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Spider Mites


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It would appear that one of my plants is completely covered with spider mites and their webs. The other two plants also have them, but not as bad.

I completely removed the plant that had visual signs of the many webs and mites.

From my other two, I had cut off the leaves and stems that appeared to be infested the most. A number of leaves have a series of blackish dots on their under side...I could rub them off...some of them...I take it that these are their eggs.

I mixed one tablespoon of cayenne powder (capsacion) with two teaspoons full of tobasco sauce with garlic, one teaspoon soap, one teaspoon vegetable oil into one liter spray bottle. Shook it up and sprayed my two remaining plants thoroughly. To the point that they were dripping. I only used one fourth of the bottle and left the rest for future applications.

I had gotten this recipe off of the web and am wondering if any of you had tried it.

Considering my alternative...complete insect annihilation...could this mix kill my plants too?


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Guest lazlo woodbine

Not sure how far on your plants are B.... but how about giving them a shower?

Put each plant in the bath and use the shower head to spray from underneath the leaves....be careful with the force of the spray - but make sure it's strong enough to wash off the mites and their eggs.

This won't erradicate them by any means but it will keep them controlled..this method was suggested by OT1.... I've used it several times - works a treat...

you can see the little buggers getting flushed down the plug-hole... :badass:


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It would appear that one of my plants is completely covered with spider mites and their webs.  The other two plants also have them, but not as bad.

I completely removed the plant that had visual signs of the many webs and mites.

From my other two, I had cut off the leaves and stems that appeared to be infested the most.  A number of leaves have a series of blackish dots on their under side...I could rub them off...some of them...I take it that these are their eggs.

I mixed one tablespoon of cayenne powder (capsacion) with two teaspoons full of tobasco sauce with garlic, one teaspoon soap, one teaspoon vegetable oil into one liter spray bottle.  Shook it up and sprayed my two remaining plants thoroughly.  To the point that they were dripping.  I only used one fourth of the bottle and left the rest for future applications.

I had gotten this recipe off of the web and am wondering if any of you had tried it.

Considering my alternative...complete insect annihilation...could this mix kill my plants too?



Appart from the soap that mix sounds like it might make a good Salsa ;)lol

Are your plants in flower? If NOT, take them in to the bath tub and rinse them under the tap or with the shower, worked for me but the b$^&$&$%s came back, good luck :smoke:

EDIT didn't notice Laz's post :badass:

Edited by scotlander2001
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I went to good old Walmart today and bought a product that I can spray on the plants. It said that it was good for houseplants and bushes, shrubs, and vegetables & fruit plans...in other words, I can use the spray on alot of stuff.

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I'd be careful using ANY pesticides on herb, no matter what the label says. Should say what's in it though, I'd do a google on it, just to be safe. Don't wanna be smoking anything nasty.

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It said that it was good for houseplants and bushes, shrubs, and vegetables & fruit plans...in other words, I can use the spray on alot of stuff.

easy m8, you don't smoke any of the above plants.

spray plants in veg cycle only to ensure that it is out of the plants system whn it comes to smoke time.

i am currently in what is turning out to be a wee war with the bastards.

you kill em, they come back, you kill em again, they come back.

it's like rome total war only slower :yinyang:

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