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Noob needs help with seed please

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Hey guy's I have an issue, I ordered seeds and they arrived i got 1 and did'nt really have a clue as every thing i read was something different so i tried the seed between lightly moist tissues covered with 2 plates, Friend then called me who has germed seeds before but me been me thought i no it all (lol how wrong 1 can be) he said get a solo cup tear a rock wool cube to bits and make a bedding of rock wool, mist water on it so its moist and then drop seed in and lay a piece of rock wool over it as if its sleeping so i did and 2 days later nothing i do keep haveing to mist it. Im pretty lost i was thinking of dropping seed into a rock wool cube and pop in my priopagator see if that helps im lost should i leave it in bed near radiator or is that not good enough thanks

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You think i be best moving it from the cup and putting back on tissue between plates or should i just be patient and wait also do i keep misting the bed its in as it drys up fast with the heat bud thanks

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I put mine into a cup of water until they sink (usually 24hrs) then into the moist paper. Ive been using this method for quite some time and it works for me. Ts1

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I put mine in a clear shot glass water to the top, place a playing card on the top, put in in the kitchen cupboard, and within 48hrs i get a massive tap root showing..... 100% success rate (thus far)

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Sorry in l8 reply well it has a tail about 1/2inch long so i got a plant pot and filled it with cocoa soil and have put it in a room on its own under a 125cfl light my questions are do i give it 18/6 or leave light on all the time the seed is freshly planted today so no leaves showing yet also the light is about 18 inch away is that too far or ok thanks guys

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Hi, Firstly I'll go back to the beginning and tell you how I get seeds under way: I use a very small plant pot filled with westlands john innes compost for seedlings and cuttings. I place the seed in the pot with a very tiny amount of the john innes over the top. I then water the seed with water at a temperature of around 22 degrees (PH at 6.4). I use a clear plastic party glass (Cheap from Tesco) with a small hole punched into the top which fits over the top of the pot and acts as an incubator. This then gets put into a room along with my mother plants in a slightly shaded area and is therefore on a shaded 18 hours of light. The biggest problem you have to overcome is the seedling stretching, but if it does it's not a problem, all you have to do is get along nail or something similar and gently dig around the side of the seedling and then underneath it so it drops further down into the pot and then just gently recover the excess depression with the john Innes. From my experience you can do this several times even repotting to drop it further if stretched again. My advice is to continue to grow the seedling in compost until it gets to he stage in which it looks like a healthy cutting. Before you plant it into your Coco pot be sure to flush the Coco with 3 times the volume of the size of the pot with a mixed solution of water and nutrient with your EC set at 0.7 and the ph at 6.2 (Water Temp at 22 degs)

Oh and I forgot to mention before you pot into your Coco make sure that you gently break of as much as the old compost from the roots as possible with out causing too much damage.

Yes 18 hours of light

If your using a blue fluorescent grow bulb use approximately 200mm between it and the plant for distance else if you are using your standard grow room bulbs then at least 460mm or 18 inches in distance.

Hope this helps


English Oak

Edited by English Oak
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I would like to add a spin off from my previous post which relates to water temperature: I can't stress enough how important it is to get the water temperature right with relationship to anything to do with the plants roots. If any water is going anywhere near those roots whether it's in the form of a nutrient solution or a flush solution, make sure it's not cold. like you cold water can put the plant into shock and can damage the roots. Here's some tips that I use with success:

If you are knocking up ready to use Nutrients in a 10 litre bucket then take out one of those litres and boil it in a kettle and then put it back in to the bucket before adding Nutrients (This will get you somewhere near) If your area is experiencing severe cold weather then take out a further 250mls to boil and put back.

If you have a flood drain system with a large water tank it's worth buying a 20 litre tea urn in which you can switch on an hour before you fill your tank. Be sure to fill your tank at least half full before you add any hot water and make sure that you poor it in the middle of the tank and give a good stir. Then simply finnish topping up to fill level with cold water. This will take the cold sting out of the water and your water heater won't have to work so hard to bring up the temperature quickly.

Ideal temp = 22 degrees

Hope this is useful

English Oak

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thanks m8 its a 125 watt cfl light i use for the seed and havent got a cup i had plant pot and burried seed 1 knuckle deep and aimed it so the white tail was at say 11 o'clock as i was told it grows round and down used a propagator hood to cover it with light above maybe i should go lower the light now lol i may have had it about 1 foot from it as i got worried

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