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cannabis e-cig juice recipe

Twisted Rizla

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I've used wax liquidiser, but i dont like PEG for reason above, last attempt we did was around a 50/50 mix of shatter and strain specific terps, warmed until it mixed and vaped in one of them little 0.5ml carts, apparently it did the job well, but only worked for a while then had endless issues with carts not working or leaking, so now she just uses a Mr bald and has a dab instead.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been lurking around various forums for a while on a mission for thcliquid. 


So I've smoked cig since being a teen, and weed for not much less time. 


A couple of years ago I quit the rollups so smoked only joints, using my e-cig the rest of the time. 


My vape use increased over time and now I use a tfv-8 cloudbeast at 90 Watts with the Q4 coil. 


I want to get off the baccy completely and figured e-liquid would be the way to go. 


I only ever smoked joints really (the various bongs and stuff of my youth don't appeal to me any more) although I did try vaping dry bud with a vape machine. Can't remember which model, arizer solo maybe but found that although it was effective, it was basically like dirty air and didn't give the same satisfaction of smoke. 


So I embarked on a mission to make e liquid. 


A couple of things to note: weed is expensive and generic, hash is rare and I don't have a selection of types to choose from. 


So first try was steeping about 5g of dry bud (not decarbed) in aboit 60mls (enough to just cover all the buds) of pg, vg and ej mix - about 30/60/10 ratio. In the dark in a jar for 3 months, agitated daily. Strained and filtered. 


End result was a really clear Amber liquid, vapable perfectly in my usual setup but lacking in strength. Never really got me 'high', more a low buzz that I could maintain all day long. 


2nd try I got a small amount of cheap hash (don't ask me what type it was, just very dark brown, not too squishy but an effective smoke). I dissolved this into a few mls of ej mix and vg about half a gram of hash with a ml or two of ej mix and vg. Filtered this then vaped after adding a bit more vg with nicotine (still fighting those cravings man). Vape OK but a bit spluttery and the liquid is actually quite dirty. I haven't actually vaped all of this as it was only about the same effect as the steeping but felt a lot harsher and I'm not convinced its actually safe (as I don't know what's left in it from the hash). 


3rd try. I had read that could make decent liquid using the magical butter machine by making a tincture using vg, pg or peg instead of the coconut oil or other oils used for tinctures in the machine. 


So bought a MBM. Turned out to be American version but came with transformer. 25g of decarbed (I wondered if not decarbing might have made the steeped juice weak) weed and 600ml of  50/40/10 vg/pg/ejmix into the MBM and turn it on for 8 hours @ 135F.


Machine dies. 


Wonder if its the transformer so order a 200w one (the original was 100).


Set it all up again and turn it on. 


Transformer goes pop. 


Turns out it's 800w so 50 quid later I have a 2000w transformer and the machine is going strong. It sounds like a frigging power tool when the blender kicks in though. 


Strained and then filtered 3x results in a green liquid that vapes OK, some spluttering but not loads although if I hit too hard too quickly I can burn out a coil. 


So it's cost me a fair amount already and to perfect things is likely gonna cost quite a bit more, hence my venturing forth on the forums. 


I'm wondering if anybody else is interested in e-liquid that can be vaped in a proper cloud chasing vape machine and has tried other methods. 


It'd be great if I had access to proper concentrates as I really think it'd be a simple task to get a stable liquid from rosin or oil. 


So my next plan is try extract oil from hash (I don't wanna waste the money on weed as it costs me more than double) with 95% ethyl alcohol then try make the liquid from the oil. 


I'm think if two to three hits on a 1ml/1g concentrate+ejmix is enough to get you high, I'd be looking to dilute by a factor of 15 to 20 so it's 5 minutes of puffing on my vape to get the similar high. 


I've got to be quite discrete (so can't be messing with butane extraction) and figure the ethyl extraction is a good way. 


I guess in light of above, I hope my experiments save someone some money but also has anybody tried anything similar or different and it worked or not? Might save me money on future experiments :)


Even thought about whether I should try grow my own but every extra step in the process I do myself is a whole new load of shit to learn! 


Thanks for reading and I'll try add some pictures later  :)

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  • 7 months later...

I'm wondering if anybody else is interested in e-liquid that can be vaped in a proper cloud chasing vape machine and has tried other methods. 


