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2nd Line Of Defence


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'lo everyone ;)

While its obvious, from the amount of good advice here, that activated carbon filters are the daddy when it comes to getting rid of odour, I wondered - does anyone have a 2nd line of defence?

1) Ive seen such things as ozone generating filters (very expensive). Are these largely frivolous items, unnecessary for the closet grower? Also - is ozone safe to have in your home?!?! I fear the unknown!! :wassnnme:

2) I know its best to have a slight negative pressure inside your box, so air leaks in (as opposed to odour leaking out). How is this achieved, (especially with a passive intake as I hope to have)? I work in industry, where we have all kinds of fancy gadgets to control pressures, but in this case is it simply a case of having a bigger exhaust than intake?

3) Could anyone comment on the effectiveness of Vapourtek products, or room ionizers?

Just tell me if theres no need for fall back odour control, assuming you dont let your carbon get saturated/full!

Thanks for reading all!!!

Cheers! :)


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there's really no need for a fall back or 2nd line imo

i don't even use a filter yet and i been growing for the best part of a year

negative pressure is exactly how u imagine, suck more out than you are bringing in, this is relatively easy with passive intake, as ur fan is under pressure from the "lack" of free airflow.


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I moved my carbon filter from outside the grow room (I was blowing into it) to inside (now I`m sucking from it).

I was still smelling the weed (albiet 'lightly' compared to inside my sealed Growrobe) and I hope that this will sort it out, if not then I dunno what I`m doing wrong as the GR is fully sealed and has a decent negative pressure!

My mates think I have a stash of weed in my room somewhere, thank god I can lock the door to stop them looking!

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