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Babies struggling. many questions please help.


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So as per my earlier grow that eventually put me in a position to flower 6 well rooted mums under 1x 600 sunmaster delux..... ( theyre in 7L pots in coco, with coco specific nutes and ph at 5.8 with about 1.25m2 of growspace to share. (1) 1 of them has real problems, is very pale in comparrison to the other 5 , the plant isn't overheating because the leaves aint curling but is displaying nute burn ( burned leaf tips and drying leafs- brown) signifying a nutrient lockout of nitrogen possibly and has stunted growth. I leached her and i have given her a slight boost in Nitrogen maybe 10% extra and i'm also foliar feeding lightly daily with a nitrogen biased feed. she isn't drinking as much as the other 5x which suggests her roots aren't developed enough and with the lack of foliage, i'd expect the slow uptake of water to be the norm.... Do you think she'll pick up?

I have had pest problems this past fortnight with the 6x so i treat every 2nd day with pest off. looking under the microscope, i'm seeing plenty of dead aphids and possibly red spider mites on odd leaves that signifies I am on top of that problem. My other 5x are generating lots of new internodes and appear to be fully nuted up judging by the general health of the plant and the rich dark colour. after 9 days of flowering i'm surprised as yet to see the first signs of flowering ( its a fem g13 haze ), because i used to get blueberry, Kc36, afghani number 1 and Californian orange bud to flower in 4-5 days. I guess as i was informed years ago that anything with haze in the title is usually a 12 - 17 week flowerer, taking twice as long to flower is the strains way of saying " i'm gonna take my time, but i'll be worth the wait" flower is 12/12.

(2) I had 5 rooted clones under a 300 watt CFL blue, I have one that is 8 inch tall, everything below 4inches is dead, every thing above is alive, tightly compacted seems to have no vigor, i get leaf tip burn, the plant is pale in comparrison to 3x of the others, i've leached the coco she's growing in, gave her a light feed for a few days, she now has a foliar feed once every few days... not seeing any change in colour or growth... I don't wanna lose her because even though i have 20 or so clones trying to root under a propogator, my cloning skills success rate has been abysmal of late. What I have also done is ground up some bat/seagull guano based pslow feed stick, mixed up some ground blood/bone/fishmeal feed and put about a teaspoon of this mixture into a volume of fresh coco for the plants pot, carefully repotted her into this new mixture, she's back under the propogator, but every 4 or 5 hrs, i lift the lid to give her a breath. right or wrong?

(3) 3 of my other 5 i've experienced what looks like micro nutrient problems/lockouts, i've cleaned them from their existing coco carefully, and repotted into a similar mix as per (2) and put under the propogator.... right or wrong??

(4) In desperation of finally seeing a clone root, I rooted her from the peat plug at the very 1st sign of showing roots, she looked ill and displayed signs of getting bud rot. I cut off the bad bits, rooted her straight into coco with a weak feed, she's never really tried to pick up, one by one bits of her started to go limp and fell off, no new growth, she then showed overfeeding/too wet in the roots symptoms, I very carefully removed the coco around the peat plug.... no roots !!, i carefully cut open the peat plug and i find 2 very very fine hair size roots. I have sliced open a grodan plug dampened it with ph 5.8 water and wrapped the plug around the roots carefully. She is now in the propogator where she will stay for a week or 2....... right or wrong??

Point to not, my propogator is a heated one with no variable temp control ( but unplugged ) heating is killing my clones. I have about 1cm depth of water, on top of that sits a foam liner with a flat surface, on that goes a capillary mat. On top of that, sits the other precut foam cell unit with 48 or so cells. My clones are all sat well spaced apart in their own cell. the vent is closed, and i have her to the side of my cfl also slightly shaded with a white piece of Protec 6mm ( light passes through it but reduces the glare a hell of a lot ). vegging is 18/6.

a while back I was very gen - up on growing but took a long break, some is coming back to me gradually, but there must be something I am overlooking. Airflow is ok, could be better but i'm working on it.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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The pale mum thats in flower that I have is really struggling now, she's going very limp all over, looking rather like she is lacking in water ( but she isn't) any suggestions guys?

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You really need to post a couple of pics @Echo30Mike mucker,speaks a thousand words n all that ;)

It seems to me that yer makin things a whole lot more complicated than it needs to be. Why not try a compost grow until ye get yer mojo workin again? It would negate all the feeding through veg caper and would fairly simplify things. I used to have problems with clones myself until I realised it was all the fuckin about I done with them that was stoppin them rooting properly.Take yer cut and leave it the fuck alone to do its thing is the best advise I can give

Hope ye get on top of it all mucker

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(1) prob id'd. checked the runoff from a 7 litre purge. omfgg 3.8, my conclusion is that i've been feeding it at the same strength as the other 5x that have plenty of healthy green foliage and they can deal with it, its built up and built up and i've overdosed it. So i've purged it with plain ph adjusted water, got my run-off down to about 1.3 ( my water straight from the tap is 1.2 ish ), so i'm gonna put her on a weak Nitro feed and slap her back into veg, she's too damaged to go back under the hps, besides she'd be lucky to drop a 1/4 oz in her sorry state.

(2) and (3) as i had a high run off on my flowering nutes, i checked run off on my rooted babies in veg.... jeez. I have no idea how/why theyre hitting 3.8 aswell. I purged them very well, checked the nute strength.... wtf? 4.2....... not when i made the nutes up they weren't. theyve climbed by 2.2. so i have watered them down to a safe 1.8, ph'd to 5.8 and put them back in the propogator. i guess i'm a lucky boy.

Edited by Echo30Mike
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I dont do hydro but are you saying ec 3.8 and your tap water is 1.2?

Shouldnt the tap water be 0 ec and max feed in flower 1.8 not 1.8 for seedlings?

Is your ec meter broken?

Edited by anongrower
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From what I can remember tap water over 560ppm (EC 0.8) is considered unfit for human consumption, Tap water differs in EC depending on what part of the country you live in and can fluctuate positively if we are experiencing a very dry season or negatively if we are having a wet season. Your tap water at EC1.2 which is 840ppm. I've got a feeling that you need to check your conductivity measuring device for calibration and re-calibrate.

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My mistake, my EC on plain tap water was circa 660.. Ph of around 7.7-7.8

Makes no odds anyway. Had a good look around my " 16 days in flower " G13's ( feminized ) --- my arse they are !! hermy's all of them, ridled with pollen pods. Lost 5-6 months of prep establishing 6 good bushy mums, to say i'm gutted is an underestimate. I've just chopped the lot, binned all the clones too.

This grow had to happen because some joker " a mate through a mate " failed to deliver on some rooted clones @ a fiver each. When you haven't a pot to piss in, £75 made me feel like i'd been mugged, especially when after 5 days, they had all died.

Now had to go route one on several types of seeds found within cured buds, so i kinda know what they are or should be. So i now have over 60 diff seeds all germinating, labelled up and labelled again. as soon as theyre viable, theyre going straight into flower, and i will be brutal all i want is one damn female !!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaargh !!!!

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Subscribe to UK420 for £15 and bag some bonza genetics (you can get free seeds for subscribing - will normally be crosses donated by members; generally good or rare genetics). My favourite smoke, since I joined this site, originated from subby beans....

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My plan is to get a good " the ultimate " by dutch passion, or maybe even a " chronic " by serious seeds. As my grow is on a serious budget, it gives me time i suppose to improve my garden enviroment for what is to come.

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