1oz (37.8 g) green

500ml Spiritus

200 ml glycerine

200 ml propylene glycol


Decarboxylate your buds. Place in butter machine (MBM2). Pour Spiritus over the buds. Close the lid. Set on medium heat for an eight-hour tincture run.

Allow to settle overnight.

Strain well.

Evaporate the alcohol/cannabis mix down to cannabis oil.

Mix the cannabis oil with 200mls glycerine and 200mls propylene glycol.

Place the cannabis/glycerine/propylene glycol mix back into butter machine. Close the lid. Press the oil program and the lowest heat setting.

Result: 400mls of knock your socks off vape juice. I am vaping with a Smok Majesty and the coils usually last about 4 weeks with this e-juice.


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  • 1 month later...
On 01/05/2019 at 2:13 PM, surfingdemon said:

I'm wondering if anybody else is interested in e-liquid that can be vaped in a proper cloud chasing vape machine and has tried other methods. 


1oz (37.8 g) green

500ml Spiritus

200 ml glycerine

200 ml propylene glycol


Decarboxylate your buds. Place in butter machine (MBM2). Pour Spiritus over the buds. Close the lid. Set on medium heat for an eight-hour tincture run.

Allow to settle overnight.

Strain well.

Evaporate the alcohol/cannabis mix down to cannabis oil.

Mix the cannabis oil with 200mls glycerine and 200mls propylene glycol.

Place the cannabis/glycerine/propylene glycol mix back into butter machine. Close the lid. Press the oil program and the lowest heat setting.

Result: 400mls of knock your socks off vape juice. I am vaping with a Smok Majesty and the coils usually last about 4 weeks with this e-juice.



I've been looking for a recipe for some time and this seems to be one of the clearest I have seen, albeit that with a high initial outlay (for the MBM2).  That said, if this works it is an investment that I am happy to make.

I wanted to clarify a couple of things so I don't cock up my first run.

1: you say 1 oz (37.8g) of the product; which is it?  An oz is 28g so... I'm unsure why you have put two different amounts there.

2: Your VG:PG ratio is 50:50, is that for any particular reason - that is to say, is the VG: PG ratio just personal preference or is that proportion required to make the THC release work well?

3: Any recommendations about ethanol evaporation?  I have read that bit can be dangerous if not done right... another (American) recipe says to use a rice cooker but I'm not so sure.  I have little ones living with me so safety has to be paramount, which is also why I cannot home grow.

4: Any other recommendations about mods?  E.G. If you vape too hot does it mess up the thc release?  I guess that relates to question 1 really but I'll leave it separately.

TIA o7

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On 24/08/2018 at 0:18 AM, Redeyezman said:

Terpenes are the way to go. Hard for a DIY, but lots of bad reports about peg turning to furmaldahide when reaching vape temps. Connoisseur Concentrates sells The Solution. I've done the math. It works out to about 2 Euro for every gram of rosin/bho mixed in.

This. Not sure if it's been mentioned but Google massterpenes they sell cannabis's derived terpenes, their liquifier is much better than wax liquidiser (which is far to diluted imo) they've just released a servM for rosin which just requires a couple of drops per gram.


Delivery is $10 from the states but I had extras thrown in because of the high price, and I've read other EU customers have had the same. I've tried several methods with PG, various liquifiers and haven't been happy with any of them apart from what I've gotten from massterpenes. 

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On 07/06/2019 at 0:35 PM, iwanttobelieve99 said:


I've been looking for a recipe for some time and this seems to be one of the clearest I have seen, albeit that with a high initial outlay (for the MBM2).  That said, if this works it is an investment that I am happy to make.

I wanted to clarify a couple of things so I don't cock up my first run.

1: you say 1 oz (37.8g) of the product; which is it?  An oz is 28g so... I'm unsure why you have put two different amounts there.

2: Your VG:PG ratio is 50:50, is that for any particular reason - that is to say, is the VG: PG ratio just personal preference or is that proportion required to make the THC release work well?

3: Any recommendations about ethanol evaporation?  I have read that bit can be dangerous if not done right... another (American) recipe says to use a rice cooker but I'm not so sure.  I have little ones living with me so safety has to be paramount, which is also why I cannot home grow.

4: Any other recommendations about mods?  E.G. If you vape too hot does it mess up the thc release?  I guess that relates to question 1 really but I'll leave it separately.

