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Just accidentally trimmed part of my Think Different main cola


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Mainly a question aimed @@DutchPassionTony and anyone else who's grown out a TD.

I was just trimming a leaf out of my TD main cola and I accidentally cut one of the smaller buds that comprise the main cola. I'm feeling proper gutted as it was my prize girl and the main cola's got a great chunk missing out of it now.

The plant is just over 9 weeks old and has about 3 weeks left to go. Is this premature trim really going to affect my yield? The bud in question looks around 2-4g in dry weight. I've got it drying in a brown paper bag in a cool place at the moment.

Many thanks from a sad grower :(

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Not completely sure, but you could have tried taping the bud back on with Sellotape, as stupid as it sounds, I snapped a main stem once and used tape to fix her back up.

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hey spider, all is not lost.

A minority of our regular auto growers have experimented with deliberate topping of automatics. Some of these tests have ended up very successful with heavy bushy style plants.

Topping seems to be most successful when done early-ish in growth as it gives the auto time to recover. In your case all you can do is to keep feeding her and hope she can push out enough side shoots in time. Your best bet for a decent harvest is to hope the plant will keep going for a few more weeks. Good luck with her and don't lose hope

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sorry mini hijack

@@DutchPassionTony fair play tony the level of support you give is epic. your always around to answer questions and it never takes long for you to get back to some one when they ask about something.

top skills :yep: keep up the good work :)

Edited by Sancho Panza
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Hey Tony, thanks for getting back so quickly and like Sancho said, providing such an excellent level of support. They're quite heavily budded at the moment so topping is not an option, she's not ready yet, not a brown hair on her. I reckon she'll go between 85 and 90 days. She's currently at day 65. Hopefully that'll be enough time to recover. She's sharing the tent with another of her kind, another TD and 2 AWWs and 2 BAM. I'll post harvest pictures as and when they come down.

Edited by SpiderKamenetzki
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I've hacked away at auto's before now for a cheeky smoke including the mighty Think Different with no problems at all Spider, It will be fine mate, just a scratch as far as the plant is concerned. :yep:

Edited by Mr Bond
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Thanks for the reassurance Mr. Bond. I was pretty mortified earlier. Hopefully the rest of it will continue to swell. They seem like really big yielders these plants. I reckon there's maybe an ounce and a half on em already and they've still got 21+ days of flowering left!

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It's a nice smoke too, I found it uplifting and a decent day time smoke but had no troubles sleeping. Then again I do indulge for most of the day. :)

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These were the first autos I did in my new set up after a longish layoff. With limited height and me not realising how vigorous the TD is

I spent most of the 92 days til harvest chopping lumps off them otherwise they would have overrun the place

I had two of them under a 150w sodium, 24/7 right thru and they returned 140g dried and cured, well pleased with that

shouldn't worry too much about it



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Ah you guys are the best. I am reassured. Gotta say they're fantastic plants, they look divine and the buds and leaves are caked in trichromes. Can't wait to give them a try!

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