income from legalisation? .The LCA have obviously realised this is a route that needs exploring, i think we should try to help them, not confuse the matter with hopes and dreams, just ignoreing the law and leave it as it is and grow more to give away for free? cant see it working. Once technology thats on its way kicks in and 'Big brother' has set in properly, How long do you think we will be able to hide? .

Id much rather be able to do what i know and love openly, regardless of how much tax i have to pay. Think about it, once its legal more and more will want to grow and smoke, and then there will be more numbers to fight the cause and have sufficient numbers to really make an impression and be heard. Do we want mary J legal and thats the end of it? are there No other political issues that us stoners can see and no-one else does that need changing drastically?.

Id try and play them at there own game for now, then when everyones woken up to the reality of whats really going on, then we can really change things.( mj for free for a start )

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there is another angle - rather than looking for ways it could be taxed, why not sell the cost benefits to the economy...........a far lower bill for pharmaceuticals, as people will be able to self-medicate, and will be able to cut down on the chemicals - if it were allied to higher taxes on alcohol (the REAL killer!), it would also free up a lot of hospital beds, and hopefully remove the human detritus full of boooze from the A&E departments......police costs would plummet - they may even have time to catch the occasional thief...................... :smoke:

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Id much rather be able to do what i know and love openly, regardless of how much tax i have to pay. Think about it, once its legal more and more will want to grow and smoke, and then there will be more numbers to fight the cause and have sufficient numbers to really make an impression and be heard. Do we want mary J legal and thats the end of it? are there No other political issues that us stoners can see and no-one else does that need changing drastically?.

Id try and play them at there own game for now, then when everyones woken up to the reality of whats really going on, then we can really change things.( mj for free for a start )


Blimey M8, I dunno where to start on that! I don't agree with one single word :soap:

Regardless of how much tax? Oh My Gawd! What are you on man? Nah, you mis-typed, yes? Please!

Once its legal....... all stoners will buy prepacked Marleys (Stoner drone: "Its so much hassle to grow, man, when you can buy these .....")

Play them at their own game? Feel free :yep:

Me? I play my own game - they can join in when they're good and ready ;)


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Guest stone win
The LCA wants throwing in the bin and something of use creating. They have obviously lost the plot when they cant use the media and cant even follow the proven paths to decriminilisation of the herb and of home growers, for either medi or recreational use. I said it last year, and ill say it again, they only time i hear anything about the LCA is when there asking 'what should do'

and of course you can give us all the answers :soap: , you sound like a debator, of some mass merit, however, lets not attack, if we are not prepared to stand up and fight.I am not sure of your angst with the lca, but giving it large, without no answers, is just destructive , and I want contructive ideas,please

or( may this not happen ),but if you are busted, what are you going to say...in you defence queijo :yep:

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Sorry arnie ive had it with this argument already, im not going into it anymore.

There is just too many points of view

I really wish everyone could grow there own ,and give it away and nobody would bother us, and there definately shouldnt be any tax to pay. But unfortunately i cant see that ever happening under the current govt or any for that matter.

A resoloution , acceptable to both sides of the debate (Stoners and govt) is the only way forward in my opinion but until the stoners can organise the issues and resoloution amongst themselves then there is no point even trying to take it further.

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Hydro shops are now a multi million pound biz in the uk, they are legit businesses who pay their taxes. So you are already paying tax on your supplies and the government are already receiving from you.

Not being rude but most weed grown in this country is sold/traded, the black economy must already hundreds of millions. If cannabis is ever legalised, it will be a large commercial market and a huge potential cash cow for the government. The fact that the black market has grown so much means that its getting to a point where the something has to be done by the government.

Saying fuck the government is totally pointless, in fact it is like putting your head in the sand and ignoring the realities of life, the government will roll right over us, they always do. Ranting here is a waste of energy as the only people who agree are those who already agree, its a personal opinion that means nothing to most of the population or the government.

If they licence cannabis in the same way as they do alcohol and tobacco, companies will farm it on a big scale and they will want protection in the same way as the alcohol industry does now, it will involve the tax man and customs and excise.

A lot of big commercial groups would fight to have the production/distribution rights, also to prohibit home growing, there will be two powerful groups the main supply and the pharmaceutical med suppliers against us. I for one would hate to see the main supply go to the tobacco companies.

