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Gro Blu LED


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What is peoples opinion of these lights to be used in Veg,ive watched a few vids on utube of the yanks using them and they rave about em.

i dont know if they sell em in the Uk or if there is a equivalent light that works just as well.any opinons welcome

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people raving about them on youtube isn't an indicator of anything. Why are you interested in them and will they deliver what you want is more interesting.

HPS and MH have no sales videos on youtube, nor need spammers dropping links (not an accusation btw) because people already know they work and grow great weed

captain caveman

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blue led is blue led ..the only difference maybe in a frequency tweak ..but in general 430-440nm ..decent drivers and probably between 5 and 8 watt power so its true power is more than likely 5 watt per diode ..

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  • 2 months later...

There are some good ones but you have to hunt around.. as vince says the nm does not change for plants ,but the better the leds the more efficient it becomes although not like the silly claims you see with some..

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