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Spider's Dutch Passion harvest thread


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lovely cropping spider. The Think Different looks like it should give you a another few jars

Excellent looking buds !

Thanks Tony, I still consider myself very new to the hobby so I appreciate it. Yeah the TD is easily packing at least 3.5oz of dry weight by my eye-stemations, if not 4oz so well happy with her. She went 13 weeks in the end. The other one, the bigger one, has even more O_o

Nice buds mate :)

Cheers bro, looking forward to doing a smoke report of some tomorrow!

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Good dry box Spider n' a good steady harvest to put in it. Let us know what the Blue Auto Mazar smokes like mate. It's my next strain outta the bag! Nice skills mate:)

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Good dry box Spider n' a good steady harvest to put in it. Let us know what the Blue Auto Mazar smokes like mate. It's my next strain outta the bag! Nice skills mate:)

Thanks man, means a lot coming from you. As they say though, the proof is in the eating :) The first BAM will be ready for a try on Friday I think, so will keep you posted :)

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AWWwwwa; That TD make my mouth water Spidy..................... One of the only Dp Dutch Dames i have done "Twice" it is that good.................. getting urges to do again too !! One of the best "Balanced" Auto's i have ever put in the Da Vinci vapo !!................. it is Indescribable delectable delicious, & delightful............... and that is just the "Cured Bouquet" when brown bagged and post THCv cured to THC delta 9 !! dense as lead to, Nice Mr.

Is in, and is staying in my top 5 best ever "Gynoecious Auto's" for me, personally, one of the best out there. AM

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AWWwwwa; That TD make my mouth water Spidy..................... One of the only Dp Dutch Dames i have done "Twice" it is that good.................. getting urges to do again too !! One of the best "Balanced" Auto's i have ever put in the Da Vinci vapo !!................. it is Indescribable delectable delicious, & delightful............... and that is just the "Cured Bouquet" when brown bagged and post THCv cured to THC delta 9 !! dense as lead to, Nice Mr.

Is in, and is staying in my top 5 best ever "Gynoecious Auto's" for me, personally, one of the best out there. AM

Yeah man, totally agree with you. Both of the Think Differents were really the stand out plant from this grow, just an insane plant. I let one go to 13 weeks and another to 14. The first is about to go into jars tomorrow (I will take some pictures) and the second is due to go into jars on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday. Both of them grew massive, and absolutely stank of petrol. Now that they've both been trimmed they look divine. Can't wait to get the pictures up!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the lack of updates folks, I have 2 smoke reports coming after lunch today.

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Smoke Report: Dutch Passion Auto White White Widow




So, this has been a long time coming. I wanted to wait until each plant had had a 4 week cure before doing a smoke report, and amazingly I've managed to hold off the majority of my weed long enough to allow for this. Woo!

A little background info

As some of you already know, this is my second grow, and while it went more smoothly than the first, I still had nutrient problems at the exact same point of last time. Unlike last time however, I managed to fix them and finish off the grow in relative peace. I had two phenotypes of this plant - a short but stocky fast finisher that produced 2oz (57g to be precise) and finished at 10 weeks - though I let her go to 11 as I wanted to give her a week of plain water - and a bushier slightly bigger pheno that kicked out 86g worth of cannabis, thereby breaking the 3oz barrier. WOO! The second lady took 12 weeks to get to the finish line. In hindsight, I've taken her to be a bringer of good omens, as since then not a single plant that has finished after her has weighed less than 3 ounces. Big in the game!

So, I know this is a smoke report, but since I never did a diary for these plants I thought I'd got into a bit of detail on how they were like to grow. The AWWs were, in a word, easy. It became very apparent early on that these girls are LIGHT feeders. As in, I never had to go over 3ml of my Bloom feed with them, and they do not appear to have suffered as a result. In fact, they took bloody ages to get off 2ml Bloom! I had what I assume to be Mag/Cal problems again during this grow (plants yellowing off far too early into flowering with tell tale Magnesium deficiencies) so next time I will be picking up some Humboldt Equilibrium to address this. All in all, they were very low maintenance plants, and very forgiving when I messed up with nutrients at weeks 6-7. A big feed with just plain water sorted them out, and they got right back on track again. In terms of growing, I would definitely say they're a good strain for beginners as the variation in feeding is so minimal, and they're such low maintenance plants.

The Smoke

Some people are very good at describing tastes and smells and aromas and whatnot, unfortunately I'm not one of them. Despite this, I'll try and do my best. The pheno I have left (and probably the best smelling plant in the entire grow) has a very fresh, sharp and zesty fragrance to it. It's not a citrus-like smell, more like freshly cut grass mixed with rich mountain air sort of vibe. Really hard to put my finger on it, but either way it smells fucking divine. The taste is fairly similar - I'm very new to the world of actually being able to taste weed since I only just acquired my new DaVinci Ascent (@@vapefiend :D) and until very recently have always smoked my spliffs with tobacco. Now that I've quit all that nonsense I hope to become a little better at describing my pallet :)

And now, for the high. For me, she ranks very well in terms of how strong the weed is and the kind of high she puts out. She is most definitely a majority Indica, but in such a nice and refreshing way. I've always associated Indicas with really full on 'stoney' kind of effects, so very heavy behind the eyes, groginess, uncontrollable munchies etc. None of that with this girl. The high, as I experience it, is more stupefying than a full on stone. It's day dreamer weed. The kind where you go to do something and completely forget what it was halfway through because you got lost in some other thought tangent. As such, I find it makes me laugh quite a bit, as I find it very funny when I end up being a stereotypical stoner by accident. I should also add that I'm yet to find anything close to resembling paranoia with this girl - although I can get quite introverted on her, it doesn't cause me any anxiety like a lot of other Indicas have in the past. I smoked a friend's White Chronic for quite a while during summer last year and that just left me a gibbering mess. While I wouldn't smoke AWW during the day on a week day, I'd be quite happy smoking her at any point of the day on a weekend, as I can still (just about) get things done, and it's heavy hitting enough to be very enjoyable in the evenings.

Overall, this very well might be my favourite of the three DP auto strains that I've grown. She's versatile, tastes and smells divine, and is really a very moreish and great smoke at any point of the day. I've had a couple of weeks with her so maybe I'm biased, but early impressions would suggest that this strain is the front runner of the newer DP autos. It would also appear I'm not alone in this sentiment - @@DutchPassionTony has stated in another thread that both this and the Star Ryder are his personal favourites of the DP Auto collection. It would seem, so far as the AWW is concerned, that there is a very good reason for that :)

Coming next time - Blue Auto Mazar

Edited by SpiderKamenetzki
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