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My dinafem discovery and subsequent delight


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@b33lz33bub@Reg Lives@tom68@Dan1122@LovinTheBeans

Thank you all very kindly. Really I'm quite taken aback by your comments guys :bong:

All thing considered I may keep this diary rocking and rolling and keep the show going rather than starting a new one.

Thank you to everyone who's looked in. This is my first diary and you've all made me very welcome.

Just as I'm about to come to the anniversary of ordering my first indoor setup.....almost 1 year ago now

Other good news is I've been given a top award from the royal horticultural society for my efforts in my day job.

And last but not least. Since I got home I've been busy trimming a big lady called jack.

Today has been a good day :trumpet:

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Just a real quickie update tonight. Forgot all about the cheese if I'm honest and realised I should have watered her this lunchtime. Just given her a drink of plain water tonight to tide her over till I get the scissors to her.

She's telling me she's ready for the chop I say. Maybe she's not so bad after all even if she does look a bit shabby

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You are right mate... real shabby, not worth smoking. I should come to Blackpool and relieve you of her just to help you out :D

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A real stunning grow and diary to boot, lots of information for new and old growers alike may learn or be inspired from.

Thank you for doing this.

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@@LovinTheBeans the boggo standard multi purpose one, the first one on the top left.

Ive tried the Professional range but at 8 quid a bag it just aint worth it and isnt actually quite as good as the standard for our job.

the only difference is water retention crystals and a slight change in the feed. The standard multi purpose is just fine and the feed is spot on IMHO

Glad youve decided to give it a go buddy, you wont be disappointED im tellin ya.

@@tokenroll thanks mate and your more than welcome, its been a very liberating experience so thank you for looking and taking the time to read

edit to add. yes thats the badger mate.

bit more than i pay (£4 a bag) but with free delivery at that price its not too bad I suppose

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Great job and by the look of things a really nice outcome. I would not say the cheese is shabby mate rather a lighter bud structure than the critical jack which should have harder more dense buds.

Love the multifunction dry box, im sure a few readers will be making something along those lines.

Good call on the haze 2.0 the other auto you are doing should do very well. I think 2 strains would be great.

All the best


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Hey Mark.... I hope you'll be watching my dynachem just as eagerly..... she ain't had a great start bless her but she's just stepping it up a gear now I've got my environment under control. :)

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Hey Mark.... I hope you'll be watching my dynachem just as eagerly..... she ain't had a great start bless her but she's just stepping it up a gear now I've got my environment under control. :)

I certainly will be watching with anticipation :).

All the best


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Aye @@Dinafem-Mark I didn't mean the buds lol They've not turned out too shabby I reckon. Just the overall look. Not really used to nute burned plants that are under fed too lol
@@tom68 that's the ticket mate and hope it turns out well for ya.

Think I'm gonna just do a 2 strain grow as time is something I haven't got at the minute.

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The drying box is now full. Not another branch can fit in......methinks I should have made a drying/veg drobe lol.
Its done it's job and meant the cheese could carry on in the sunshine just to ripen up that last bit and because I'm slow as fuck at trimming and can't do two plants in one night. Shit. I couldn't even get 3/4 of the way through my cj last night and the cheese will be a 2 night affair. Perhaps I should moderate my canna intake better when I'm trimming cos I always end up mashed by the end. For some reason it doesn't feel right to be trimming and not have a spliff hanging outa my mouth
All the best folks......tomorrow it's gonna get cheesy in here. Its gonna be a bring your own crackers party

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Cheers @@LovinTheBeans here's something what the next grow should look like with 4 plants and there own scrog frames. Obviously this is just a mock up but I think it should work nicely

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@@Blayz'd thought you might find this useful
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It's getting cheesy

She's still swelling so on further thought I'm gonna leave her till Friday.

For those who have been keeping up. Mr weekend policeman down the road won't be back till next year so I can crop at weekends at my leisure

Night all

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