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lighting system for stealth grow!


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Thinking of getting the stealth pm back on the go again with a few mods. At the moment it's running a 125w cfl but it takes up an awful lot of space. I'm I better sticking with it or moving over to leds? I know making my own system is probably easier given the space it has to go in so if led's are a better choice what bulbs should I be looking at and how many?

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Hi. Not sure what 'pm' is, but I would get a smaller hps over leds. Run a little 250w vert if you are very limited for space. I've run a 400w (usually dimmed to 300w) in a 75x75x1m tent a few times with ok results..

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Apologies, I meant pc (bloody autocorrect) hps is totally out of the question I'm afraid. I could get one to fit but I would need some monumental cooling and it would most likely scorch the plants.

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Ah, yeah fair enough in a pc mate lol. If you can get a 125 cfl in there without trouble you can get a 125w hps in there too though.

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Bit of hassle cooling it though. Just sticking with 125 cfl I think. Just got to replace the carbon in the filter and then make an adjustable light bracket. Learnt from my mistakes last time!

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You're probably right, my 1 and only attempt at growing in a pc was 2 x 18 or 24w cfl's with a single bag-seedling in a see-through cup lol the seedling sprouted and grew the first few sets of leaves under the soil up against the side of the cup and I thought it had failed for the first week or more, and it got hot enough in there despite me running a few decent little fans... Then the landlord (housemates' mum's boyfriend) came in unannounced and spotted a light in a cupboard and that was that.... :stoned:

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