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4 month old seedling


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When I did my last grow I didnt have any room for this mazar I had sprouted.


So I just put her on my window sill. She has gotten quite big she only in a jiffy.

Was after any opions on weather she would make a good mother now or even just grow she has no branching and was wondering if she would start to grow branches once potted.

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Pot her up and top her and she will come on great. She is a bit spindly so i would either use a stake or pot her up so that the main stem is supported in the soil.

Technically she is old/mature enough to flower now but i doubt you would get much from it without a bit more time in veg to grow some branches and thicken up a bit.

Personally i would bring her on as a mother if i was you. The mazar is a tasty plant to have.

Cheers tico.

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She probably won't branch out until she is potted up but she won't "need" to be topped to branch out. But topping her will cause her to branch out quicker if you do.

If posable pot her up as soon as you can and top her as soon as you pot up.

Cheers tico.

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Too tall and stretchy to be an effective mum now.

Take the top as a clone and use that...


Good point.

Cheers tico.

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Thanks for the advice. Yh think taking a cut would be better she about a foot tall.

Well I have no root hormone at the mo and I didnt plan on buying any untill my bb cheese mums where ready. So I think she is going back on the window sill till then she will make nice cut tho I bet.

Thanks again for the advice.

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