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Which political party is best?

Armitage Shanks

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Sorry for the rather ambiguous topic title but I didn't want to make it too long.

So my question is:

Which political party is best for cannabis law reform?

Obviously there's very small parties which focus on reforming drugs laws. However, I'm talking about the main parties. We're not likely to see any change under the coallition or conservatives. What about if the Lib Dems had 100% power?

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Best at what? The only opinions I could offer would be best for stabbing in the face with a knitting needle.... no, actually I can't. They're all equally good.

Ask a stupid question.........?

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Best at what? The only opinions I could offer would be best for stabbing in the face with a knitting needle.... no, actually I can't. They're all equally good.

Ask a stupid question.........?

Did you only read the topic title?

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Did you only read the topic title?

No, I'm just not sure it's up to them. You really need to convince the Daily Mail, then whichever party happens to be in power will do what the readership says. If you're looking for someone to vote for, remember, a vote not to vote is still a vote. Seriously.

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I suppose the answer is the first one to realize the cash cow they are cutting off their nose to despite their face for. 5 million Colorado earned last week how long before the dumb arsed bastard government over here joins the dots and see's the £ signs.

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Dunno, I think none myself as they are all a joke, but as a rule I would say the worst is, ironically maybe, called, the cannabis law reform Party.

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A lot of people point to the Greens.

Since I refuse to vote for any of the "big 3" come 2015 (and this year in the EU elections) they seem the next choice.

I really hope there is a hidden majority out there that are as sick as I am of the 3-party yah-boo politics.

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