TIA o7


I've been looking for a recipe for some time and this seems to be one of the clearest I have seen, albeit that with a high initial outlay (for the MBM2).  That said, if this works it is an investment that I am happy to make.


It IS a high initial outlay for the MBM2 but massively worth it, I don’t know how I did without it. I have just bought a Nova decarboxylator so, hopefully between the two, I’m going to get a high quality product.


I wanted to clarify a couple of things so I don't cock up my first run.

1: you say 1 oz (37.8g) of the product; which is it?  An oz is 28g so... I'm unsure why you have put two different amounts there.


Yes, 28g


2: Your VG:PG ratio is 50:50, is that for any particular reason - that is to say, is the VG: PG ratio just personal preference or is that proportion required to make the THC release work well?


Personal preference


3: Any recommendations about ethanol evaporation?  I have read that bit can be dangerous if not done right... another (American) recipe says to use a rice cooker but I'm not so sure.  I have little ones living with me so safety has to be paramount, which is also why I cannot home grow.


I evaporate my tincture in a bowl over a pan of water on an electric stove, with the kitchen extractor fan going and kitchen door to outside wide open. I would NOT attempt this on a gas stove or any other type of open flame. The heat does not have to be very high to keep contents on a slow simmer. Reduction time is usually 45 – 60 minutes.


4: Any other recommendations about mods?  E.G. If you vape too hot does it mess up the thc release?  I guess that relates to question 1 really but I'll leave it separately.

TIA o7


My SMOK Majesty vapes e-juice just fine, so I have had no need to experiment with other mods. Have not noticed any problems with THC release when I vape too hot but it does taste better if you don’t let it get so hot.

My recipe for Canna Oil is the same except that after evaporating I add 2 teaspoons sunflower lecithin, 500mls of hemp or MCT oil and then back in MBM2 on oil program on the lowest heat setting.

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47 minutes ago, surfingdemon said:



Thanks for your reply.  One more question, I was looking at the Smok Majesty Mod and, are you vaping using temperature control rather than variable wattage?  If so, what sort of temp are you vaping at?  I am using a Smok T PRIV and I asked the guy in the vape shop what the difference was between different Smok mods and he said mainly how they looks and that performance is more to do with tank, coil, and 


After researching it a bit more, I have decided to do an amended version of your recipe.  As a friend said to me, how will I be able to assess how much better an MBM2 (and for that matter, a decarboxylator) is if I haven't tried any other way first.  Your approach looks as if it is based on the TSO recipe, just with better kit.  I am going to do the following, if you have any feedback it'll be gratefully received.


1. Decarboxylate an ounce of product

2. Double wash with 500ml of high-proof alcohol.  The original recipe calls for Everclear which I couldn't find, nor could I find "Spiritus,", but I did find "Spirytus" a polish 90% grain alcohol which seems as if it might be the same thing - £35 though!

3. Store in Fridge for between 2 days and a month, shaking regularly (as I see it, this seems to be what the MBM does in your recipe, it is just that the MBM does it far more quickly).  The length of time I leave it for will be dependant on how long it takes for the other things I have ordered to arrive, but I'd like to aim for 2 weeks at a minimum

4. Strain using a reusable nut-milk bag (apparently these have smaller holes, and I'll lose product with a paper coffee filter).

5. Evaporate to 50%.  I can't use my stove to double boil as it is gas, so I saw an alternative method using a water bath in a slow cooker (American's call these crock pots) set to low.

6. Take out half of the liquid and store in a mason jar in fridge.  This way if I cock up the next bit, I still have some tincture to experiment with rather than wasting the whole oz.

7. Evaporate the remaining 50% down to oil, and then split into smaller proportions so I can try different varieties of additive.  I am presently thinking 80/20 VG (what I vape), 50/50 (what you vape), and maybe some ej-mix although still unsure the correct usage.


If you or anyone else has some tips on these methods I am all ears.  But failing that, I'll report back with some results for others when I am done.  Have been smoking weed and tobacco daily for almost 25 years and am desperate to find something else that works for me.  Everytime I started vaping before weed craving have brought me back to making joints.  So that's why I am really keen on finding a better way of consumption.







