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Guest b33lz33bub

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Guest b33lz33bub

Here we go to start off this new diary

There are 13 DP autoblueberries at 2 weeks from the seed sprouting in wet tissues. I planted straight into 16l root pouches filled with Plant Magic compost sprinkled with a handful of Granules. I've grown these once before and they turned out very frosty and fruity with a great indica stoned. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

I've fed them every 3-4 days depending on how dry the soil gets. I've been giving them 1-2 m/l Canna terra, 4 m/l rhizotonic, 0.5 m/l PM cal mag, 1m/l wet betty and a dash of superthrive. I PH'd the feed down to about 6.3 which i'll continue for a while, but i'm toying with not bothering to PH later to see what happens. Some say you don't need to bother in soil but Canna recommend you do - what's your experience ?

They had a spray of PM evolution and will ge one a week until about week 5 ish. I'll give them something to prevent pests and disease in a week or so when they get a bit bigger - i've got some b'cuzz stuff i used last couple of crops.

I've nipped out the first set of leaves and shoots and will take out the next one's up in the next few days as the plants grow. I'll be pruning and training to get an even canopy.



This is one of the last buds and icolator hash from a previous autobluberry crop about 6 months ago.



I'm smoking some of this think different tonight, its had a good 6+ month cure.


all the best fellas

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Guest b33lz33bub

3 weeks

i've pinched out the bottom 3 sets of branches over the week and now the top shoot to leave 6 branches.

they've been getting the same feed by hand every 2 or 3 days

i'm going to pull out a couple of the runts in the next day or 2 then a final one a few days later to leave 9

the temps are at 30 C in the direct light - haven't got round to sorting out shade temps but this will do for now








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Guest b33lz33bub

cheers fellas

here we are at 4 weeks and they've really taken off. i've upped the feed to ec 1.4 ph 6.2. still giving them 4 m/l rhizotonic but will ease off now. 0.5 m/l cal mag and a dash of wet betty. i'll rig up the drippers this weekend as i've had enough of hand watering them now.

they were under 2 x 400w hps but i've spread them out and given them 3 x400w. i'll go up to 3 x 600w in a week or so.

i took the smallest runt out and have decided to finish all 12 this time, last few crops i've run 9 planst so i'd like to see how it affects the overall yield. i've been training them but i want to get a deeper canopy this time with longer buds so will let them stretch soon. i try to keep as even a canopy as possible.





and after bending the stem over gently



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest b33lz33bub

cheers for stopping by vince

here we are at 5 1/2 weeks and mostly all are well into flower. 2 or 3 slow coachs a few days behind.

drippers went in last weekend and they've had the last grow feed at ec 1.5 ph 6.3 + 1 m/l cal mag + 1m'l rhizo and 0.5 m'l wet betty and a dash of superthrive. they're taking about 45 - 50 litres every other day now.

i've given them the first flores feed at ec 1.5 ph 6.2 with 1 m'l of bloom boost + 0.5 m'l cal mag + 0.5 m/l wet betty.

temps have been between 25-28 oC, depending on where i take the reading in the grow room. now the weather is breaking to more cooler temps i'll go up to 600w bulbs to hammer more light in. my fans still cope with the extra heat in the warmer weather but i don't like the extra sound they create for stealth reasons.

i've been training by hand and thinning out most days. when they're growing in a restricted space like this i find i have to thin out quite a lot of branches and leaves when they start to crowd and cross each other. give a weed like this ideal conditions and it grows so vigorously and needs taming and directing. i want to encourage well developed buds and find that if they crowd each other i get a lot of whispy popcorn bud which is a pain in the ass to trim. i'm also trying to reduce the chance of disease and pests by preventing pockets of moisture that collect when the leaves touch each other and the airflow is poor.








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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest b33lz33bub

6 1/2 weeks and going full tilt.

i pulled one plant as it was seriously behind in flowering, so down to 11 now.

they've been getting PK at 1 m/l in addtion to the flores feed above . running at EC 1.7 ph 6.1 and taking 50 litres every other day. there's signs of a little over fertilisation (leaf tips) on some of the plants and a couple that have whatt looks like a calcium deficiency. there's a bit a variation in feeding between the different phenos so i try to go somewhere in the middle. they're not looking bad on the whole though......










here's a couple of the leaves from the 2 plant that have suffered - i've upped th cal mag for a bit and things seem to have settled down. maybe a ph issue as i've been pretty slack with this grow. i might give them just water next feed to fluch a little too. nothing too serious though.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest b33lz33bub

i pulled these on monday because i found bud rot in about half / thrid of the plants. they came out at 60 days / 8.5 weeks from seed. i was going to pull them out within the next 7 days anyway. about half of them were pretty much finished with some needing another week and one or two needing another 2 weeks.



they went into flower very quickly this time and didn't stretch as much as i'd hoped, and as much as the previous autos i've done. i think i topped them a bit early and perhaps shocked them into flower ? nest crop i'll go back to training over the main stem instead of topping as i've done a number of times. topping doesn't make it any easier to keep an even canopy and i think training over the main stem and pruning seems to work best.


i lost the feeding schedule a few weeks back as i'd been concentrating on harvesting my outdoor plants (endless trimming !) . i was very slack on watching the PH - that answers my question about needing to watch this with soil. i also didn't have any airstone in my water tank and no heat mats under the pots - perhaps all contributing to the problems. the buds have turned out well despite the looks.




i've had problems with mould on a lot of the auto runs i've done - the buds get very thick and dense and i've been trying to train and prune to encourage more slender buds but with no luck this time. i've read that autos are prone to mould which is something that my experience shows true. its a bit gutting to have to hack apart beautiful colas, but the weight loss was very little of the total and i'd have only left them for a few more days anyway.





some very nice buds though on the whole - there's one plant which needed another 2 weeks to add some frost but i'm pretty happy with the rest. i've had to pull a good few of my crops a little early due to mould over the last year or so using autos. a bit annoying as it's the last week that piles the weight and resin on.








on the whole i'm very impressed with the DP autos i've run in the last 18 months . the quality of the finished buds is very good - lovely aromas and taste, good potency and highs. there's a bit of variation between the different plants so you are never going to get the consistent quality you'd get from selecting an outstanding mother and running clones.

i've usually taken them between 8.5 and 10.5 weeks from seed which means you can get a quick turn over if you start them off in veg room for 2 to 3 weeks before going into the flower room. i've had a crop every 7 weeks or so. the yields are very good coming in at just under a gram per watt in my space of 2.7 x 0.9 m using 3 x 600w HPS.

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Guest b33lz33bub

cheers ck

its near dry now and looking very frosty and smelling very nice. amazing considering its only 60 days from seed. i'll post some dry buds shots up soon.

i've got some autodurbanpoison on the go now, they'll go in the flower room when the blueberry is dried. afer that i'm going to run some photos again as i want to try something different and look for some good mothers.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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