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Which political party is best?

Armitage Shanks

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DU405 Cannabis would be removed from the 1971 Misuse of drugs act. The possession, trade and cultivation of cannabis would be immediately decriminalised, roughly following the Dutch model. The trade in Cannabis would be the subject of a Royal Commission (see below), with a view to establishing a fully legalised, controlled and regulated trade. Small-scale possession of drugs for personal use would be decriminalised.

From the green party website mate :oldtoker:

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DU405 Cannabis would be removed from the 1971 Misuse of drugs act. The possession, trade and cultivation of cannabis would be immediately decriminalised, roughly following the Dutch model. The trade in Cannabis would be the subject of a Royal Commission (see below), with a view to establishing a fully legalised, controlled and regulated trade. Small-scale possession of drugs for personal use would be decriminalised.

From the green party website mate :oldtoker:

the only snag with the Greens, is their dogmatic rejection of nuclear power, which irks me (being someone who is quite happy to have as much nuclear power as you've got).

However, a colleague (true-blue Tory) tried to use this as a reason why I shouldn't vote Green. He had no answer when I pointed out that under Tory, Labour and Tory-LibDem s we'd had no new nuclear power either, so it's not like anything could change anyway.

He's in a bad place. Like me, he's pro-EU. Even he's admitted that he couldn't vote Tory if they go anti-EU.

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To be honest cannabis is fairly low down on my priorities for the next general election.

For me the best party to vote for is the one that makes sure the tories don't win in your constituency. It's all about strategic voting this time round, the only thing that matters is that the tories don't get another term.

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To be honest cannabis is fairly low down on my priorities for the next general election.

For me the best party to vote for is the one that makes sure the tories don't win in your constituency. It's all about strategic voting this time round, the only thing that matters is that the tories don't get another term.

As long as the price for a non-Tory victory is not a Labour victory. Look at how they are trying to out-Tory the Tories at the moment.

I *want* a coalition next government. And not just because it will give Mad Mel another chance to display her outstanding ignorance on the UK constitution. However, I want a coalition where no *two* parties get a majority. Imagine, if Labour had won a few more seats, and the LibDems had a few less, so that even a LibDem+Tory vote would be less than 326. *Then* we might see some more principled politics. It might upset the Tories to have to court the Greens, or Plaid Cymru or SNP* to get a vote passed, but hey - cry me a river.

*One reason why the issue of Scotland and Wales is not going to go away. It's hard to conceive of a situation where a vote which affects England is only passed because of nationalist support.

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TBH I'd even accept a Labour government next time round. OK, so they are utter cunts who have sold out the very concept of Labour, with a chinless wonder leading them (seriously, Ed Miliband has no chin), but they couldn't be any worse than the tories.

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It's quite impressive that I can keep some kind of sensible debate going, given that I've just fallen over 3 times trying to go for a piss, and when I eventually got to the bog I managed to piss all over my leg and my slippers lol

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Well I don't really trust Labour as well, however they are the only party talking about the cost of living, fuel poverty, food banks and energy companies.

Probably all lies but as said above anything would be better than another five years of tories demonising the working class and grovelling before the god that is dear dear Margret RIP.

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TBH I'd even accept a Labour government next time round. OK, so they are utter cunts who have sold out the very concept of Labour, with a chinless wonder leading them (seriously, Ed Miliband has no chin), but they couldn't be any worse than the tories.

I thought that about Blairs government compared to Majors. So never again. Ever.

I think we are seeing before our very eyes, a seismic shift in UK politics. Despite (or maybe because) of the efforts of the ensconced "big 3" (LibDems still have a lot of sway in local politics). I think the underlying issue is something I'm seeing in other areas of life and can be summed up with the rather odd concept that today's 50 year-olds are not the same as the 50 year-olds 10 years ago. By shifting the demographics of the haves and have nots, against a demographic that is itself shifting as a function of time, successive governments have managed to lose their connection with what they perceive as their "core vote". If it's any consolation, I suspect this is an *unintended* side-effect of "divide and conquer".

It will be interesting to see the outcome of the next election. However I am hoping that when the dust is settled, someone produces a study showing that if we had used proportional representation, then there could have been an outright Tory win, instead of a multi-party coalition.

Well I don't really trust Labour as well, however they are the only party talking about the cost of living, fuel poverty, food banks and energy companies.

Because talk is cheap.

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