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30 minutes ago, iwanttobelieve99 said:


Thanks for your reply.  One more question, I was looking at the Smok Majesty Mod and, are you vaping using temperature control rather than variable wattage?  If so, what sort of temp are you vaping at?  I am using a Smok T PRIV and I asked the guy in the vape shop what the difference was between different Smok mods and he said mainly how they looks and that performance is more to do with tank, coil, and 


After researching it a bit more, I have decided to do an amended version of your recipe.  As a friend said to me, how will I be able to assess how much better an MBM2 (and for that matter, a decarboxylator) is if I haven't tried any other way first.  Your approach looks as if it is based on the TSO recipe, just with better kit.  I am going to do the following, if you have any feedback it'll be gratefully received.


1. Decarboxylate an ounce of product

2. Double wash with 500ml of high-proof alcohol.  The original recipe calls for Everclear which I couldn't find, nor could I find "Spiritus,", but I did find "Spirytus" a polish 90% grain alcohol which seems as if it might be the same thing - £35 though!

3. Store in Fridge for between 2 days and a month, shaking regularly (as I see it, this seems to be what the MBM does in your recipe, it is just that the MBM does it far more quickly).  The length of time I leave it for will be dependant on how long it takes for the other things I have ordered to arrive, but I'd like to aim for 2 weeks at a minimum

4. Strain using a reusable nut-milk bag (apparently these have smaller holes, and I'll lose product with a paper coffee filter).

5. Evaporate to 50%.  I can't use my stove to double boil as it is gas, so I saw an alternative method using a water bath in a slow cooker (American's call these crock pots) set to low.

6. Take out half of the liquid and store in a mason jar in fridge.  This way if I cock up the next bit, I still have some tincture to experiment with rather than wasting the whole oz.

7. Evaporate the remaining 50% down to oil, and then split into smaller proportions so I can try different varieties of additive.  I am presently thinking 80/20 VG (what I vape), 50/50 (what you vape), and maybe some ej-mix although still unsure the correct usage.


If you or anyone else has some tips on these methods I am all ears.  But failing that, I'll report back with some results for others when I am done.  Have been smoking weed and tobacco daily for almost 25 years and am desperate to find something else that works for me.  Everytime I started vaping before weed craving have brought me back to making joints.  So that's why I am really keen on finding a better way of consumption.







I am by no means an expert but have tried a few methods (not the above) and the only solution I've been satisfied with so far is massterpenes liquifier if using wax, shatter etc..I'll be trying their servM for rosin after the next harvest. After mixing you put it in the oven (as opposed to microwave, oil/water bath) which decarbs it at the same time as mixing, saving you a step. Their starter kit comes with everything including a bunch of ccell carts.


I really didn't get on with wax liquidiser, using their ratios its far to diluted and found their flavoured version tasted foul (I tried pineapple express).


Personally I go, Quick ethenol extraction (theres a guide on the forum) evaporate,  mix with liquifier (add terpenes if required) chuck in the oven, inject into ccell cartridge. Job done.


Also with regards to PG/VG, although VG will absorb some of the cannabis, it takes a hell of a lot longer than PG (months as opposed to hours, so if you do go previous posters method, go at least 50/50.

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6 hours ago, surfingdemon said:

It IS a high initial outlay for the MBM2 but massively worth it, I don’t know how I did without it. 


Fuck it, I just took the plunge and bought one.  Not gonna tell my daughter I spent £200 I can just imagine the dirty look I'll get!

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@surfingdemon @OLaC 


So the MBM arrived yesterday, the VG/PG mix is due to arrive today, and the spirytus tomorrow.  I was gratified to realize that it said on the box that it was designed for infusing glycerine (amongst a number of other mediums).  I also think it is telling that the vendor I bought it from was a vapeshop.


Anyway, I was reading the manual last night (a first for me!), and it says that the minimum amount of liquid it needs is 475 ml (2 cups).  Obviously, the recipe you have listed above only has 400mg of e-juice.  I wondered if:


a) it doesn't matter about putting less liquid in than it says in the manual

b) I should increase the amount of liquid by 20%.  And if so, whether I should increase the amount of product by a corresponding amount (I did wonder if this was why you originally wrote 37.8g of product which is actually an ounce and a third).


Come to think of it, I am also unclear as to why the recipe in the manual says to just infuse it straight into vegetable glycerine, whereas yours requires an alcohol wash first.  I'd post pics but this bastard website won't let me [fake edit you can see what I mean on page 8 of the owners manual here].


I just don't want to waste a load of product on my first run.  TIA o7

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