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Germinating seeds in soil is so much easier

Casey Jones

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For the first time ever I decided not to germinate my seeds either using the paper towel method (which I haven't done for years) or more recently using plastic shot glasses with water in a heated propagator, then putting them in root riot cubes with tweezers, which is a pain in the arse, then eventually having to pot up the root riots. I sowed 23 seeds at 7mm in 1.5L pre watered pots last Saturday and all have germinated and have broken through the surface and shed their shells. I always allow 2 or 3 from 20 seeds to fail, but doing it this way is much easier, and I'm surprised that all have germinated as some of the seeds are four years old, and there are about 6 different strains. I used a heated meat which has a thermostat and was set at 25c, which apparently is the optimal temp for germinating seeds in soil, and also kept the room temp at 25c.

Edited by Casey Jones
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Hi, casey.

This method seems to be getting more popular. Im happy to read your post to be honest because i'm about to do it for the first time and the more reassurance the better :) Do you think a heat mat is a must? even if in a heated propagator?


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@ Hi

You don't need both, one or the other. The reason I used the 1m x 1m heated mat is because I didn't have a heated propagator big enough for 23x 1.5L pots :)

I'm sure you'll be fine with your first run mate. Good luck and hope you enjoy mate.

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It is the easiest way, no need for a heat mat or prop either if you didn't have one, normal grow room temp does fine.

The only time I would use the paper towel method is if i had a large number of seeds and I didn't think they would all germ due to age or whatever, so instead of using 100 pots of compost and wasting 20 or 30 you could only plant the ones that germ. I am sure I seen that idea on here somewhere a while back.

Edited by StevieRays
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I've just done option 2; wet the beans in a glass of water for 24 hours and then into root riot cubes today. So will see how it goes as not all beans have cracked in the water :(

I find jiffy pellets the easiest to use, no nutes or ph balancing to do. Wet the pellets, pop in the seeds and bung into propagator.

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I've just done option 2; wet the beans in a glass of water for 24 hours and then into root riot cubes today. So will see how it goes as not all beans have cracked in the water :(

I find jiffy pellets the easiest to use, no nutes or ph balancing to do. Wet the pellets, pop in the seeds and bung into propagator.

@@Dosti I've tried those jiffy pellets and they are ok I suppose and have got some of them here, but you've still got the make the hole at the top larger at the top and sometimes they sort of sit, or rot there. The Root riots are a pain in the arse where you have to make the holes larger but not too large. I've seen me use them for seeds and even after germination they have stagnated in them. They are fine for clones, but I do not like them for seeds.

I assume that you're growing with coco as you are starting the seeds in either root riots or jiffy pellets? There's no reason not to start the seeds in soil then use coco in the pot up.

Edited by Casey Jones
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I don't know if this would help Casey Jones but I have been germinating seeds using a mini root trainer propagator with great results. I used to kill more seeds than I used to germinate :D but now get 100% germination with seeds in this mini propagator.



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@@Dosti I've tried those jiffy pellets and they are ok I suppose and have got some of them here, but you've still got the make the hole at the top larger at the top and sometimes they sort of sit, or rot there. The Root riots are a pain in the arse where you have to make the holes larger but not too large. I've seen me use them for seeds and even after germination they have stagnated in them. They are fine for clones, but I do not like them for seeds.

I assume that you're growing with coco as you are starting the seeds in either root riots or jiffy pellets? There's no reason not to start the seeds in soil then use coco in the pot up.

No mate, i was going to grow in aeroponics [amazons] but my seeds didnt germinate :( only got 2 chronic seedling out of 18 seeds...not pleased at all. Should have done what i do and get results all the time with: Jiffy pellet :)

I've just done option 2; wet the beans in a glass of water for 24 hours and then into root riot cubes today. So will see how it goes as not all beans have cracked in the water :(

I find jiffy pellets the easiest to use, no nutes or ph balancing to do. Wet the pellets, pop in the seeds and bung into propagator.

after 7 days i have given up, failed attempt and £120 wasted.

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It is the easiest way, no need for a heat mat or prop either if you didn't have one, normal grow room temp does fine.


a bit of warm soil a bit of moisture and a bit of light and away they go just like natures been doin forever


Agreed, Crackpot.

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