What we need to see included in any law made is simple, ie:- for people to be allowed to grow for their own use. We have laws that allow us to brew beer, make wine and grow tobacco, that is as long as its not sold. We need similar for us.

The problem against that is the government of today would probably not allow any of the home production of baccy wine or beer if they came up today. But the precedence that we are allowed, should help our case with cannabis.

I don’t see a point in dissing justagirl she is asking some very valid points. The home grower is such a small voice we need someone to speak for us. It took people fighting to get the rights to home brew etc, the same is needed if we want the right to grow cannabis.

The worst case would be if they put growing cannabis in the same class as distilling, how many people do you know of running a still even though most of the cost of a bottle of spirit is tax. The risk is just to great balanced against the fact you can drop into any off licence and buy a bottle. How many people grow their own baccy, not many even thought it only costs a few quid to produce kilos of it. I suspect not many people would bother growing cannabis if the could drop in an newsagents and buy a pouch of their fav herb. All the same I would like the right to be able to do so if I wanted to..

Sorry if this does not hang together I’m not to well at the mo and off back to bed.

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nice one ot1.

the herb is already taxed inj one way or another. without the black economy, this country would be in a bit of a mess.

the bottom line is always cold hard cash.

maybe extra revenue can be generated by controlled licencing. if you get caught with over the quota, you get taxed on the surplus. if a grower is making money, it has to be spent somewhere, taxed again. get caught with any other substances and your licence would be revoked. bigger fine if you get caught again. dick turpin is alive and well my friends.

i`m getting that deja vu feeling again.

maybe the way forward is to illustrate the amount of revenue already generated through the The herb. law or no law. i for one do not want to see cannabis tourism in this country.

have a good kip ot1.

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If you haven't heard from the LCA since the last conference then we obviously don't have you current email and snail mail addresses. Lots of people move and forget to tell us and its tricky keeping them up to date if they don't keep us up to date :taz:

As for 'using the media' - we have been successful a number of times, but you don't see us on the telly all the time for a number of reasons.

Its easy to knock when other's attempts don't meet instant success - I wish knockers would spend their time and energy doing something more positive. :soap:

Edited by shug
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Sorry if this does not hang together I’m not to well at the mo and off back to bed.

Sorry to hear it M8 - get well soon.

Saying fuck the government is totally pointless, in fact it is like putting your head in the sand and ignoring the realities of life, the government will roll right over us, they always do

Can't quite follow the logic there OT. It is precisely because the Government always roll over on us that I say "Fekk them". And surely every plant you and I grow is a dramatic "fekk off" to the Gov? And surely this is not to put one's head in the sand, but the very opposite?

C'mon Deecee - we can never resolve it by just running away and leaving it. Yes, we got differing views. Hardly surprising. Surely a forum like this is just the place to air all our views and try to see if there is or could be a way forward.......

Urm, I thought that was why the thread was started.

Justagirl - no dissing meant here, sorry if it has sounded that way.

Got nowt against LCA myself. I don't vote for them because I have a principled Green vote to cast. But I support their efforts in general.

But if we are being asked to formulate an approach which is based on accepting Gov propaganda about "psychosis" and "schizophrenia", then count me O U T. That, in my view, is the high road to all sorts of nonsense.

Peace all


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Yay, knew you'd come back to us Booj :P

I am personally getting a bit weary of all this "Oh, the kids might get psychosis, or become schizo" crap.

Funny how it never happend till recently. Must be the genetic modification us evil growers are doing.

And oh yeah of course, if we control the weed, kids wont get it any more. WHAT?

No, No.

"Kick out the Jams, bruthas and sistas"


"I am personally getting a bit weary of all this "Oh, the kids might get psychosis, or become schizo" crap."

Come on Arnold Layne....didn't you know its cause the weed is 475,000 times as strong now as it was in the sixties. Oh and scientifically proven with statistics to support the premise you know....

First I'm with Boojum I got old in the last decade whilst I wasn't looking but Arnold Laynes rallying cry now looks good. Fock em...fock em

All small home growing should be your own affair. Above a certain threshold you are a business, and all that entails.

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