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seeds or cuttings

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Do you get better results from seeds or cuttings ? Had my first go with seeds did not crop as well as expected ok but not good asking round i am being told cuttings always do better second or third gen do best any truth in this advise please

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from what i have heard you can take cuttings from a mother plant. but if you take your cuttings from a clone you weaken the strain.so the quality of the final product will not be as good or as healthy as a plant grown from seed but i might be wrong :oldtoker:

hope this helps and happy cultivating :bangin:

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taking cuttings cannot alter the genetic code of the plant but cuttings can be infected with viruses that will inhibit the vigor of the plant.this will effect yield to a greater or lesser degree. you only grow mothers out of exceptional specimens, no point keeping crap plants!so basically you know what your getting with a clone. with a seed you are really taking a chance and unless their proper F1 hybrids you never really know what your going to get never mind the gender. BUT theres always a chance of an exceptional plant with seed. just be prepared to kiss a few frogs...

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Guest EvilMouse

Yep your wrong. Although some say miles down the line slight degradation might occur. There's clone only strains that have been growing 20+ years and they're still good.

Cuttings are good. They'll all be indentical so you know when the chop date will be. Most grow bushier than plants from seed with better yields with less veg time.

You can flower a rooted cut in a couple of weeks once it's filled it pot. Compared to waiting and veggin a seed for 6 weeks til it's sexually mature.

But you don't get clones without seeds ;)

Edited by EvilMouse
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thanks you say 6 weeks before plant is sex mature if a plant grown from seed is switched before being mature will this affect yield as this may be mt mistake

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clones are good for speed and knowing what you are going to get, every time. Seeds can be a bit of a bingo, some plants worth keeping some worth binning. Usually, clones have been those plants worth cloning displaying traits worth repeating, yield, strength, etc. Someone has usually already selected these traits, hence why they bother cloning, with seeds, you could end up with four or even five phenotypes in there displaying various traits, both good and bad.....some don't even resemble each other and could be completely different strains because there are genetic characteristics that are active/not active.

Find a mother, yield, characteristics, potency, stretch, etc etc and clone it. But this takes time and effort, some people find it better to pop a box of seeds and take their chances.....just a matter of preference.....and sometimes its easier to pop seeds than clone because you might only have one tent and cant have clones and flowering running etc at the same time...

That's it. Keep growing from seeds, yeah great, but expense and gamble, its sometimes better to get clones of proven strains/phenos. sometimes someone has already done the genetic selection already saving you time.


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I have 3 mums which are great.

I know exactly what I will get and when EVERY time.

I prep my cuts before I need them and top and train in their 3" cubes.

When I'm ready to go. veg for 10-14 days and flip them.

Barring a catastrophe, I know to within an oz what the final yield will be :yahoo:



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JB60...nice! way it should be but seeds provide an easy way if you cant keep mums...out of interest JB, what set up have you got for your mums, second tent? what light? how do you store your mums.....just interested is all....

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@@thedemon I have a seperate tent, 1m wide, 80cm high and 40cm deep.

Its split 30/60

The 60% side has a shelf and 2x4 tube t5s one above each shelf.

The 30% side has a 250w MH.

4" extract into main tent with passive intake

Will be getting a 1m2 tent in the next few weeks for a bit more room for mums



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For personal growing I think a good seed collection is a nice thing to have. There could always be that one phenotype you just want to keep and smoke forever but still just grow some seeds along side your keeper(s) so you have a variety as well as your favorites. Commercial growers should ideally just use clones every time imo, maybe look for a keeper from a pack of seeds just once and when you've found it then keep it and do lots of clones, easier to get the canopy even as well and the same feeding regime and stuff which is handy for hydroponics so the ec is the same and everything cos they're gonna be wanted to be treat the same. It's all down to what you wanna do really all our circumstances and views are different.

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Stuck to clones myself. This Second lot Just turned 12/12 are fantastic. The new clones Just 1 week old are doing really well.

intact they are the best l have ever done. ( So Proud of myself) ha ha. Would love to post pics but cant be bothered

with removing data from the pics. Soooo i will just enjoy seeing them bloom all on My own lol

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