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cloning nightmare coming good......


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After stressing out and thinking the cloning gods were against me, I finally have rooted clones. I tried a varied of methods as follows:

1. Cuttings in root gel straight into peat jiffys then in a non heated propagator and under 150w cfl blue light 24/0.

2. Cuttings in root gel into jiffys with PM granules and soaked in seaweed extract dilution and again in propagator under 150w cfl.

3.cuttings dipped in root gel and straight into soil/perlite mix. These were put in a dark cupboard with no light.

4. Cuttings done as step 1 & 2 put in propagator and put in the kitchen with only sunlight.

1 & 2 were done first two weeks ago. Five cuttings for each method. I have rooted clones from using both 1 & 2. I also lost 2 clones from each method. I will see how the other methods go, but what is apparent the other clones look healthier than the ones under the 150w cfl light. The other two have been in the cupboard and kitchen for a week.

As I have just came back to growing I see a lot of methods that confuse people. Back in the day I used only root powder and soil. A lot of people get concerned about the yellowing of leaves and feel they actively have to do something. Best advice I have seen over and over again. LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE!!!!!!

Another thing I forgot to add is methods 3 & 4 when first cut were put in a glass of water. This is something I used to do also. So basically I have experimented with the new techniques against the tried and tested method for me.

Good luck and stay safe.

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My first 100% successful batch of clones occurred while i was in hospital for 10 days shortly after taking them,upon my return the roots poking out of the jiffys resembled a good old play-doh barbers shop lol. leave them alone is good advice indeed


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This may help mate :)

This is how I do my cuts for those that are interested wink.gif

I put plagron light or coco in a ltr-1.5ltr pot and water in with 2ml/ltr of maxicrop or rootstim

I then make 12 holes,take my cuts,dip in rooting hormone and plant into the premade hole,then i make sure the stem is in contact with the medium just by pressing the compost a touch round the stem

I then place a plastic bag over the pot and secure with an elastic band and dont even look at them for a week

I then cut just the corner off the bag to let a bit of air in and wait till i see them growing

Not once have i ever had to water or spray so if you are idle when it comes to growing then this way is for you lol


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This may help mate :)

Under a light owderb or not? I think the light punishes them. I look forward to seeing the results of my two batches that aren't under a bulb.

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